Investing In Self-Storage To Generate Passive Income With Stacy Rowles-Rossetti – Real Estate For Women
Nothing smells of passive income better than investing in self-storage units. This isn’t your everyday job where you’ll wake up at 6:00 in the morning and manage your facilities. This can be done remotely, anywhere in the world. Get into self-storage with your host, Moneeka Sawyer and her guest Stacy Rowles-Rossetti. Stacy is the founder of StorageNerds and REI USA. She teaches people to invest in self-storage so that they can earn passive income. Her mission is affordable financial literacy. Join in the conversation so that you can start investing in self-storage. Do you want more time for yourself or your family? Listen in and learn how to change your lifestyle with self-storage.
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Investing In Self-Storage To Generate Passive Income With Stacy Rowles-Rossetti – Real Estate For Women
Real Estate Investing For Women
I am so excited to welcome to the show, Stacy Rossetti. She invested in self-storage, teaches people to invest in self-storage and owns StorageNerds and REI USA. Her mission is affordable financial literacy. Stacy, welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for letting me come on. I’m honored.
We’re so excited to have you. We’ve had nobody come on and talk about self-storage so far. I know that this is a hot topic and my ladies are going to love this. Thank you so much.
Anybody that wants to hear about self-storage is a friend of mine. That’s why I call myself a storage nerd.
Stacy, tell us your story. How did you get into self-storage and why?
I’ve been investing in real estate since 2010. When I first got started investing in real estate, I was wholesaling and rehabbing, if anybody knows what that is. What happened is in 2015, I got pregnant. What had happened for the first five years, all I wanted to do was rehabs. I was one of those crazy people that did like fifteen rehabs at a time. I was really crazy. I was like running around like a crazy person, stressed out. I got pregnant and then, of course, as a woman and as a mother-to-be, I started thinking to myself, “How am I going to take care of fifteen rehabs at the same time, take care of this little tiny baby? There’s no way at all.”
I was already working 100 hours a week. I basically told my husband I was like, “That’s it. We’re done with rehabbing.” He was like, “Okay. What are we doing?” I said, “I don’t know. We’re doing something that has to do with passive income.” I wanted to focus on passive income and up to that very point, I had not focused on passive income at all.
Essentially, I was always about like, “Let’s just get this rehab done and get to the next rehab.” When I got pregnant, I talked to my realtor and I have a realtor that I’ve had for years, the same one. I was like, “Can you get out there and start looking for passive income for me?” He was like, “What do you want to look for?” I was like, “I don’t know, whatever.”
Self-storage is a lifestyle investment. Share on XWe looked at portfolios of houses. I was like, “Maybe we could roll this money over into a portfolio of 10 or 20 houses.” We looked at multifamily. This is back in the day. Remember when nobody multifamily wanted to buy multifamily? Everybody was focusing on rehabbing and that’s it. All the multifamily deals that I looked at, they needed huge rehabs. At that point, I was like, “I’m done with rehabbing. I can’t do it, because there’s no way because I have to take care of this baby.”
What happened is my realtor was like, “What about storage?” I said, “What about storage?” He said, “There’s a facility at 15, 20 minutes from your house. Would you be interested in that?” I was like, “Yeah, possibly.” As I drove up to this facility, I already knew I was going to buy it. The reason why is when I drove up to this facility on the left side, it’s like an industrial area.
It was very run down. For me, anything run down doesn’t scare me because I’m a rehabber. I drove up to this facility and on the left side near where the keypad was to get into the gate, there was a huge pile of tires that had been sitting there for years and years. I had already known. I was like, “This is going to be a good one.”
Anything that’s ugly and scary looks like money to me. That’s what happened. I called my realtor and I was like, “Let’s meet the owner. I want to figure out what’s going on with this thing.” It had been sitting on the market for five years and nobody wanted to buy it. We can get into why, if you want to do that.
I knew when I drove up to that thing that it was just so dumpy and ugly looking, but I could tell that it was going to be a good deal if I could get that at the right price. I instantly fell in love with storage and been focused on storage ever since. That’s basically my story is that I got pregnant and then all I cared about was figuring out how to make passive income so I could stay home with my daughter. That was it.
I got two questions for you. First of all, why was it sitting on there for five years?
This is back in the day when property used to sit on the market for five years and nobody would buy it. 2015 was still coming in the upswing. You would have a property that was sitting on there forever. One of the main reasons why, so the name of the storage facility was Big John’s Storage. I told my realtor, I was like, “I want to meet Big John.” He was like, “All right, let’s go meet Big John.” I went over there. I already knew it was going to be a good deal, so guess what I did? I invited my lender. I invited my husband and then my realtor and then me. We all went over and met Big John. John was his name.
John was a little tiny old man, like 88 years old. I was like, “Why are you called Big John?” He’s like, “Back in the day, I used to be called Big John.” He was ready to retire. His wife wanted to move to Florida and been complaining about it for years, but nobody would buy this facility. He had to sell it first so that he could take that money and go to Florida.
We started walking around the facility and as we were walking around, essentially the way this facility looks, it’s a long skinny facility made out of metal, like a metal storage facility. It had 64 10×10 units. It was on three acres of land. It was a huge piece of property. What he did is parking around it. Remember that there wasn’t an industrial area. He was parking like big rigs and like tow trucks and stuff like this, but he had no rhyme or reason to how he was parking. He was just like, “Go find a parking spot, wherever you can find one.” Parking was all over the place. The place was super dumpy. The tires that you saw in the front of the building also were everywhere else.

Self-Storage Investing: Once you figure out how to automate and systematize your property, it truly becomes passive income. Then you will be able to manage it from anywhere in the world.
In fact, in the end, there were thousands of tires that we found once we bought the place. We walked to around and what my husband and I did is we tried to figure out how much money we could make on that thing. What we did is we talked to John and he gave us the story that he built it in 1980. For the first twenty years, it was awesome, and then the last ten years or so, he didn’t want anything to do with it. He ran it into the ground. This is very typical. This is what we call a mismanaged facility, so it’s very typical, and I only buy mismanaged facilities. The reason why is because I’m a rehabber at heart and I want to buy ugly properties and fix them up.
We walked around and we both counted. We figured out that we could probably have about 60 parking spaces in that area, and then we would have the 64 10×10 units. We asked John, I said, “How much money are you making?” He said, “I’m probably making around maybe $2,200, $2,300 a month.” If you calculate up 64, 10×10 units at like, let’s say $70 a month, and then another 60 units of parking at $70 a month, you come up to almost $8,000, $9,000, $10,000 a month. He was only making $2,000, $2,300 or whatever he said. Anytime they ever tell you a number, it’s always the wrong number.
I was like, “John, why are you only making $2,000 a month when you could be making like $10,000 a month?” He’s like, “I’m just tired of this thing.” He’s like, “It’s paid off. I’m making $2,000, whatever.” We basically got into, I said, “I want to buy this place.” I said, “I’m not buying it for $500,000.” He had it listed for $500,000.
If it was full 100%. It could have been worth $500,000 plus if he was actually having customers paying and stuff because the thing with commercial real estate, it’s all income-based. Essentially, if you say, “It makes $5,000 a month,” it’s valued at this much money. He was making $2,000, so he was making like $2,400 or whatever. He made $25,000 a year. It’s only valued at like $200,000, $250,000. That’s it.
That’s when I told him, I was like, “Nobody’s going to buy thing, John, because first of all, it’s a dump. Second of all, you’re not making enough money to value it at $500,000. It’s valued at $200,000,” so my offer is $200,000. He was like, “No. I’m never going to sell it at $200,000.” I said, “Okay. Just think about it. Actually, my lender is right here. He’s going to lend the money to me.” I said, “Rick, is it okay? Do you want to buy this?” He said, “Yeah, let’s buy this.” I said, “I offer $200,000.” He was like, “No. I’m not doing it.” “That’s okay. Just think about it. Let me know.” The next day he called back and he said he would do $250,000.
We picked that thing up for $250,000 and it took us a good couple of years to figure out what we’re doing with that. It was our very first facility, but we fell in love with storage. It’s really given us the life that we want now. We’re buying our 10th facility right now. That thing is making almost $100,000 a year. We got an offer of $950,000 on that facility.
How long have you owned it?
Five years in July 2021. Isn’t that crazy? That’s why I love mismanaged facilities and it took us a good year and a half to figure out what we are doing to get into how to automate and systematize everything. We bought four this year already, and we’re on track to buy ten for the year. Once you figure it out automated and systematize it, it’s like doing wholesale deals or rehab deals. You get into making it truly passive income. When you can make it truly passive income, then you should be able to manage it from anywhere in the world and that’s what we are focused on now.
Anything that looks ugly and scary can be made into money. Share on XHow much time do you spend to manage those properties?
We’re buying our 10th one now. We’re completely vertically integrated. We have 1,000 doors, essentially. We have my husband who manages the facilities and then we have our office manager, who’s the operations manager and does all the phone calls and things like this. We have like a boots-on-the-ground person to go around and overlock people and clean up the trash and all that stuff.
That’s it. There are three people to manage all that, and the two of them, the office manager and the boots on the ground person, can really do most of the work. Eighty percent of the work is done by both of them. My husband does the high-level stuff. He does the QuickBooks and the numbers and that stuff is what he does.
That’s the one thing I love about self-storage as well too. Everything that you hear about self-storage, it doesn’t take a lot of time. It doesn’t take a lot of effort. It really truly is like that, unless you become a mismanaged facility. All of the facilities that I’ve bought, essentially, the owners get up every day and go to their office and sit in their office and run their facilities.
For me, that’s a waste of time and money. I was like, “Why not automate that?” We’re completely electronic, completely virtual. Essentially, they just go online, book themselves, get their code, go in and do their thing. In fact, we haven’t even met any tenants in years. The first one that we bought, the very first one from Big John, that one, we were out trying to figure out what to do and meeting tenants and try to figure out how to automate and systematize everything.
By the second one, we were like, “We’re not going out to meet anybody. We’ve got to figure out how to make this electronic.” When COVID happened, we were already virtual electronic contact list. We didn’t have any issues at all. All the ones that get up every day and go and have the tenant sign a contract and stuff like this, those are the ones that were hurting. We didn’t have any issues at all.
Do you have any issues with people stopping paying and abandoning their unit or any of that stuff and what do you do?
The way it works is like, just think of the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent are going to pay on time, 20% are not going to pay on time. You put in rules. If you don’t pay by this day, you get a charge. If you don’t pay by this day, you get overlock. If you don’t pay by this day, you go to the auction process. You implement all these rules.
Most of the time, by the time the auction process comes up, we have very few. In fact, we haven’t even had any auctions because everybody’s paying, but there are those people that they get to the auction and then you’re like, “Come on, you better pay now. Otherwise, we’re going to do it.” There is that, and our office manager handles all of that.
How did you find your office manager and your boots on the ground person?
Just on Craigslist.
All of your units are in one location. You’ve got one boots on the ground person that manages all your units.
We’re only in Georgia, but we’re all over. We’re Southern Georgia. We’re all over Southern Georgia, but maybe within 30 minutes to 1 hour from each other, so he rides around and manages all of that is what he does.
Define mismanaged facility. Why don’t you define that and the definition between the two, mismanaged and income-producing?
Those are the two most popular types of facilities. Mismanaged is exactly what I said. They’re like 50% full or less. The owners are maybe only taking cash. They don’t have their books. Big John, when I asked him for his books, he opened up his drawer and pulled out his ledger. I have a student right now that’s buying a facility that has almost 300 units in it. Just imagine this, that’s 300 units and the owner does not own a computer.

Self-Storage Investing: Self-storage doesn’t take a lot of time. It doesn’t take a lot of effort either unless it becomes a mismanaged facility. Those are 50% full or less.
You find this all the time. Those are considered mismanaged facilities. The thing with mismanaged facilities is that you cannot go to a bank and get a loan for that. In the commercial real estate world, you have to prove income. If you can’t prove income, then the bank’s not going to give you a loan. That’s why you have income-producing properties. Those are really easy to fund and banks love storage facilities because you have very few defaults ever.
An income-producing property, then you could go to a bank and get a loan and you put 20% down and you can just go buy a property. Whereas a mismanaged property, they don’t have proof of income. They don’t have a P&L. They don’t have balance sheets, tax returns, rent rolls or anything like this. You have to find money from some place. Either you have to pay cash for it. You have to partner with somebody, you have to get a private lender to lend you the money, or you can get them to owner finance it to you.
Mismanaged facilities are a little bit harder to fund than income-producing properties. The question that you should be asking yourself is, if you want to get them to self-storage, it’s like, “Where can I come up with the money? Can I come up with a couple of $100,000 or not?” If I can’t come up with myself, if I have to borrow the money to get it, then I should be focusing on income-producing properties.
If somebody, or if I have a couple of $100,000, you could go and find a mismanaged property. What I love about mismanage is that you can double or triple that value within the first two years that you own that thing. That property that we have that we’re selling it now, we got an offer for $950,000. We’ve been full in the first 18 months to 2 years. It only takes a little while to get those up and running.
You did say that with Big John, your lender said that he would lend against it, but basically, he chose the value based on what the income was. Is that true?
If you pay cash for it, can you refinance it once you’ve gotten it up to snuff?
Absolutely. That’s exactly what you want to do. Once you get it to where it’s 100% or 90% plus full, then you could just go refinance it out and just get a bank loan on it.
For the bank loans, these are commercial loans, so they’re based completely on the value of the property. They don’t worry too much about personal income. All of your personal information that you would normally give for a single-family home. They do pull credit. Is that true?
They do look at credit, but it’s asset-based lending. That’s why I love commercial real estate. It’s really asset-based lending. That’s what you tell your sellers when you talk to them, it’s like, “You think it’s worth $500,000,” but the truth is, is that there’s no bank that’s going to fund this for $500,000, if you can only prove that you’ve made $2,000.
That’s how you get the sellers to say, “You’re right. I need to either prove that it’s worth $500,000 or I’m going to have to drop the price.” A lot of sellers don’t understand that concept because it’s like on the residential side. They’re like, “It’s worth $350,000,” but it’s really only worth $250,000. You have to be able to prove it and that’s what I love about commercial lending.
Through COVID, we’ve seen that there’s a big outflux from the cities. More people are moving a little bit more to the burbs. Not a little bit more, but quite a lot. I’ve always thought of self-storage as being really good in the city space where there’s not a lot of space. People are in condos or apartments, and so they need this self-storage because they don’t have a garage or they don’t have their own little storage in their backyard. Now, as people are moving out more into the burbs or have done that, have you noticed any changes in how your self-storage units are doing?
Every storage facility that we own is either in a secondary or tertiary market. There are three different markets, primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary would be in the city. Those cap rates of those facilities are super low, and then you have tertiary markets where it’s a mid-range cap rate. Those are burbs. Then you have tertiary, which is like country.
Storage is based off of migratory patterns and everybody is moving out. Especially huge, big storage facilities, companies like U-Haul and Public Storage, they’re looking at the migration of people and trying to figure out where are the trends. Where is everybody moving to? What cities are they moving to? What plays a key role in learning to invest in self-storage is number one, the population of cities.
Is it declining or is it growing? Is there a growth market or declining? You want to pay attention to that. If it’s declining, then it may not be a good area. Also, what you want to look at is you want to look at total square footage of a radius of maybe 3 to 5 miles, depending on if it’s a primary, secondary or tertiary market.
In life, everything follows the 80-20 rule. Share on XIf you wanted to go and buy a facility in a tertiary market, out in a city that has 15,000 people or 10,000 people, essentially, what you would do is like, “Within this five-mile radius, how many storage facilities are there?” You would take the total square footage of that and you would divide it by the population of that area as well too, and your number should be between 6 and 8 or something like this.
If the number is 6 and 8, then it’s a thumbs up, but if it’s on the outskirts of that, and it’s probably not a good deal. When you’re looking at investing in self-storage, you want to look at the population of a town, population of the area, total storage square footage, competitors, and look at the market and see if it’s a good deal or not.
We pretty much own most of our facilities in tertiary markets. Some of them are in secondary but most are tertiary. We’re 100% full in every single one. We bought one in January that was a mismanaged property in a small town in Georgia. It was like 50,000. It’s not super big, like 50,000 people. That one, he said it was full, but it was really just full of people’s crap and nobody was paying.
That one, we’re still trying to lease-up, but other than that, all the other ones that we have, they’re all 100% full. I have one that’s in a town of 300 people. It has 60 units and it’s 100% full. The need for storage is so great right now that even if you wanted to build, which is another way to get into self-storage investing, I highly recommend it. The material prices are a little bit higher, but that’s not going to last forever. We’re thinking about building as well too. We’re definitely going to be building.
Obviously, it’s within your space. Can people do this virtually?
What I tell all my students is, “If you are going to get into self-storage investing, you need to be making this truly passive income.” There’s no reason for you to be getting up every day and going and managing your facility. That would be considered a job, not an investment, so you want to make it passive income and you want to build passive wealth, and self-storage investing is exactly the way you can do that.
We travel 6 to 8 months out of the year and we’ll be traveling the entire year. We just bought an RV and we’re going to be traveling. We’re gearing up to be able to do that and try to figure out how we can do that. I want to prove to my students that you should be able to manage your facilities from anywhere in the world.
During COVID, when everybody was freaking out and staying home and hiding, essentially, what we did is just hit the road. We went to almost every state. We visited every state. We did sixteen national parks in sixteen weeks. We went to Florida and hung out there for a month. We went up to Maine and hung out there for two months.
You can manage and all of our facilities are in Georgia. We weren’t even in Georgia for eight months out of the year. We weren’t even there. I tell my students, too, it’s like, “It’s probably better for you to buy something that’s further away because then what it does is it makes you automate and systematize that business.” Whereas if we have one facility that’s probably twenty minutes from our house, my husband’s like getting up every day and just going out there and hanging out and doing whatever. All the other ones that we have are way in South Georgia, 4 to 6 hours away. He can’t do anything with those, so he has to let our boots on the ground person manage those. He has to let the operations manager manage those. Whereas the one that we have right around the corner, he always getting up and going over there because it’s just a habit.
Buy stuff that’s a long way away and learn how to automate and systematize it because that truly is passive income when you can do that. I think the best-kept secret in the real estate investing world is self-storage. I honestly really don’t understand why more people don’t invest in self-storage. It’s a lifestyle investment. You can truly make your life the way that you want to with self-storage investing.
I invested in a syndication for a self-storage where they were building a 500-unit facility in Pennsylvania. I invested but I haven’t done it myself. I wanted to get into it. I’ve also done a syndication into a mobile home park. I’m investing into some of these things I’m hearing so much about, but I just don’t know enough about them to look at it as a possible primary investment where I focus my time on it. Ladies, in EXTRA, we’re going to be talking about how to buy your first storage facility in the next 90 days. If you want to do that, at least get more information.
Definitely, we’re going to be talking about that in EXTRA. The other thing is I wanted to say that Stacy, I don’t normally do this, but I’m so delighted by Stacy’s knowledge that we’re talking about this topic, which many of you ladies have asked about. Also, I’m a little bit surprised. Stacy has a self-storage course.
When I’m out there looking at coursework for real estate, it’s huge. $997 is nothing in my book and it sounds like you can do this truly passive. This isn’t something I’ve tried, but you can do this truly passive lifestyle. I feel good about saying you really take a deep look at that because I’m watching Stacy. She’s walking the talk. In other words, when we first got online and we were in the green room and we were talking, she’s like, “I’m on the road,” but she’s got this great backdrop. She’s got this big great backdrop. She’s got this lighting. She’s got her mic, she’s got this whole set up.
Most people who are traveling when they come on the show, they’re crackly. Their backdrop looks terrible, but she’s got the whole setup. This means she’s actually on the road and she’s setting herself up to travel for a year, running this business. If that’s true, then it is really passive income and she’s proving it. To me, that says quite a lot on so many levels. I’d encourage you to connect with her. Her course is $997, but she does also have some freebies for us. Why don’t you talk to us a little bit about that?

Self-Storage Investing: When you’re looking at investing in self-storage, you want to look at the population of the town. You need to look at every detail to really understand the market and see if it’s a good deal or not.
If you’re interested, we’ll give you a link to go and get what’s called Stacy’s Six Step System to Storage. It’s a template. It’s like an eBook. It will take you step by step on the way that I teach, and which is I teach in departments. If you think of your self-storage investing world, and it’s like you have six different departments.
That is your office admin, setting up your office. Doing your marketing, getting your acquisition stuff done, getting the financing, managing the facilities and then possibly liquidating them. I go through each of those departments in the Six-Step System. It’ll take you step by step and it’s a process. You can get that for free with the link that we give you.
We’re still figuring out that. If you don’t know where to go, go to The reason it’s really important is I know a lot of you connect with my guests and then you just go directly through their link, which is fine. What happens is then I don’t know that you were interested in that topic or that person.
If you use the links that I post, then I know you’re interested in this topic, you want to hear more. You’re interested in that person, so maybe I bring her on more or we do some partnership, which then gets you better deals, but it’s great for tracking to figure out what you ladies want. You know I’m all about serving you.
I’ve talked to so many of you like, “I signed up with that person,” and I was like, “Did you use my link?” They’re like, “I’m so sorry.” It’s about taking care of you ladies. Whenever you go to any of my guests, go take a look at the blog post on If you sign up for their program or you get a free gift, use the link that I put in there so that we’ve got some tracking. It’s not like I’m going to come back to you with any, I know some people are like, “I don’t want to be tracked.”
This is simply marketing numbers so that I understand what it is you’re wanting from me. I’m not just covering topics that you’re not interested in. Sorry for that big thing, but I’ve been hearing a lot of ladies lately where they’re like, “I didn’t use your link,” but then I just don’t know what you’re wanting. Please go to Look up Stacy’s blog with the title where we’re talking about self-storage and use that link so we can track it. Did you have anything else you wanted to add, Stacy, before we move into our three rapid-fire questions?
I know we covered it all, but you did talk a little bit about lending and I wanted to just reiterate that as well too. You really want to get into self-storage. The truth of the matter is, is that if you’re super busy and you got other things that you’re working on, there’s nothing wrong with lending out just like you did.
The truth of the matter is, is you’re making money and you’re not doing anything right now just by lending that out. I always tell my students like, “Even if you can’t get in there, you don’t think that you can own a facility and manage it, because it’s just too much time of work.” Land. Get into a syndication or get into a fund or find somebody and partner, and you’d be the lender, and then that way you can still do it as well too.
It is a good way to test the waters and different asset classes to see what it is that you like, how does it work out? Someone else has the knowledge and is taking all the risks. Thank you for that. I have three rapid-fire questions for you. Are you ready?
I’m ready.
Stacy, give us one super tip on getting started investing in real estate.
Getting started in investing in real estate, I would say honestly, is like, “Just don’t be afraid to just take action and focus on marketing.” People do not market enough, especially in real estate, to find deals. If you’re not finding any deals, guess what? It’s because you’re not marketing enough. Take action by marketing and having a whole bunch of strategies for marketing.
What is one strategy for being successful as a real estate investor?
It’s the same thing. Take action. A lot of people don’t. You have to keep moving forward because guess what? In the real estate investing world, everything is 11th hour. It’s so annoying. I wish I had a deal that closed and it was just like easy peasy, lemon squeezy, but it’s not. We’re closing on a storage facility now that we are supposed to close. There are title issues and it’s so frustrating. You’ve got to keep moving forward because it’s just how it is in this industry.
What is one daily practice that you would say contributes to your personal success?
I’m a walker, so I’m exercising. My personal success is that I’m a busy person. I need a lot of energy because of all the stuff I do. I do the 12-3-30. It’s like when you get on a treadmill. It’s a twelve incline of twelve and like a pace of three miles per hour for 30 minutes. I do that 5 or 6 days a week, at least, and it gets me pumped up. I feel so much better mentally after I do my walk. Sometimes when I’m having a hard day, I’ll take a walk and it’s only 30 minutes of walking. I’m sweating to death. If anybody’s interested, check out the 12-3-30. It’s a great exercise.
This has been amazing, Stacy. You have me so intrigued. Thank you for everything you shared on this portion of the show.
I appreciate it. Thank you so much for me to hang out with you.
We had fun and I am so excited about the EXTRA, where we’re going to talk about how to get your first facility in 90 days. Ladies, if you are subscribed to EXTRA, please stay tuned. If you’re not, this may be the time to get subscribed. Go to, and you get the first seven days for free. You can get this one for free.
Take a look at the membership, and if you love it, that’s great, and if you don’t, you’ve just got some great content. Go to For those of you that are leaving Stacy and I now, thank you so much for joining us for this portion of the show. I look forward to seeing you next time, and until then, remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you next time.
Important Links
- StorageNerds
- Stacy’s Six Step System to Storage
About Stacy Rowles-Rossetti
As a real estate investing expert and coach, I have built my name on the results I have created – for myself and for my students.
Investing in real estate has changed my life, opening doors for me and my family and affording me an outlet for all my creative and entrepreneurial energy. Through scaling up a renovation company in Atlanta with hundreds of transactions to learning to invest passively through creative financing deals and storage facilities, I have not only overcome many trials and tribulations, but systematized and organized my days so that I can run several successful businesses.
Day after day, I work hard at what I do, striving to stay ahead of the curve by building on my knowledge and making shrewd decisions. This did not happen overnight, of course. My early days in real estate were slow, exhausting and hard, but little by little, I earned a sense of what worked and what I needed to do to achieve consistent results. Because I taught myself all this learning through experience and mentors, the process was gradual and required the utmost diligence on my part.
Today, I own and operate REI USA and StorageNerds. REI USA is an online education and networking platform that is exactly the tool that I would have wanted when I was getting my start, something that aspiring and established investors can turn to, a means to cutting your learning curve dramatically.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.