You will always have adversities blocking your path. The key is pivoting to unlock your true potential. Moneeka Sawyer presents Joe Evangelisti, a high-performance coach with over 5,000 hours of coaching experience under his belt and the host of the Legacy Blueprint Podcast. Joe shares with Moneeka that you need to follow your heart and gut when making decisions. However difficult the situation, you have to take action in some direction and know that it’s safe to fail. You need to be fearless. Do you know what keeps you back from being fearless 99% of the time? Limiting beliefs. Tune in to discover how to overcome limiting beliefs, pivot, and unlock your potential!
I am excited to welcome to the show Joe Evangelisti. He is the host of The Legacy Blueprint podcast and a high-performance coach with over 5,000 hours of coaching experience under his belt. His mission is to assist real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and business professionals in exercising their true power in finding their hidden potential to achieve more success, wealth and freedom than they have ever thought possible. Joe creates life-changing transformations by providing clients with the tools and strategies needed to create unstoppable momentum and breakthrough obstacles. He has helped hundreds of business owners to build better teams and cross the 7, 8 and even 9-figure mark. Joe, welcome to the show.
Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it.
I want to jump in and start with, how did you even get into coaching? Could you share that with us?
Redesign your business to serve your lifestyle. Share on XMost people ask how you get into business. Coaching is all different angles. Coaching started from many years of messing around in business and making a lot of mistakes, failures, trials and tribulations. I always tell people it’s hard to coach theory. You have to coach practice. You have to coach being in the trenches. I built my coaching practice the same way I’ve built my businesses, which is through trial and error, through doing it, through failing and pivoting. The coaching business was a byproduct of me going through many iterations of my business world, building different types of teams. I have a real estate background, a construction background. I built a pretty large fix and flip company.
Through the course of the process of building up these different teams, that brokerage, flip, rehab, and construction team, mentoring and coaching those teams along the way, you reach a certain level when people start to say, “How did you do it? Tell me how. Break it down.” We started doing events and we started doing meetups and masterminds. I went into this group coaching structure and then eventually morphed into one-on-one coaching. I get more passionate about working one-on-one directly with people because you get better results that way.
People hide in the crowd. Mastermind groups are awesome. I still attend them. I love being in certain groups and atmospheres, but it’s easy to go to a group like that and not get a lot out of it if you don’t put a lot into it. You can’t hide one-on-one. When you’re working with me, one-on-one, there’s nowhere to go. There’s nowhere to hide. I enjoy that much more. That’s how we transitioned into it.
Unlock Your True Potential: It’s hard to coach theory. You have to coach practice – through trial and error and failing through pivoting.
Do you spend more time now in your business in real estate or in coaching? What would you say?
I would say it’s about 50/50 now. The way that I’ve designed my teams and my real estate development teams is to get me out of it. One of the big a-ha moments that I learned probably 5, 6, 7 years into business is when I started to have those almost stress-induced meltdown moments that a lot of people have where I’m chasing and constantly working.
I remember being at that point in time where I had two young little girls at that time, new marriage, a new house and all that type of thing. Chasing after the next deal, the next flip, the next commission check, the next salesperson and working 80, 90 hours a week to stay busy, productive and pretend that I was getting somewhere.
I felt I couldn’t chase fast enough. I couldn’t run fast enough. There weren’t enough hours in the day to catch up and I know a lot of people feel that way. I had this moment where I said to myself, “I don’t know how long I can do this.” In my young 30s, at this point and I’m like, “I’m going to die of a heart attack. This is crazy. I’m not taking care of my body. I’m not taking care of myself. I’m eating like crap. I’m missing dinner.
I’m even calling in late and tell my wife I can’t come home. I’m not putting my daughters to bed. Something’s not right. This isn’t the way I designed it.” I made a big switch at that point in time and said, “I got to redesign my business to serve my lifestyle.” This is not why we get into business, to begin with. Isn’t that the whole concept is to create a business that serves our life.
Most of us give up our lives and the business owns us. It’s exactly what you’re talking about. I’m excited to hear about how you moved through that. I personally have moved through that several times, myself. Every single time you build a business, you get passionate about it. You have given everything at some point. You’re like, “I need to transfer out of that.” I’ve been through that transition myself several times.
Talk to us a little bit. We’re hopefully on the other side of the pandemic. A lot of us have been talking about the whole idea of a pivot. Changing our lives to be maybe economically resilient. Taking a brick and mortar and turning it into an online business. There’s a lot of pivoting that’s happening. Could you talk to us about your perspective on pivoting?
I heard this great saying at a podcast. At the beginning of COVID, sometimes these natural adversities that happen to us, like a COVID, a pandemic, or a thing like that, create these adversities in our life and our business that sometimes force us into uncomfortable situations, make us do certain things. The reality of it is maybe we should have been doing those things all along. Look at this vast dichotomy of different industries and businesses. During COVID, there was a subset of businesses, restaurants and hotels that there’s no pivot. You can’t stop people or create a business when your business is having people come in to eat.
You then see these other businesses that took off. That had 10 X the revenue and blew up and were hiring people. I believe it blew up because of the adversity. They made changes that they probably ought to have made several years ago. They downsized their offices. They went virtual. They created an opportunity for people. For me, one of my sales teams went virtual overnight.
We had thirteen people coming into the office to make phone calls. We said, “March 13th, 2020, it’s Sunday night. Monday morning, everyone on the Zoom.” Within a couple of months, that sales team, which is constantly recruiting in sales teams, went from all local salespeople to people working for me in Panama, California, Canada and New Mexico.
All of a sudden, I have this diverse pool of amazingly talented human beings from all over North America working for me, not just in my local area. I don’t know that I would’ve made that pivot had COVID not created that diversity for me. Sometimes pivots happen naturally. Sometimes pivots are things that we’re forced into but also, in business, we have to know in our gut when it’s time to make a pivot and not hold on and ride that ship into the ground too.
Talk to me a little bit more about that. Knowing when it’s appropriate and how to create that pivot?
At this level, it’s about deciding good business from bad business. Understanding how to take your mind out of it, going closer down to your heart and your guy. Making decisions down here instead of up here because here’s the thing, your mind a lot of times is going to create false images, emotions and things that maybe don’t exist. You tend to convince yourself or rationalize things that might not be the right move.
You might say to yourself, “I know this business isn’t doing well. It’s not making the revenue it should,” then we rationalize and tell ourselves, “There are good people that work there. It’s been around for a long time. What else are you going to do when you’ve been in this position for a long time?” If you break that rationalized word down into two parts, what we’re doing there is we’re telling ourselves rational lies about why the gut decision that you’ve already made was right all along. Now you’re convincing yourself, “Why not go with your gut?”
You have to take action in some direction and know that it's safe to fail. Share on XWe’ve all done this as business owners. How many times have you done this? You said to yourself, “I love that business opportunity, but I’m not ready for it. It’s too risky. That investment’s a little bit scary. I don’t know if I’m going to find the people to go along with me.” You know your guts telling you, “Do it.” You then rationalize, “I don’t know if that’s the right move for me,” if more business owners were learned to trust their instincts.
You don’t generally regret even the bad moves you made when you made them with your gut. If you look back on it, you’ll justify a gut mistake. When you make a mistake and you look back on you’re like, “I made a mistake, but I learned.” You regret the decisions that you made with your head that were bad mistakes. You look back on it and you’re like, “I didn’t analyze that enough. I didn’t count those figures. I wasn’t sure about that move. I should’ve thought more about that.” You’d regret the head mistakes. You don’t regret the gut mistakes.
In real estate, we see this all the time. You talked about one area that feels a little bit too risky. Even after we make the decision to take that risk, whether you’re flipping, you’re in construction. You’re looking for a renter or whatever it is that you’re doing, there’s a whole series of gut decisions that we have to make. Of course, you need to use your mind. We can’t use our gut.
We need to use our minds. We need to know the numbers. Businesses don’t work unless the numbers work. That’s the truth. All along the way, learning to trust your gut, it’s not in that one piece. It’s in the entire business. Who are you hiring? Who are you bringing on as part of your team? Who are you renting your places to? All of those pieces require getting in touch with who you are. That’s hard.
As business people, we’re trained, especially in this society, to be heady. It’s hard to get in touch with our guts. Do you have techniques or strategies? You have a lot of experience with it. For you, it’s now a natural thing. For me, that’s true too. I’ve been in business for many years. When your coaching clients come to you and say, “You haven’t had I get in touch with that.” What do you say?
Unlock Your True Potential: The more successful you get, the bigger the problems you have to solve.
It comes from practice, but it also comes from taking action. You have to take action in some direction and know that it’s safe to fail. It’s safe to fall. It’s going to happen. One of the biggest misnomers and it started becoming more into light because people are starting to talk about it. Several years ago, I felt everybody on Facebook was wealthy, perfect, every picture you took was amazing, they never did anything wrong and now, all of a sudden, the gurus are talking about how they fail all the time. The gurus are talking about how difficult things are and that’s the truth.
The truth in business is I get punched in the face every single day. The more successful I get, the harder I get hit. The more successful I get, the bigger the problems are that I have to solve. In fact, it’s the flip side of that. The more successful that you get, the more that you want to chase bigger obstacles to overcome. The more that you want to find bigger problems to tackle, the bigger your dreams get.
Jim Rohn has this amazing video and he was talking about the bigger, my dreams and my purpose are, the bigger, the things are that I want to chase. They become magnets. When I am magnetized towards my dreams and I’m being pulled through the trenches, mud, bad days, challenges, I have a bigger purpose dragging me through that. For people who are starting out, you have to decide, and this doesn’t happen far off enough. Why are you doing it? Are you doing it because you saw it on HGTV? Are you doing it because you want to build wealth? Are you doing it because you want to take care of your kids?
Fill in the blanks. Every one of us has a reason or has a why, but I don’t like it to be that, “What’s your why?” I like it to be, “What’s the purpose behind it?” People say I want to make $100,000 a month. Great. Why? What are you going to do with it? Nobody knows why. They always say I want to make $100,000 a month, but you don’t know why. You start to dial it in. You’re like, “I would give $10,000 a month in my church.” Let’s write that down. I would do this, I would do that and then you find out that $50,000 a month is a ton of money for certain people. It’s all relative.
The reason I say that is we’re always chasing someone else’s dreams. If you’re chasing someone else’s dreams, there’s no magnet in that because all I’m doing is looking across the table and saying, “I want to be like you.” There’s no why to that. There’s no purpose. There are no results. There’s no passion behind me wanting to be you. There’s passion in me chasing my dreams and being magnetized toward a bigger goal.
There were many little nuggets that I would love. That was unbelievable. Thank you for that. I agree with it and I’m not going to ruin it with my own commentary on that. What I did want to say for my ladies, to add my perspective on one piece of this, is that we talk on this show a lot about bliss. The way that I define it is this deep sense of joy and contentment. The confidence he can handle anything that comes your way. It’s about emotional mastery and emotional resilience. What I want to point out about this is that bliss does not mean that light is easy.
Bliss does not mean that we don’t have a full range of emotions. It means we live in a particular emotional place and that emotional predisposition allows us to have filters that help us to see the world in a certain way. I’m calling it bliss because, for me, it is a true joy to live like that. Does that mean that I’m not constantly chasing a bigger challenge?
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. Share on XNo. My life is not fulfilled unless there are challenges in it. Those challenges are what make me feel alive. Ladies, when you hear bliss, don’t hear easy. Don’t hear, “I’m always happy all the time.” Don’t hear there are no challenges because none of that is true. What is true is that it allows you to have a predisposition to succeed. That was the only thing I wanted to add to that.
That was perfect.
Talk to me about this idea of having the right aces in their places. I know we’re going to talk a deep dive on that in EXTRA, but could you give us a high-level view on that?
Aces in their places mean one thing. I wrote a book called Multiplicity and it talks about the five freedoms. One of those freedoms, we always talk about financial freedom. That’s all you ever here. I will say this you can’t have financial freedom without the other four. One of those four is what we call relationship freedom. It is the ability to work with, to be with, to engage with, to have friends who are people who you want to be in your tribe.
When I talk about aces in their places, I’m talking about creating a culture and an opportunity around you inside of your business and your life. What that looks like is if it’s a side hustle, if you’re starting as an investor and you want to go build a team. You still need to have aces in their places. You need to have a great realtor. You have a great insurance person. You need to have great subcontractors, potentially. You need to have great electricians and plumbers and material suppliers.
Creating aces in their places for me, it’s finding out who are the people who are going to help me create the opportunity to succeed. That I can also help them along the path, it’s never a one for one, or it’s an I take and I don’t give. It’s how do I create alignment with your unique ability, something that you are passionate about that I know that you’re going to be successful there and I know that I can help you gain. How do I take that superpower? We all have a superpower.
I say this all the time, you might be the most amazing ice skater, house builder or cake baker, but if I find out that you’re the most amazing person and I could somehow put you in a seat or a place where we get paid together to do that and I can create an opportunity for you, that makes me a good visionary. That makes me a good leader because now we both benefit.
I’ve created an opportunity for you to be passionate about what you do and go exercise that passion because, let’s face it, not everybody is an entrepreneur. You might not be an entrepreneur. You might’ve been stuck in a 9:00 to 5:00, which you were afraid to leave. Now I’ve created an opportunity for you to make way more money and opportunity doing what you love to do in an environment that you love to do it.
That’s creating aces in their places. It’s trying to find the right passion, the right unique ability and create an opportunity where these people can work in harmony and team up to be great at what they do. Ultimately replace me and replace each other. Even if I’m the CEO, I tell everybody on my team, “I want you to replace me. I don’t want to be the CEO. I want to be on the board somewhere.” That’s the idea. The idea is that you work your way out, right or work me out of a job. This idea of creating aces in their places is understanding your people’s true passion and abilities. Making sure that they’re performing at their best based on what they’re great at.
Unlock Your True Potential: Relationship freedom is the ability to work with, engage with, and be friends with the people you want to be in your tribe.
My next question is, how do you do that? We’re going to talk about that in EXTRA. We’ll do a deep dive on that because it’s what Joe’s magic is. It’s what he does best. I want to get a deep dive into that. You talk a lot about culture. For me, in my real estate business, I outsource everything. My realtor, my finance people, my insurance, all of that. That’s an all-in outsourced thing in my business. Is building a culture important? How do you do that?
Think about it. Why do people go to work for a guy like Elon Musk? The guy’s certified a bit crazy. He says, “We’re going to Mars.” What happens? The top engineers on the planet quit their jobs to go work for him for little to no money. They will take a pay cut to move to some desert in Texas, to live out of a sea container, to work for him because of his vision and the culture that he’s created. That’s how important culture is.
People want to be part of a greater good, a greater contribution. They want to be part of something bigger. As the visionary, you have two jobs. Your job is to create the vision. What is the story? Where are we going? Be crystal clear about that, that people could believe you. You can’t change your mind every fifteen minutes or people are going to be like, “I don’t know who’s driving the bus. I’m terrified.” Create that story and then back it up with opportunity.
I’ve created a story. The story might be bigger and scarier. Trust me. I’m sure there are times where Elon lays his head down at night and says to themselves, “How the heck are we going to get to Mars? I don’t even know how we’re going to do this. I don’t know if all the top engineers in my company know how we’re going to do this.” I’m sure he second-guesses himself but as a visionary, you have to constantly be driven towards that mission and creating opportunity.
Now you have to fill the aces in their places. I got to figure out who’s going to get me to that vision? How does my team going to build around this vision? Where am I missing links? I call them my TBDs, my to-be-determined seats. How am I going to fill this bus with the right people to get me to that vision because my vision is way greater than the people who are surrounding me or it should be? If you want bigger dreams, you need bigger visions.
As a visionary, it’s not visionary if it’s comfortable. If it’s not keeping you up at night, if you don’t have self-doubt, if you don’t have the, “I have no idea how this is going to happen,” then it’s not visionary. It’s been done. Just because people are visionary, confident and successful does not mean that they don’t have self-doubt, that they don’t frequently stay up at night going, “What am I thinking?” Yet, they can’t let go. You don’t have to be a visionary to be successful. That’s the other thing that I would do want to tell you, ladies, because I know a lot of you want to buy a couple of houses. You want to put your kids through school.
You don’t want to have this huge vision that is awesome too. It takes all of us to make the world go round. Understanding all the way from the bottom, all the way to the top, we all have self-doubt that should not be something that stands in your way. It’s a mandatory requirement in order to expand your life. You’re not going to expand if you sit in the same place where there’s no self-doubt.
The definition of success, people have all these different measuring tools of comparing themselves to others. Earl Nightingale essentially said that success is creating a worthy goal and working towards it. That’s it. Whatever your worthy goal is. If your worthy goal is to create five rental properties and have some passive income for your family, that’s your goal.
There’s nobody who’s going to sit back and say to you, “That’s not good enough.” The reality of it is if you have 1 or 2 rental properties, you’re in the top 5% of Americans and that’s amazing. Nobody should be standing there saying to you, “The guy down the street has fifteen.” Who cares? The reality of it is you’re doing what success is for you.
I want to emphasize that, Joe. Do what success is for you. Not for me, Joe, your dad, your colleagues, or your kids. It’s important when you’re setting your goals and getting connected with your culture. What is it that you’re trying to put out there? What is it that you’re trying to achieve? Your big why. All of those have to do with you, not anybody else. Can you talk to me about the best investment you made and why?
I’ve invested millions of dollars in real estate. I always still say this to this day, that the best investment that I’ve ever made is in myself. I have for several years now had masterminds and one-on-one coaching. I’ve hired coaches for everything, mentors, personal trainers, well over six figures a year for several years, sometimes probably in the double six-figures. Everybody’s different and it’s not a measuring contest. One of the biggest challenges that people have is they want to get better, but they’re chasing away from investing in themselves. When you invest in yourself, you have skin in the game.
I’ll never forget one of my first coaches. This is probably going back many years now that I think about it. I was a real estate agent and my first coach was $500 a month or something like that, which is not a ton of money, but it’s not pennies. At that time, she was twice as much as my car payment. I was leasing an Acura back then. I was thinking to myself, “I got to close an extra deal or two a month to justify having a coach.” She was incredible. She helped me to be accountable. I was petrified to get on the phone with her every week. Thinking to myself, “If I don’t show up prepared and ready to go with my numbers,” Carol’s going to hang up on me.
“She’s not going to let me go. She is not light on me.” If I would answer that phone and be lazy, she would hang up. That was it. There was no callback. We had 45 minutes every Tuesday. She made me a better salesperson because she made me accountable and committed to my numbers. I remember immediately getting results. By month two, I had doubled my sales. By month six, I was the top salesperson in my entire office and I was 24 years old. I remember thinking back, “This coaching thing’s wild.” You got to take a gamble on yourself. You got to put some money out, but it’s wild having somebody who’s what I call a co-creator.
A great coach shouldn’t be telling you what to do or how to do it. They should be co-creating with you. They should be working you through it because the reality of it is you probably have had most of the world experience you need to get the results. A lot of times, simplicity is the path to mastery. A lot of times, it’s right in front of us and we’re looking for all these shiny objects. We’re all over the place trying to figure it out.
The reality of it is, for the most part, with a notepad, a pen and a cell phone, we can be successful. We’re chasing all these other shiny objects and inevitably, we end up in our way. Sometimes dialing it down, hiring the right person, having the right conversation and focusing on what I call high-gain and high-income activities it’s all you need to do to get what you want out of life and business.
A great coach shouldn't be telling you what to do or how to do it. They should be co-creating with you. Share on XI love that because much of the time, I talk about the best way to set up your business and the streamline it is to start with a spreadsheet. What are the activities that you’re doing? My advice has to do with having a Word doc that you can access from anywhere to take certain notes or do a spreadsheet. People are all about the high-tech solutions, all the cool stuff, the CRMs and where do you get your leads and all of this stuff, the call centers.
Sometimes do with simple, intuitive and start there. Don’t get into all the shiny objects as far as strategies and opportunities, but there are also shiny objects on how we are running our business. I love it when another super successful person says, “A piece of paper and a pen.” That’s where we start. It can be as simple as that.
I have the saying that experts don’t know how to add. They know how to subtract. Always trying to add more, add more, “What else can I put on my plate?” The reality of it is not on your calendar, plate, personal life or your home life. I know we’re talking to a lot of ladies who are reading. I coach a lot of dads. I’m coaching more on personal life than I am on business.
The reality of it is people come to me because they want their businesses to scale. What do we do? We turn around, I go, “Tell me about your home life? How are you taking care of your body, mind, kids and your wife? What does it look like at home?” We start working on that stuff and immediately start making more money.
It’s like, “When I become a better dad, I start making more money.” I never thought about that. When I started dating my wife again, all of a sudden, my life became happier. No kidding. This is the reality of things. We look past the seemingly simple stuff, which is the basics. You ask somebody, “Why do you do what you do?” “I do it for my kids. I do it for my family.”
“Why do you miss every soccer game? Why do you not have family dinners? Why haven’t you taken your wife on a date in nine months? Why haven’t you bought her flowers in many years?” They go, “I never thought about that.” You’re not doing anything for your family. It’s a ruse. You’re making it up. What I want to do is dial back to let’s become a better person at home, in my life, and now, all of a sudden, the money is easy.
We have time and money. That’s our two resources. That’s it. I’m sure you’ve been in real estate and you’ve lost money. I’m positive about it. I’ve lost millions of dollars in the process of making millions of dollars. I’ve lost time. I’ve never gotten time back. You can’t get five minutes back. You can’t get 30 seconds back. You can get your money back.
You can lose a lot of money now and get it all back tomorrow. How many successful people do you know have filed for bankruptcy? I know quite a few. I don’t know anybody that’s ever gotten a minute back. Focusing on home life is generally one of the things that increase financial life. We got off topic there for a minute. I don’t know how we ended up going down that rabbit hole.
That’s how I’ve coached. I was an executive coach for many years and that’s exactly what it was, is get your life back in alignment with who you are. My last question before we move towards the three rapid-fire questions is how can my readers become fearless? Do you have tips for that?
Tony Robbins has this great thing. He says there’s the four S’s and I don’t want to jump into all of them, but there’s state story strategy and standards. The story is our identity. It’s who we are. With that, going down this crazy rabbit hole, you get to decide who you are. You could decide tomorrow you’re going to be a more aggressive salesperson. You could decide tomorrow you’re going to become a happier person and treat everyone nicer. You get to decide. That’s the craziest part about who we are as human beings.
We’re the only species who can wake up tomorrow and be someone different. Fearless is an identity. What’s keeping you from being fearless 99% of the time is some limiting belief. It’s something that somebody taught you, some experience that you had, or some past belief that you’ve learned along the way that got you to this point that’s holding you back. We call these paradigm shifts.
We’re all experiencing these paradigm shifts. As we go through life, I call it the model of our world, our MOW. We all have a model of the world that we’re looking through, almost like a lens and we’re changing prescription glasses constantly. We’re upgrading our site through a different lens. I say, “If you’re looking in the mirror and you’re looking at the person you are now, most likely the person from six months ago couldn’t handle the challenges. If you’re growing as a person, as an entrepreneur or as a leader, six months ago, you couldn’t handle the challenges you’re handling now or maybe several years ago.”
Put things into perspective. What are we being fearless about? What are we trying to overcome? You’ve probably overcome challenges in the last several months that the person of you several years ago wouldn’t even consider stepping into that obstacle or wouldn’t even consider being in that atmosphere. I look at what we’re doing now from a development perspective. To keep it personal a little bit, I’m developing self-storage deals. I used to flip over 100 houses a year. One development deal is worth ten times more than all the houses I’ve flipped in one year and it’s scary. You have to put yourself into a different paradigm. You have to put on a different set of glasses.
What I would say is reflection is one of those ways to determine what my limiting belief is. What is it that I’m afraid to step into? How do I create that big dream that’s going to magnetize me to pull myself through this little obstacle? The reality of it is when you get to the other side, when you get closer and closer to that big dream, you’re going to look back and you’re going to say to yourself, “What was I afraid of?”
I remember when that thing I was doing was scary and now I look back on and go, “I remember when it was scared to flip the house.” I didn’t see the last 400 that we did. I never stepped foot on them. I’m not saying that to brag again because that’s not the point. The point is that you get past a certain point of scary and all of a sudden, it becomes mundane.
In order to become fearless, I think perspective has a big part of it. Remember, all problems are problems of perspective. Some problems for people who are reading now are not problems for you. Some problems for you aren’t problems for me. Maybe my problems aren’t problems for you. It’s all a matter of perspective the way we look at them. I think unlocking those limiting beliefs, trying to figure out what’s holding you back, pushing you to the next level or helping you get to that next level is all-important steps there.
Unlock Your True Potential: What’s keeping you from being fearless 99% of the time is some limiting belief.
I released my first TEDx Talk and it’s been a two-year journey for me from what I decided to do or was asked to do it and finally realized. Once I landed it, I had to write the talk because you don’t write the talk to you, land it because there’s a theme and all this stuff. I had to write the talk and then I had to give the talk. The video gets released and you see if anybody liked it. It’s like heroin.
The thing is that when I made that decision a long time ago to do it, I couldn’t see me on the red dot. I couldn’t see what was going to happen. I didn’t even know what the big message was or that I was good enough. Part of being fearless is saying, “I don’t know what this is going to look like, but I identify myself as being fearless and therefore, I will keep stepping forward.”
When you do that, on the other side, you’re forever changed. It may not be something as dramatic as I did my TED Talk because there was a deadline and something happened that I’m forever changed. I loved what you talked about with how much you’ve accomplished in the last years and understand that you are forever changed if you continue to grow. It could be an event or it could be a time period, but recognize that and recognize that being fearless is simply an identity. It allows you to take the next step.
I’ll add to that. I believe that the TEDx piece that you’re going through had to be a decision from the heart and the gut. That’s what got you there. You know it’s the right thing and that’s why you decided from there and move forward. I think it’s going to be incredible for you.
Before we get into the three rapid-fire questions and EXTRA, could you tell us how we can get in touch with you, Joe?
People can visit me on social media, Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s all Joe Evangelisti or @JoeEvangelisti. They could also go to if they’re interested in coaching or one-on-one.
You have a gift that you give there. Could you tell us about that?
If they go to, my team will do a fifteen-minute one-on-one session to tell people to unlock time. I find one of the biggest challenges is what we call controlling the clock. We’ll do a fifteen-minute one-on-one session to help you unlock time and create a little bit more timeframe for you.
That’s the only resource we never get back. Thank you so much for that. Joe, are you ready for our three rapid-fire questions?
Let’s do it.
Tell us one super tip in getting started investing in real estate.
You got to get started. Find a way to get started one way or the other. The joint venture, go take down a property, find it with private money. If you’re going to put 20% down, find a property and take a step towards it. There are many ways and methodologies in getting started nowadays. You can buy a duplex and live in half. You can buy a quad and live in one of the units. I’ve seen many in the last couple of years, friends of mine, who’ve gotten started doing it that way.
If the risk is your concern, do it that way. Live in half of it. Be a landlord and live in half of it. Take action in what we call intelligent and inspired action. Don’t overanalyze. I was interviewing somebody and she called and said to me, “I have a real estate degree. I have an MBA and I went through FortuneBuilders and paid them $75,000.” I go, “That’s amazing. How much real estate do you own?” She says, “I never bought a property.”
You’ve made an investment of $200,000 into your education and you’ve never bought a rental property. I barely graduated high school, folks. I went through a bunch of colleges only because the Navy paid me to go through a bunch of colleges and I still never got my degree anywhere. I built a portfolio worth millions of dollars. I can do it. I’m not smart. I feel like too many people over-analyze and get afraid of the risk instead of taking it. You’re going to screw things up. Go out there and test the waters. That’s the only way it’s going to work.
Tell us one strategy for being successful as a real estate investor.
One strategy is to get involved, get invested. The second piece is to build a great team. You have to be thorough about who’s on your team, who you do business with, or who your joint venture partners are. Protect yourself first. A lot of people I see get involved are worried about doing a deal that they’re not paying attention to how much equity they give out or bringing in their best friend as their partner. Next thing you know, there are four people in on a single-family house. The reality of it is if you’re smart, you’re the one doing the research, you know what you’re doing, you’re capable, you can raise the money or you have the money, go out there and take it, do it, buy that duplex.
You don’t need four partners to do it with. Go out there and take a step forward. Get a mentor, get a coach. A lot of times, you’re better off paying somebody a couple of thousand dollars to mentor you rather than take on a partner and give them 50% of the deal. You’re going to wake up a couple of years from now, and you’re going to put a couple extra $100 thousand in your pocket as a result. That’s a better investment in my mind to help somebody get involved in a deal.
Ladies, recognize that when he’s talking about a team, he did talk about a mentor as part of the team. That’s a different way of looking at that. Your mentor or your coaches are part of the team. They’re part of the business ecosystem. Talk to us about one daily practice that you would say contributes to your personal success.
The daily practice that I can’t live without is my morning routine. I usually get up at 4:00. I go to the gym. I work out from 5:00 to 6:00. I come home. I meditate, I journal, I read and I do all this to get prepared for my girls who are going to start school because I want all my routine done before I wake them up in the morning. My time with my daughters is in the morning. I get them dressed in the morning. I have breakfast with them and I take them to school. For me, it’s early in the morning. The reason I give you that asterisk is I want people to work in what I call their zone of genius.
Find a way to get started one way or the other. Share on XMy zone of genius is getting stuff done early in the morning. I’m most productive when I build that protection mechanism around my head and my mind. I work on my body and my mind first thing in the morning. Some people can’t do that. Some people have practiced that and they’re like, “I’m miserable. I can’t get up at 4:00 AM.” Don’t do it. If you’re amazing from 10:00 AM to 12:00 midnight, then protect that time. Be good at that time. Have a routine and rituals that work for your zone of genius. Figure out when your time is to be amazing. When you can be quiet, alone and alone with your thoughts, that’s going to help you accelerate the growth and get you closer to your dreams.
This has been amazing, Joe. This conversation, I want to read it all over again. Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me. It was great.
We’ve got more ladies. We’re going to be talking about getting the aces in their places. We’re going to talk about how to do that, which we’ve talked a lot on the show about building teams. I love Joe’s perspective on this. I’m excited for that deep dive. For those of you that are already subscribed to EXTRA, we’ve got more. If you’re not subscribed to EXTRA, this might be the time you want to.
Go to You get the first seven days for free. Check it out and you can stay subscribed or not. For those of you that are leaving, Joe and I, thank you so much for joining us. Until then, remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires.
Joe Evangelisti is a high-performance coach with over 5,000 hours of coaching experience under his belt. His mission is to assist real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and business professionals in exercising their true power and finding their hidden potential to achieve more success, wealth, and freedom than they ever thought possible. Joe creates life-changing transformation by providing clients with the tools and strategies needed to create unstoppable momentum and break through obstacles. He’s helped hundreds of business owners to build better teams and cross the 7, 8, and 9 figure mark.
In addition to his private coaching practice, Joe serves as the CEO of three 7 and 8 figure companies, and his real estate portfolio includes single-family, multi-family, self-storage, and cold storage. Prior to building his business and real estate empire, Joe served in the military as a Builder in the US Navy Seabees. He holds Letters of Commendation from the US Navy and The White House, a Letter of Appreciation from President Clinton, and numerous service medals. Joe lives with his wife Ashley and their 2 girls in beautiful Haddonfield, New Jersey.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.