Ideas pass by us every day. But only the best ones grab those ideas, write it down, and put them into action. If you’re one of those that let ideas pass you by, then you need to know that money loves speed. Bestselling author and one of the world’s top motivational speakers, Dr. Joe Vitale, greatly believes this. In this episode, he joins Moneeka Sawyer to dive deep into this concept with his book of the same name, Money Loves Speed From Stress to Success: Revealing the 8 Laws of Attracting Money Fast. Dr. Joe also emphasizes the power of our mindset as a strategy to achieve our goals. You don’t have to lose hope in achieving big dreams because that big thinking is what we need for a high dose of energy and enthusiasm! Find out how to make your ideas count because the sooner you act on them, the sooner you can see the results.
I am delighted to welcome back to the show Dr. Joe Vitale. He is a prolific author of many bestselling books, including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and the book we will be highlighting, Money Loves Speed. He’s one of the world’s top motivational speakers, a popular star of the movie, The Secret and an internationally famous expert on the law of attraction and clearing beliefs. He created the Miracles Coaching program to help people achieve their dreams. He’s once homeless. He is a model of prosperity who believes in miracles and has spent the last decades learning to master the skills of channeling the pure creative energy of life without resistance. Dr. Joe, welcome to the show. How are you?
I’m here with you, so I’m great. It’s good to see you and be with you again. I love your spirit, laugh, charm, smile and eyes. I’m great. Look where I’m at.
I don’t even know what to say to that. I’m blushing.
Just say thank you and move on.
Thank you. Dr. Joe, the book of yours that I’ve read was Money Loves Speed. I was so attracted to it because I love the title. Could you tell us a little bit about why you chose that title and a little background on that?
I’ve written several other books since that book. Sometimes the book of the month guy, they’re used to be the month club. I’m the book of the month of authors. There’ve been a lot of books but that one is a very popular one among people. I’m glad that you brought it up. Money Loves Speed is something that I’ve wanted to talk and write about for a long time.
The very title is one of the laws that I talk about in the book. I say there are eight laws of money and these are not banking laws. These are mindset laws. These are on how you use your mind and think about the world. It’s more of the psychology and maybe the metaphysics of money. Money Loves Speed is one of those principles.
I so like it that I’ve talked about it over the years. People have quoted me. They keep saying things like, “Joe says money loves speed. Remember, Dr. Joe, says money loves speed.” I thought I should explain it because not everybody understands it. The title is one of the principles. Would you like me to explain it and jump right in there?
I would love that. I’ve got plenty of places I want to go to but this is the most intriguing to me so I want to start with this.
Money Loves Speed, in short, means that when you have an idea for a product, service or something to implement in your business, you need to do it as quickly as the idea comes to you to be the first to profit from. To expand on this, what it means is most people do get ideas. They get ideas, whether they’re in the real estate business, a small business operator and an entrepreneur.
They get an idea of a way to market. Maybe that hasn’t been done before. A new product or service but what do most people do with that idea? They sit on it and dismiss it. They might say, “That’s a good idea.” If they’re smart, they’ll write it down but most people won’t act on it. They’ll think it’s a good idea. They’ll sit on it and then what happens is it falls away. It disappears.
When you get that idea, act on it. The sooner you do, the sooner you can see the results. Share on XIt was Tony Robbins who said, “How many of you ever had an idea for a product or service?” People raised their hands. He said, “How many of you six months later was driving down the road and you saw your product or service being sold?” They all were like, “That was me.” This is the principle of the universe. I believe the universe feeds us ideas. When we take the idea and run with it, the universe knows it, notices it and gives us more ideas.
The whole principle of Money Loves Speed means if you got an idea, segment, product or service marketing maneuver, do it and do it now. I have written 80 some books. I’m pausing for you to catch your breath because even I am impressed. I didn’t count the books. Somebody else said, “Joe, did you realize you’ve written 80 books?” I’m like, “No. I’m busy writing the books. I’m not counting them.” The reason I do is that when I have an idea for a product or a new book, I generally start writing it right then and there. I don’t let the self-talk get in my way and that’s the thing people want to be aware of.
When they have an idea, they talk themselves out. They say, “Not me. Not now. I don’t have the skills, experience, education and funds. I’m too old, young, fat and too thin.” As you and I both know, those are excuses that will keep them from their own good. Money Loves Speed is a chant, mantra, reminder and law. That is something I’m putting out there in the universe to remind people. “When you get that idea, act on it.” The sooner you act on it, the sooner you can see what the results are and most likely, they’re going to be great. If you don’t act on it, as Tony Robbins pointed out, somebody else will and you will miss out.
What comes to me when you talk about this is that people are always like, “I don’t know enough. I need to learn more.” The thing is that taking action is better than taking perfect action. You need to get in the game in order to even play. Certainly, you need to know enough rules to get in the game but you don’t need to know all the rules. You can learn as you go along.
What I love about the Money Loves Speeds concept is that people, so much in the real estate world, my investing ladies, they’ll be like, “I need to wait until I have money, whatever it is.” The thing is that if you don’t start, you’re going to lose the motivation of the moment. It doesn’t necessarily mean that things that could, mean that things happen fast for you but even if they don’t happen super-fast, nothing will happen unless you take those first set of actions.
I want to elaborate on a couple of bits of information. One is the action part of it. I’m in the movie The Secret, which people criticized for saying it was magical thinking. It didn’t talk about taking action. I’m the guy in the movie saying, take action. I literally say that in the movie, yet a lot of people fudge, go into self-sabotage and don’t take any action.
Why don’t they take any action? Some of it believes that magic is going to take place. I believe in magic and miracles but I also know that besides 87 books, I have fifteen music albums I’ve recorded. If I sit and think, visualize and meditate about the music albums, they don’t get recorded. I have to take action, book a studio, get my musicians and my guitar, go in the studio and do something.
That’s the first level. It’s a reminder that nothing happens without action. We live in a universe that requires co-creation. You have a part to do. You may not have to do all of it but you no doubt have to do some aspect of it. When you do your part, the universe comes into play and will fulfill its part. There’s a little bit of dance of energy but if you don’t do something or don’t take action, then nothing happens. You end up complaining about things.
The other aspect of what you’ve pointed out and this is important, is people wait for everything to fall into place. They want to know how, the map and the whole strategy from here to whatever the end zone is. What I’ve discovered is that there is no map. There isn’t a map when you first start taking action. You create it by your action.
It was Steve Jobs who said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward but you can connect them looking backward.” What that means is when you’re sitting here and you want a great big real estate deal, you’re inspired to do something and starting to imagine how the end result will be, as you sit at this moment, you don’t know all the steps to get there. Once you get there, you can piece it all together, turn around and go on an interview with you and tell the story. Now, there’s a story. I remind people of Teddy Roosevelt’s quote. He said, “Do what you can with what you have right where you are.” That’s brilliance right there.
By doing that, the next step becomes apparent then repeat. You do that enough times and you’ll get to whatever the end zone is for you, your goal, outcome and intention. Then you can look back and go, “The story unfolded. I know how that piece connected to this piece,” but you don’t know at this moment. All you’ve got is a goal and a desire. You have to get up and start moving towards it.
In the real estate market, we get a lot of the, “I’m waiting for the market to correct.” They’re trying to time how things are going to go. I remembered years ago, I was on TV in San Diego. The producer came to me and said, “I love your show. I wish I had bought real estate years ago.” I said, “Years from now, you’re going to say the same thing.” It’s important as you say, “Don’t miss the bus, because the bus is driving by with or without you.”
Those are great points. What I have found with my experience with realtors is that too many of them give their power away. What I’m referring to here is much like you were talking about. They’re looking at the market and what the market is doing. They’re overlooking something that I don’t see realtors thinking about. That is the idea that the realtors influenced the market. Part of that is with their mindset.
If a realtor is thinking, “I can’t do such and such because the market is doing such and such,” they have played the role of a victim. They have given their power away to a market that they feel they have no control over and influence. I can certainly understand where they’re coming from. When I felt like a victim as I was going through these stages of consciousness, you keep giving your power away and the rest of the world pretty much agrees with you because they all feel like victims anyway.
If you go to a realtor meeting and go, “The market is bad this month or this week,” most of them are going to agree with you, which is going to confirm your victimhood status, confirm it to them and they’re not going to get much done. As you know, I went through an ugly divorce. It was more of persecution but at the end of it, I came out on top. When I had my house back, I built it up into an empire and an estate. I had it for years, so I put a lot into it. I was ready to sell it.
I got a realtor who had become a friend of ours. This realtor was gung-ho, energetic, positive, charming and said she was got to get it out there to sell it. We started with a listing price below $1 million. As there were very few nibbles for it, she started to give all the power away to the market. She’s saying, “Clearly the market doesn’t want this, not at this price.” On one level, I understand that.
On one level, realtors who are reading this understand that but I want to push a little bit here. I want to be helpful to the people that pay attention to you, your audience and everything and empower them with a different kind of thinking. If there are any group of people that need what’s called a disruption, it’s realtors because realtors are thinking in an old-school way. Almost all of them are still giving their power away, much like this realtor was.
She was saying, “We should lower the price.” I’ve never been a realtor. I pretty much am listening to her and say, “We’ll lower it a little bit.” Over time and months, she wanted to lower it even more. I started to get more frustrated, thinking she was not marketing it. I started to refer to her as a listing agent because, in my mind, that’s different than somebody who goes out and tries to sell or market something. Instead of being a marketing or selling realtor, I started to think in my mind and I told my partner, Lisa. I said that “She’s a listing agent. All she’s doing is listing. If people don’t respond to the listing, she lowers the price. She knows at some point, the lower the price, you’ll find somebody.”
I’m like, “That’s insane because if you said this million-dollar home is worth $50, somebody is going to pay $50 because you lowered the price.” Quit marketing on price. There’s one thing I did and this was me not being a realtor but me being a marketer. I wrote a sales letter about my home and sent it to my database, my mailing list and fan base.
Success is about mindset. It's all about the law of attraction and the power of intention, visualization, and positive thinking. Share on XI made the letter all about my home. I called it the House of Prosperity. I said the House of Prosperity is where I wrote some of my greatest works. I was filmed for The Secret. During that time, I have filmed 17, 18, 19 other movies in that home. I came up with some of my greatest ideas like hypnotic writing, buying trances and the book The Attractor Factor, which is what got me into the movie The Secret. I wrote all of that in that home. I made the home the star.
Instead of going house for sale, the number of acres, acreage and square foot inch and here’s the price, I wrote something that was more like sales literature. I mail it to my list. We started getting leads for it and ultimately, sold it. My whole point is that a lot of people give in to what they think the circumstances are not realizing that they have more power. I constantly hear realtors who do fantastic, no matter what the market is because that’s not the market. It’s the realtor.
Fifty percent of the women that read this show are realtors and agents and then about 50% are investors. This applies so dramatically. Ladies, I hope you didn’t tune that out because we are investors. Sometimes we think the only way that we can compete to get a property is with price. Dr. Joe gave you a perfect example of price is not the key. There are an awful lot of factors that we have influenced over, that can get us the right properties. If you say, “I can’t go into this market. It’s a hot market.” Make 30 offers. That’s an opportunity or start to meet people who might have properties in their back pocket.
Marketing is everything. Price is a tiny little piece of that marketing package. I love the way you talked about that, Dr. Joe, with the realtors. On the investor side, I hope you caught that because I know so many people are like, “You were right out of COVID. We don’t know what the market’s going to do. I don’t know if I can even get a house.” What a 1 million excuses and 1 million good whys about why things won’t work for you. What you need to do is change that paradigm. Find the million good whys that will work for you and then go after it with your creativity.
I want to tell you another story that’s even more amazing in terms of all the lessons that are within it. This is about a young man, a 36 years old at this point, who is a billionaire realtor in Thailand. This isn’t a millionaire or multimillionaire. This is a billionaire. He’s doing it in real estate during tough times, including COVID.
I want to tell the story because this story has inspired me. I met him years ago. He invited me to speak at a seminar that he was putting on in Bangkok, Thailand. I didn’t want to go. I was like, “This is a long flight. I’ve never been to Thailand. I’m not comfortable doing that much travel.” He was paying me well, taking care of my first class and he promised to put me up on an island by myself for a week for rest and relaxation as a gift to me.
I kept thinking, “Who is this guy?” He also kept saying that he owed his success to me. I have to meet him. I flew all the way to Thailand. He meets me at the airport. There’s this young man at that point, 34 or 35 years old. He tells me this most amazing story. He puts me in the van to drive me to the hotel where we’re going to do his first event ever. He says that fifteen years ago, he was homeless. He was twenty years old, homeless in title. He’s originally from Sweden. He hated the country, darkness and cold.
When he inherited $2,000, he used it to buy a ticket to the warmest place he could think of, which was Thailand. He didn’t know anybody in Thailand. He didn’t speak to the Thai language. He goes there. He parties away the rest of the money. He’s homeless. He calls back home to a friend of his and says he needed help.
The friend says, “I’m not going to send you any money, but I’m going to send you a book.” I thought that was a big bold thing to do for his friend. He sends my contact in Thailand a book and my contact in Thailand is upset. He’s starving, homeless, hungry and needs a roof. He doesn’t have any money. He’s given a book. He says, “Maybe there’s something to the book.” The book was The Secret, which is the book that came out after the movie The Secret.
This movie was first. Then the book came afterwards. It’s all about mindset, the law of attraction, power of intention, visualization and thinking positively. Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor, all of us are in that book. He starts reading it and says, “I’m going to prove this book wrong.” I love that he said that because he’s coming as a homeless man, totally angry and skeptical. He says, “I’m going to prove this book doesn’t work.”
He goes out to prove it doesn’t work by visualizing little things like a cup of coffee. Somebody buys him a cup of coffee. That was probably a fluke. Let me visualize it for lunch. Somebody buys him lunch. Over a few days of testing, he says, “Maybe there’s something to it. Let me try doing it on a job.” He gets a job. Then he tries doing it in an apartment. He gets an apartment.
Long story short, fifteen years later, he is the largest real estate developer in Southern Thailand. He has twenty other businesses, including a gym, gas stations, coffee shops, an attorney’s office and more. He’s running virtually all of it from his phone. He is wheeling and dealing on a level that made my jaw drop. He showed me pictures of some of the real estate properties.
He was networking with hotels like Best Western and some of the others that were building in Phuket and Bangkok. They were working with this 35-year-old kid who was homeless fifteen years ago. He used and is still using all the principles that I talk about. That’s why he said he owed his success to me, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor.
I looked at him and said, “You went down the road a lot further than most other people with what you learned.” I helped him write a book called Homeless to Billionaire, which are his wealth principles. I often tell this story because I’m thinking, especially for people who are into real estate or into investing, this man has used the very principles that some people dismiss as metaphysical or woo-woo. He has used them to build his own empire. I’m in regular contact with him. He remarried. He’s building another house. He’s still doing business in COVID.
This story sends tingles down my spine. What I get from that are two big things. The first is our mindset is everything. There are a lot of mindsets that we talk about on this show. People are always like, “Why aren’t you talking more about strategy?” Nothing is going to happen in real estate unless the real estate between your ears is handled.
Seriously, it’s so important because everything that you see is through the filters of your mindset. If the filters are, “I can’t do it,” everything you’re going to see is I can’t do it. If the filters are, “I can do anything,” it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks or says. You will be able to do so much more than most people could even imagine. That’s so amazing.
The other piece is my parents came to this country newlyweds from an arranged marriage. They didn’t know each other. They knew each other for three weeks. They had $200 in their pocket. They are self-retired with multimillion dollars. They took their whole family to my dad’s 90th birthday in Tahoe for a week. They’re doing great. How do they do that? Not because people told them they couldn’t. How many ladies are listening with all of these, “I can’t. I don’t have enough money. I don’t know how to get started?” At least you have a bed you’re sleeping on, which this guy didn’t.
I also wanted to point out that mindset is a strategy because if we don’t have our mind correct, meaning that it’s aligned for the positive, it will cause us to fail. We will self-sabotage ourselves. We’ll blame everybody else, the market, economy and other realtors but it’s not about that. What’s going on is between our ears.
This is the most important thing. I mentioned my marketing background. Way back in the ’90s, I was learning marketing and coming out as a marketing consultant, marketing copywriter and this, that, and the other. What I realized when I tried to help people with their marketing and I would write ads for them and sales letters is if they didn’t believe in themselves, their product or service, they would find a way to make my ad not work.
They would change something and then rationalize why they changed it. Not realizing that if you change it, it would fail. I realized that before I could teach anybody marketing or I could do marketing for them, I had to help them with their mindset. For me, mindset is the very first strategy. I tell people, “We live in an optical illusion.” Life is an optical illusion. You get whatever it is you believe.
If you believe that there’s a lack and limitations and the marketing is bad, you will go out into the world. You’ll do your Google researching and everything. You will find evidence. You’ll pull it all over and go, “Look at the study right here. Look what the recent paper and the real estate news are saying right here.” By the same token, if you believe, it doesn’t matter what the market is. You’ll find examples like my friend, Andres Pira in Thailand. Doing well despite COVID or anything else, you will find evidence.
You will go on Google and get all kinds of documents and research to prove. “The market is going great. Everything is on the upswing. Realtors come in. This is where you got to cash in.” What’s true? Both are. The lack and limitation world and the abundant mindset world are both there. It’s a matter of which one do you choose. The one you choose is the one you’re going to see.
When I was homeless, I looked out into the world and it was the world against me. I felt alone. I’m the same guy in the same world. I don’t think that way because I changed my thinking. To back up, all of this is a mindset. This is why I wrote books like Money Loves Speed, The Awakened Millionaire, Attract Money Now, The Attractor Factor and all of these other books that are mindset-oriented. When you take care of the mindset, then the real estate sales, the money, then all the other things you were longing for will finally start coming. They’ll come easier and faster.
Mindset is a strategy. I love this thing when you said, “Is it true?” This is a question that I ask myself all the time. Is this true? Is that true? Is it true? Who is it true according to? What do I want to be true? Is it true for me? Is it really true? How do I know it’s true? This is Byron Katie’s work. I ask this all the time. Is it true?
Some realtors do fantastic no matter what the market is because it is not the market that matters but the realtor. Share on XOne of the things that you talk about in your book that made me giggle out loud was your zombie billionaire thing. I want you to explain the strategy that you gave in that. My ladies are going to love this. Part of how I relate it to this strategy or technique was with the start of the question of, “Is this true? Is this playing out in a way that I believe is true?” Do you want to talk about this? It’s so much fun.
I don’t even remember that chapter. It’s a problem of writing as many books as I do.
You talk about the whole zombie billionaire was its own thing but the piece I love that you talked about is if you go to a party and tell people about your dream and they don’t think you’re crazy, you’re not thinking big enough. That was the very big first piece about that. Another chapter was the Twilight zone mind control. “I need to be crazy, which I love because I am. Is it the fact that I’m crazy true? If life isn’t playing out the way I think it should, how can I change that?” That’s where we go into the Twilight zone mind control.
The Money Loves Speed has so many different chapters in it that I love. I put them in there because I so love them but at this point, I’ve forgotten a lot of them. Thank you for reminding me of the zombie millionaires one. I had seen a documentary about billionaires. One of the questions that came up there is, “How a billionaire thinks?” One of the billionaires said that, “If you go to a party and you tell people what your big dream is like you’re a realtor and you want to do something gigantic, if they don’t laugh, you haven’t thought big enough.” They should look at you like, “That’s impossible.”
It should be an uncomfortable laugh.
It should be one of those where they don’t believe it. Then you know you’re on to something. It’s a little bit like Richard Branson. If he goes to a party, he might’ve said years ago, “I’m going to go into space. I’m going to go on my rocket ship.” Elon Musk says, “I’m going to shoot one of my cars to Mars.” Most of us are like, “What in the world are you drinking?”
That big thinking is where we want to go because it activates our energy and enthusiasm that juices within us to think big and do big. That excites me. I’m already getting even more excited thinking about those ideas of what’s possible. Part of me is like, “Anything is possible. There aren’t any limits.” All the limits are mental constructs, which leads to what you were talking about is questioning.
I’m going to use an example that comes to mind. We look at the moon every night. I don’t see any real estate up there. I’m thinking, “Why not? Why isn’t there a building, hotel and Starbucks up there?” Why isn’t there a realtor that is saying, “I am selling acreage on the moon.” We have to do some adapting to make sure that our vegetables don’t float off into space or whatever happens to be adjusted. That’s the big thinking that we should be entertaining because first of all, I think it’s true. Why isn’t there any real estate on the moon? Why isn’t there a billboard up there that says, “Shop Amazon daily. Go to Joe Vitale’s website,” something along those lines.
The next part because part of us is going to doubt ourselves or the possibilities, we want to ask those questions you’re talking about. “Is it true? Is it impossible to sell acreage on the moon?” I don’t think it’s impossible. It might be a challenge. I don’t know that anybody’s trying it. Hopefully somebody is. Examples like that where we can go and ask ourselves, “Is it true that we can’t do that?”
That leads us to questioning our own beliefs, which is important. We believe in a belief-driven universe. We don’t like what we’re getting. It’s because of some beliefs about what we’re getting. We want to question those beliefs, so one of the great ones is, “Is it true? Where’s the evidence that it’s true? How do we know that it’s true?”
Let’s question it like a good detective and dismantle it in the Twilight zone thing. I’m a big fan of Twilight Zone. In fact, Rod Serling, who wrote almost all the episodes and introduced them, I got to meet him when I was a kid. I was shy and insecure in high school but he was cool. I realized he was a short, chain-smoking and insecure little man.
I realized, “If he can do what he’s doing, I can do it too. I can be an author too.” There was one Twilight Zone episode that I never forgot. They were all unique and psychological but there was one where this man was working in an office and he’s giving orders. He’s about to go on a trip, this, that and the other. All of a sudden you hear this great, big booming voice that yells, “Cut.” Then there’s dead silence.
His walls start to be pulled apart by people who are working around it. He realizes he’s on a movie set. He didn’t know he was on a movie set. He was playing the role of a businessman in an office going about his daily duties but after somebody yelled cut, he stopped. The set starts to be dismantled. He has this abrupt mind-disorienting moment where he realizes none of it was real.
I use that technique as a self-help technique. When we get caught up in our negativity, we started hearing all of the excuses in ourselves. “I can’t go to the moon. I don’t know anybody going to the moon.” There are people going to the moon. You can meet them if you reached out and tried. We start going into, “I don’t have the education and experience.” “Stop. Cut.”
I paused to let the silence reinvigorate a little bit. We do that in our brains. When we do that in our minds, we seize control again. We realized, “Wait a minute. Cut. Let’s reverse and reengineer our thinking.” Let’s take two. It’s all we want to do. That scene got screwed up. Somebody didn’t read the script right. Cut, redo, start the scene again and let’s be positive.
Dr. Joe, you’ve been on movies and television. I’ve been on a lot of TV shows. Here’s one thing I know, you can do a cut and a retake as many times as you like. Take 1, take 2, take 4. Keep doing it until you get it right. It’s okay and it can be fun because you learn so much along the way.
In fact, this is worth looking at for a moment. A lot of people stopped going for their dreams and start putting themselves down because they get sucked into the illusion of social media. They see photos of realtors who are saying, “I sold this property. I made this much money.” They forget that whoever’s posting that is cherry-picking their photos, moments and successes.
They don’t dare tell you where they screwed up, where the deal fell through or where they struggled for quite a while because they want the illusion of success to be out there. If you buy into that, you can be self-reflective and self-destructive because you’ll think, “I’m not good enough. I’m not a success like that.” They aren’t either.
They are doing what you talked about. They’re taking take 1, take 2, take 3. “Take three was the one we’re going to use. Let’s use that and get rid of the other two because we don’t want that out there.” They do the same thing with photos and their results. Don’t fall into the illusion of social media. It is tap dancing around our brains, making us feel like everybody else is partying, successful and happy. We’re not. We don’t see the entire scope of things.
I’ll give a personal example here. I mentioned that I went through a two-year divorce, which ended up being a persecution of my life in business. Most days during those two years were not happy. They were not pleasant. They were agonizing. My father and my best friend died during that period. COVID came during that period. Family members attempted suicide during that period. Most of this is not happy.
However, every day I posted 1 or 2 videos on Instagram and Facebook that were positive messages. You never once saw a glimpse that I was going through hell. I was doing that in part to make sure I was doing my mission and helping other people but if people looked at that and thought, “Joe’s happy all the time. Look at him. He’s always a success. He’s got another book deal and a movie,” you overlook the reality of life itself. We all have bumps in the road, challenges and disappointments. When you go through it, you realize you’re not alone. Other people are promoting, like me, the good stuff. We’re putting that face out there.
It’s not just that you’re promoting it. You’re focusing on it. Every time you do one of those videos, you’ll need to focus on what you’re talking about, which is a mind shift for you. You’re in that space where you get to talk about that authentically. It’s going to change who you are in that moment and on that day.
That’s a great reminder because I’m doing it in part for me too. I’m saying that I’m sending out a message because I have quite a few followers and I want them to stay up during trying times because they’re all going through something of their own. When I do it, I’m also going up a little. It’s making me feel better. I get a reward from doing it. It’s not just them. It’s also me. It’s a win-win.
Before we finish, I would like to talk a little bit about the website about the book because this book is amazing. Ladies, this is so much fun. If you get the audio, which you should, you’ll even get to hear some of his songs. It’s such a fun book. I love this and I love the way you read it, Joe. I love that it’s your voice. That’s great. Tell everybody how they can get the book.
I’ve got a website and a $2 offer. You can have the eBook version and the audio version read by me for $2. Just go to For some reason you want the actual physical book, you have to go to Amazon. I don’t know what it costs, $20, something like that. You’re going to have the printed copy that way but if you want a $2 investment to have a little skin in the game, you’re going to have the eBook and the audio version but go to
Every time I talk to you, I feel lifted up. You have this amazing energy. I want to thank you so much for spending this time with me.
Anything is possible. There aren't any limits. The limits are mental constructs, which leads to questioning. Share on XThank you. I am honored. I love seeing you. I love being in your energy. You’re doing great work for great people so thank you.
Thank you. Ladies, thank you for joining Joe and me for this show. You know how much I appreciate you. I look forward seeing you next time and until then. Remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon.
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:
He wrote the bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.
He also wrote Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth. It, too, became a #1 bestseller and was picked up by WalMart.
One of his most popular titles, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More reflects an ancient Hawaiian practice, known as Ho’oponopono. A fan favorite, Joe has hosted multiple live events on the subject, nation-wide, and he has created quite a following on this title alone.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.
When do we muster more courage to focus on what we really need and want in life? Join Moneeka Sawyer and David Wood of Focus CEO as they delve into staying focused on your goals and staying on track so you could achieve your personal and professional happiness. David shares how he discovered personal growth and why he’s an absolute advocate for the truth. We learn how important it is to stay committed to growth, self-expression, and emotional freedom because the world is changing and we need to adapt in order to stay on the path. If you need a boost up in your courage and confidence in facing life’s challenges, then this show is perfect for you.
I am excited to welcome to the show, David Wood. He quit his career as a consulting actuary to Fortune 100 companies to create the world’s largest coaching business. He now coaches rockstar entrepreneurs to double their revenue faster, overcome shiny object syndrome and be more extraordinary entrepreneurs and humans. David, welcome to the show.
Thanks, Moneeka. I’m glad to be here. I like how you grounded yourself before we started this interview. It gave me a chance to take a breath, drop in, feel into my body and maybe even a little beyond. I’ve done 160 interviews and I haven’t seen a host do that. I’m appreciating that about you.
There’s no possibility for perfection. There’s evolution and you learn every step of the way. Share on XThank you so much. That’s such a great way to dive into your topic too. When you’re doing something and you want to be extraordinary at something, I can’t say I am extraordinary but that’s certainly my goal, you want to make sure that you can focus, that you’re grounded and present in every moment, breathe, thought and piece of the conversation, don’t you think?
That’s the goal and the ideal. I’m not always there but how present can I be? Sometimes mid-sentence, I realized I stopped breathing. I could take a breath because it’s easy to get amped up when I get excited about things. It’s a constant journey. Get excited and amped out, but can you also stay grounded at the same time.
It’s a skill and thank you for recognizing that. I want to know a two-minute version of your story of how you became the guy that you are now and doing what you’re doing.
I didn’t realize this was the story until I started podcasting and answering questions. When I was very young, I had a tragedy in my family. My little sister was killed when I was seven and I was there. I witnessed the accident. I didn’t know until years later that I had switched off a large part of myself. Now the benefit was I got good at schoolwork, left-brain stuff, numbers, money and systems. I came top of my school. I got paid to go to university then I landed a job at a corporate consulting firm on Park Avenue in New York. I’m like, “This is rocking and I’ve got it made.”
I discovered when I found out about self-help, which I was very reluctant to go to and I’m like, “These people all wear name tags. They’re smiling way too much.” When I went and did it they cracked my heart open and I realized I had a lot to learn about intimacy, vulnerability, communication, leadership and influence. I knew nothing about those things. I’m an unusual coach. I’m good with the number systems and money but that’s not my main priority. I’ll help you with that. Let’s make more money but I care about how you show up in the world. How’s your courage, truth-telling and self-expression? I want everyone to be able to die with zero regrets knowing they gave it everything they can.
I live in Silicon Valley. I am surrounded by brainiacs everywhere. They live in their minds. They’re all about the numbers. They’re software programmers and changing the world with what they create but they’re not connected to themselves. Often, they’re not connected to each other or to their partners. They’re connected enough. We see this in different pockets where we all live. We see societal expectations form the communities and the way our relationships work but they’re not as much into self-help usually. To watch you and have someone on the show that’s gone from that similar mindset as your mindset, heartset and connection make such a big difference in your success. It’s lovely to have someone on the show who’s made that transition.
I’d call it making that transition because I’m a work in progress. I’m not perfect by any means. I’ve lots of flaws, vices, crutches and all sorts of things. Hopefully, one of the differences between me and the average bear is I’m watching a little closer. For example, there was a shooting in my local supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. I was having my reaction and then I’m watching the reaction. My initial reaction was one of fear and like, “Maybe I should leave the US.” This was my safe bubble and my safe bubble is getting smaller all the time. As I kept watching it, I’m like, “Is that the reaction that you want to have?”
I started having a little compassion for the shooter. It’s not a lot of compassion but a little bit like, “How unhappy would someone have to be to go and start shooting in a supermarket?” I started feeling compassion for the people who were injured, then all of the people which includes a lot of the world right now who might be feeling fear at that. Someone else got shot. It wasn’t me but we still feel fear. I’m a constant work in progress. My work is never done. If I ever get to that point, I’ll probably be dead.
Thank you for that vulnerability because that’s true of anybody who’s deep into the path of evolution, that developing our mindset, our heartset and the people that we want to be and how we show up in the world. That’s a constant evolution. As you say, it only stops when you die. How long are you able to actively engage and becoming your very best self? That’s what you decide. You will continually evolve until you die but you decide how long you completely engage. I love when you talk about it in such a vulnerable way that, “I’ve got so far to go.” I say the same thing. There’s no possibility for perfection. There’s just evolution. Thank you for sharing that.
It’s funny that I present a great image when I’m speaking and it can sound like I’ve got everything together. I’ve learned a lot. It’s great and I’m happy to share that but I want to be transparent and say that there’s another side. You guys should hear me swear when I’m playing a video game when it’s not going well. I even get annoyed. I could be playing with some fifteen-year-old in Sweden. They quit with not even a good game and I still get annoyed. I’m like, “Where are your parents? Why aren’t they teaching you how to shake hands properly?” You still got lots of judgments. I’m taking it on as a challenge like, “Can I have my heart open even while I’m trying to win, crush and dominate? Can I be giving if someone quits and disappears?” I’ll go and chase them up and say, “You played a good game.” I got plenty of flaws. Don’t worry about that.
You talk so much about truth. What do you think it’s so hard for people to talk about that naturally? Why do you think it’s important?
As a kid, I know I wasn’t always rewarded for telling the truth. You get in trouble and there’s a definite hierarchy in most parental situations where the parent has all the power. I learned and a lot of people learned how to tell lies. I heard a developmental expert say, “Don’t get upset when your kid tells a lie. It’s an important part of their evolution that they learned to fabricate something.” I was like, “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” That was my life. I haven’t spoken about this in a show. My parents are good people with integrity. It’s not like they lie or go out of their way to rip someone off.
My mother is 78 and my dad is 83. They’re selling the caravan which is a big deal because I guess they’re no longer going to go caravanning. I’m not sure how I feel about that. She said, “This guy drove from Sydney in the rain for two hours to check out the caravan.” He’s deaf, can’t speak, uses sign language and he said, “He sent the money via his app.” The money hadn’t arrived and my mother said she didn’t have the heart to send him back to Sydney and have him do another drive to come and get the caravan when the money arrives. She let him take the caravan. She’s like, “I’m just going to trust him that the money’s going to come.” It’s an $8,000 caravan.” I have a lot of respect for my parents’ integrity. If my mother could ever steal money from someone else, then she wouldn’t trust this guy. She couldn’t even imagine that someone could not follow through with the money.
They have that and yet a lot was hidden as I grew up. Maybe you don’t say something because it’s going to be awkward. You don’t say that because it is going to get you in trouble or you tell a white lie. That’s very common. Fortunately for me, I discovered personal growth and I had some good coaches who were showing me another way of being. They showed me what it’s like to have pristine integrity and to have those tough conversations. I had to make a list of all the people that I had anything less than full love for. It’s people I resented, hated and felt guilty about how I treated them right throughout my entire life. They’re like, “Now go and call those people and complete.” I said, “No, you’re kidding. I’m not going to call that bully from high school and tell him I’ve hated him for twenty years and I’m letting it go. I’m not going to call that girl who dumped me twice and gave me the cold shoulder. I’m not going to call that boss who I sued and see if we’re good now.” They helped me dive into why I didn’t want to do it, all the fears I had around it, and then they showed me a way to go and do it.
Those calls were incredible. I was terrified but when I got on the phone with these human beings and spoke my truth and was connected with a slightly open heart, these people surprised me over and over again. The bully said, “What can I do now to help you or us move forward?” The girl who dumped me twice, I said, “I don’t need an apology. You don’t have to do anything. Just listen.” She said, “I’m so sorry. I was young and stupid. I’m sorry for how I treated you.” I’m in tears. The boss that I sued. I said, “I want to check if we’re good. Is there anything I can do?” He said, “At the time, I’m sure I didn’t enjoy it but that’s water under the bridge,” and then we got talking about his life. We never had a personal conversation. Now he’s sharing about his divorce and what it was like going through that. I’m an advocate and evangelist for truth, not all the time and I’m happy to get into that. If you’re willing to model courage, take a risk, reach out, connect and share your truth with another human, 9 times out of 10, I found you’ll be happy that you did it.
I’ve done an interesting thing that’s pretty similar to what you talked about, but I didn’t have the conversations with the people. Some of it is because I don’t have access to them. For me, I did it a lot for my own closure. What happened for me also is that moving forward, I made sure that I don’t miss the opportunity for truth or honesty. Maybe I don’t go back, although I can see how incredibly healing that would be to get that all out, but it also sets the groundwork for what we do in the future. The past doesn’t determine who we are or who we’re going to become. It’s who we decide to be now that decides who we’re going to become. Doing that exercise even internally to make the decision to not miss opportunities for truth is also a possible good benefit. It’s shown up well in my life. I have never recommended going back to those people but I did the exercise for myself so that in the future, I would remain open to capture any opportunities for truth. Do you feel like that’s valuable or do you recommend people to go deep and talk to all the people?
Let’s take a situation. Some people say should you say anything, should you not. I know a guy who had the three-times rule. If it comes up in your brain three times, it’s time to say something about it. Your question is a good one. What if it’s something from the past? It depends on how committed you are to growth, self-expression and emotional freedom. If it’s a minor thing and you haven’t thought about it in twenty years, maybe you don’t care. If it’s something you have thought about more often than that, it might be something unresolved for you.
Stay focused and stay on track because there will always be disruptions and changes in your life but you have to keep yourself together. Share on XI do believe it’s possible to get some healing and completion by writing a letter and you don’t even have to mail it. You can mail it to yourself. This is particularly important if someone has died and you cannot speak to them physically. You can have a role-play conversation with them with your coach or you can write a letter. I’m a big fan of that. In fact, I had someone in prison. I was coaching them on reconciling with their mother. They were so scared to have a relationship. I said, “Write a letter and then it’s up to you if you want to mail it. You may not get the result you want but it’s up to you if you want to take that extra risk.”
Having gone through this myself and had those scary conversations with people from my past, I am a massive fan of that. It takes courage so you get to exercise that muscle of courage. You don’t know what impact that conversation is going to have on the other person. My brother did this with an ex-partner. He wasn’t going to call her. He’s like, “It’s weird. I’ve moved on. She’s moved on.” His coach said, “You’d be surprised. Just have the call,” and so he did. He said, “I want you to know it wasn’t you. It was me. You were wonderful. I just didn’t want to be in a relationship at that time.” She broke down crying. She’d been carrying that around for years thinking there was something wrong with her. This was a guy who had no money at the time. He said, “That conversation was worth $10,000 to me and the difference I made in her life.” I’m a big fan of doing it.
There’s a way to do it well and badly. If you go in with, “You wronged me. I’m a victim and I need you to apologize,” that might work but you’re setting yourself up for a tough time. If you can get to a space where you don’t need anything from the other person other than listening, it’s going to go better. I have a model for this called the CARE and I’m happy to give it away to readers. I’ll tell them how to find that. It’s a wonderful download. It’ll give you clarity. You don’t even have to decide if you’re going to have a conversation with a person. Just fill in the worksheet and get the clarity. After that, you’ll know if you want to go and have it with them. It will give you a wonderful paint-by-number system to have the conversation.
This conversation could go so much deeper than we’ve got time for. I think that there’s also the whole conversation of abuse. Do you go back to people that have done that? The CARE Model might help work through whether it’s a good idea or not in that circumstance.
It’s wonderful. Initially, you’ve got this feeling of like, “I don’t like that person. I wouldn’t like to see them on the street. I’m annoyed at that person. That person is a jerk. That’s all you’ve got.” When you do the worksheet in the CARE Model, you will get clear on what your intention is. What’s the positive intention if you were going to have the conversation and what are you afraid of? That’s good information. “I’m afraid they’re going to think I’m an idiot, it’s going to make things worse or I’ll feel awkward.” Just get clear. The clarity is wonderful. It’ll ask you, “What could go wrong?” There’s a checkbox, “I am willing to accept these consequences.” If you’re willing to check that box, you’re good. If you’re not willing to check the box, for example, if I have had a conversation where I confessed to a crime. I called someone and I said, “It was me. When I was a teenager, I did this thing. I’m very sorry. How can I make it right?” I could have gone to jail. You may not be willing to accept that consequence and I respect that.
I confessed when I was eighteen, I did one of the worst things in my life. I cheated on my partner and I felt so bad about it. If I was filling in the worksheet, “What could go wrong?” She’ll break up with me and never go back with me again. I checked the box. I’m willing to accept that consequence because my intention is to have a relationship full of integrity and trust. I’m going to risk everything to have that and so I did. I went and had that conversation. She did break up with me. I had to earn her trust back and we ended up getting married. While we’re no longer married, I went and stayed a couple of years ago with her, her new husband and a six-year-old boy who calls me uncle David. I’m a big fan of telling the truth. I’m a big fan of not cheating in the first place, but if you have been dumb enough to go and make a mistake like that, I personally am a fan of making it right and risking the relationship. You may choose not to. You’re like, “No, I’m not willing to risk that,” so that’s not a conversation you would have unless I’m your coach. If I’m your coach, you’re going to be hard-pressed to get away with not making things like that right because I know what’s available when you do.
Could you talk a little bit about the monkey mind? One of the things that I find on this show is that about 50% of the time I’ve got a new strategy. Someone has come up with a new product or strategy. I always tell people, “There are a million ways to make $1 million in real estate but you do have to pick one.” What that means is that you can’t consistently and constantly engage with this shiny object syndrome. It takes focused action. Could you talk a little bit about that shiny object syndrome and how to move away from that to having a peaceful and focused mind so you can take focused action?
The question is, is the human mind like a monkey on crack? Is it important to overcome shiny object syndrome and focus? It depends if you want to be coursed in your life. I mean that. I’m not setting this up. One way to enjoy life is to surrender and be with the flow, wake up, check email, check voicemail, and do what feels natural. That’s a valid way to operate. Some of the teachers that I followed speak a lot about, “Don’t do. Just be.” There are times to do that. However, another game that’s great to play in life is being coursed in the matter. Being coursed in how your relationships go, your own health and energy, how your job goes in your career path or how much money your business makes and how many people you impact. I’m a fan of that game a lot of the time. That’s where coaching comes in for me.
As human beings, I do believe the human mind has become like a monkey on crack. If you disagree with me, sit down and set the timer for five minutes, close your eyes and count your breaths. See how many breaths you get to before you’ve drifted away. The mind has taken over. It’s thinking about your socks, what you want to order on Amazon, some business problem or someone who insulted you. When it comes to your own business, it’s even worse because entrepreneurs can see all the opportunities. We see all the target markets. We want to help and all the problems that we want to solve, all solutions that we can come up with, and all the traffic sources we’re going to try and use. It’s overwhelming.
If you’re happy to surrender or if entertainment is your goal, keep doing that. I mean it. It can be fun. I’ve got days where I do that. Let’s say you’ve got a goal that you want to double revenue in the next twelve months, that goal matters to you. Maybe you want to double your time off so you’ve got more time to spend with your kids, write that book, go swimming with dolphins, volunteer in prisons or whatever it is, then it starts to matter. We need to focus so that we can be on course. If you don’t do it, you will be at the effect of life. You’ll be bounced around with other people’s agendas. Check the email in the morning and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. You’re working on other people’s agendas. I caught myself checking through for important emails. That’s so difficult then I found one and it required me to go to a website and enter something to unsubscribe. I’m like, “David, step away from the task. Let’s get back to being on course.”
I have some recommendations. I’ll give you a few tips to help you focus, then at the end of the show, I’ll give you a cheat sheet that’s got the full checklist. Firstly, you’ve got to know where you’re heading. Twelve months from now, what are the goals that would have you do the happy dance should you achieve them? If you and I were talking twelve months from now, looking back, celebrating and you’re dancing your ass off, what would those goals be? Three big ones. You can have lots of little ones but those should go in the drawer for when you’ve achieved the others. I had a client, “I’ve got twenty goals. Is that too many?” I’m like, “Yes. Have three goals that matter and put the rest in a drawer. You’ll pull them out when the others are done.” That’s tip one.
Tip two, you’ve got to layer the goals because a year out is way too long. It’s pie in the sky. It doesn’t mean anything. Bring it back and have the three-month version, then you need the seven-day version and what are you going to do tomorrow? Tip three, that’ll set you up for now but what about next week or next week after? It’s super important to have a date with yourself once a week for twenty minutes where you look at what you did and celebrate. That’s all I’m asking for. You can pat yourself on the back and say, “Good job.” I sometimes do something and I say, “David, you’re a legend. Great job for doing that. We need that because you probably did ten times more than you think you did.” The next part of that date is you look at your three-month goals and choose what you’ll do for the next seven days, “This is what I will care about.” Those are three important tips.
How do you stay on track with that? Let’s suppose you do it. A lot of people put it in their calendar and they don’t even show up for that date with themselves. I can’t make you do that. That’s where discipline comes in. I set it up for a while where if I did not create my weekly action plan by 1:00, Friday, Mountain Time, I had to pay $5 to somebody. That’ll get your attention. You set that up but how do you stay on track? Tip four is to book sprints in your calendar. You can’t expect to be focused 24/7. That’s ridiculous. You’ve got to tell your brain when it’s time. For example, Wednesday, I have no calls scheduled. That’s going to be a six-hour sprint for me but other days, I might have a two-hour block. I say, “I got 9:00 to 11:00.” That’s my sprint. I set the time and four specific goals because it’s two hours. I said a year is too long. Two hours is too long. I need to know what am I achieving in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th half-hour. I got those four goals then I set the timer for 25 minutes. Game on. That’s a sprint. That keeps me focused.
You’ll find that when you start doing this, you might fall off the horse. That’s fine. You get distracted. You’re doing something else and not doing that goal as it’s written down, that’s the monkey mind, “I got caught up in email. Someone came and knocked at the door.” You’re going to have to learn how to guard that time jealously. Guard it, put a sign on the door, talk to your family, let them know how important this is, turn off all notifications and set the phone on airplane mode. These things are more covered in the full checklist.
I love the way that you talked about “game on.”
It’s like a boss is waiting for your deadline. You are generating artificial accountability because if you have a boss that does it for you, “I need this by Thursday, 3:00.” You’re working like crazy. You’ve got to do that for yourself. If you say, “I got three hours. I’m going to work on my website.” Bad news. Working on your website is an infinite game. When you constrain the resources to three hours and then even further, 25 minutes and you’ve set a goal.
For example, when you and I are done with this, I have a coaching offer. I need to tweak it because someone’s about to send an email to a lot of people because I’ve opened up a few coaching spots. I’m going to do that but working on the page is not a goal. Having the first draft done in 25 minutes is a goal, then drafting the application form in 25 minutes is the second goal. Having it finalized could be the third goal, for example. Those are some tips to help you tame the monkey mind and focus, also that you can be coursing the matter and be directional. The metaphor I like to use is, “It’s fun to be adrift on the ocean, enjoying the sights, but it’s also fun to set your sail, pick a direction, get hold of the steering wheel and say, ‘The game is I want to get from over here to over there. Game on.’”
Do you take a five-minute break every half-hour?
Stay committed to your personal growth and express yourself so that you’ll fully reach your full potential. Share on XThat’s roughly five minutes but what I do is most of the time I can get myself to agree to get up, go to the bathroom and maybe get on the Pilates ball for a quick stretch. It might only be three minutes, then I’m back in. That’s part of the reason you make yourself do this break so that you’re constantly hungry. The timer goes off and I’m like, “Are you kidding? I just got started on this.” By forcing myself to honor that, I can stay hungry, keen and interested. If I hit repeat which I sometimes do, that’s a mistake. Sometimes I do it. I hit repeat, I’ll do one hour, and then I’ll do the break and come back. If you do that too much, you can burn out. You end up going, “What a day? I got a lot done but I’m burned out. I don’t want to even look at that website again.” We don’t want to do that.
You want to focus on one thing. It’s like a batch of activities on the same project, let’s say. It’s not like what you would do is you would start on your website for a half-hour and work on your copy for that, and then you would jump to making customer service calls, then you might jump to, “I’m preparing my itinerary for next week’s travel.” You wouldn’t do it like that. It would be four half-hour spots focused on one project. Maybe it’s the different aspects of your website or your offer.
This is a good thing to do the day before. Set your alarm for 4:00 to say, “Choose the two things that I’m going to do in my business tomorrow or job that’ll make the biggest difference.” That’s focusing the mind already. For me, the two big things are finishing this coaching offer and getting a bookkeeper started on my books. I’ve already interviewed a bunch of people. It’s a matter of picking someone and saying, “Get started.” I’ll probably do two hours on the website and then if it’s not done, I may keep going because I do like to batch.
If I try and multitask, it’s not as rewarding. It’s like I’m loading up all this stuff in my brain for this coaching offer, how I want to offer it, how I want to serve, what I want people to do and then the email sequence. That’s a lot to load up. I don’t want to do half an hour of that. It’s crazy. It’s multitasking. Multitasking is at the same time, but if I do half an hour on this and that, it’s fine if they’re small projects. No problem. I got to get three testimonial videos off to my video editor. I can do that in half an hour so that’s fine. Setting up a call with my programmer. I can do that too in five minutes. I don’t mind going through a sequence of small jobs. If it’s a bigger task, I don’t want to do a little piece of it and then go through it.
How good is it going to feel when I’ve got the thing done, I love the webpage, I feel like it reflects me, my heart and all that’s handled? That’s going to feel good then I can send it off to my friend and colleague who can queue it up and send it out to the world. There’s a result. I’m a big fan of batching. If you’re going to call prospects, batch it. You don’t want to load up everything and get yourself psyched up for one call. Usually, the first two calls for me are the scariest and after that, I’m great to go. I want to milk that. You might have Monday from 9:00 to 12:00 as calling time and be like, “Let’s crank it up.”
Before we end this show, I want to talk a little bit about what we’re going to do in EXTRA. We have a couple of topics. I’m hoping we’ll get to both. The first one is, what are the nine skills that business owners need to have to double their revenue? I thought that would be relevant for you, ladies, because what David does is he gives you what those nine skills are so you can discover where your strengths are and weaknesses might be. David, why don’t you talk a little bit about it?
I’ve identified nine areas. The plan for one person is not the same as the plan for another person. The first thing you need to do is work out which areas of your business were you strong in and which of these nine skills your weak in so then you know, “Now I know what to do for the next three months. I need to boost these up. That’s how to double revenue.” We’re going to talk about that.
That’s going to be in EXTRA, ladies. Stay tuned for that. David, could you tell everybody how they can reach you and about your free gift?
I’ve lined up some tools that’ll be valuable for you. One is the checklist on how to double your productivity. It’s quadruple because you can get twice as much done of what matters in half the time. We went through about four of the list. There are ten things that you’d need to know on that checklist. The other thing is these are nine skills. I have free training. It used to be two hours and I spent all day getting it down to 35 minutes. You’ll know at the end of that, “These are my projects for the next three months.” You’ll also know if you’re a fit for my program where I walk step by step through it with you and help you double revenue over a year. You can do all of that at because I want to give you the gift of focus. It will take you straight to my website. If you want to get a couple of videos from me you can do that too. I did promise people the CARE Model for tough conversations. Again, go to my website. You’ll have to look in the navigation menu and you’ll find the tough conversations CARE Model. It’s a free download.
Thank you so much.
It’s my pleasure.
Are you ready for my three Rapid-fire questions?
Tell us one super tip on getting started in real estate investing.
Talk to Moneeka Sawyer.
Give us one strategy for being successful in real estate investing.
Get a mentor, someone who’s done it and been there. You can do it the slow way. That’s fine too if time doesn’t matter to you but if you want to accelerate, I’m always a fan of grab a coach, mentor or someone who’s been there and done it. If it’s good enough for Bill Gates, I figure it’s good enough for all of us.
What is one strategy you use every single day that contributes to your personal success?
I meditate, lay down and rest for twenty minutes each day. It’s something that I need to reset and recharge.
Thank you for that. Ladies, he opted to not prepare for those questions so he didn’t even know what those were and that was so well done. This has been an amazing conversation, David. I can’t wait until we talk in EXTRA. Thank you so much for what you’ve offered for this portion of the show.
It’s my pleasure. Thanks for having me and great to meet you, Moneeka.
Ladies, in EXTRA, remember we’re talking about the nine skills that business owners have to have to double their revenue. If you’re not already subscribed to EXTRA, please go to You can get signed up. The first seven days are free so you can get this one for free and then if you decide not to stay, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. For those of you that are leaving us now, thank you so much for joining David and me for this portion of the show. I appreciate having you here. I look forward to next time and until then, remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you next episode. Bye.
A former Consulting Actuary to Fortune 100 companies – including Sony Music, Chanel, and Exxon – David left his cushy Park Avenue job 20 years ago to build the world’s largest coaching business. He became #1 on Google for “life coaching”, serving an audience of 150,000 coaches, and coaching thousands of hours across 12 countries.
Alongside his clients’ successes, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself, having overcome a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, severe anxiety and depression, and a national Gong Show!
He is the author of “Get Paid For Who You Are,” with a foreword by Jack Canfield. He was nominated to the exclusive Transformational Leadership Council alongside such thought leaders as Don Miguel Ruiz, John Gray, and Marianne Williamson.
David believes that the tough conversations we avoid, are our doorways to confidence, success, and love. They become the defining moments that shape our world. He coaches high-performing entrepreneurs, executives and teams – and now prison inmates – to create amazing results and deep connections. Achieve more, by focusing on less.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.