Real estate has been proven to be one of the best long-term investments and best ways to increase passive income to live your dream life. Moneeka Sawyer interviews real estate investor and investment counselor Leah Collich to ask about her journey of becoming a real estate investor and eventually being Real Wealth Network‘s investment counselor. She explains how turnkey property investment works and how she and her husband ended up doing it. So if you want to venture into this type of real estate investing, listen to the conversation and be more familiar with it.
I am excited to welcome to the show Leah Collich. She is a native Texan and is a spouse of an active-duty Army officer. The army has afforded them the opportunity to see the world and live in Asia, Europe, South America and all across the United States. Their life abroad led them to realize a passion for travel and adventure. They quickly discovered that real estate investing was one of the best ways to boost their passive income so they could continue this lifestyle after the military. Her professional background is in communications and after working as a government consultant for many years, she now works full-time in real estate, passively managing her portfolio of rentals and as an Investment Counselor for Real Wealth Network with Kathy Fettke. Every week, she speaks with dozens of investors about how they can make their real estate investment goals a reality through the purchase of turnkey investments. Leah, welcome to the show.
Moneeka, thanks so much for having me. I’m excited to be here.
I’m excited too. We’ve loved hearing from Kathy in the past. I wanted to introduce my ladies to the team. Ladies, Leah is one of the counselors for Real Wealth Network, which many of you have already checked out. Some of you have already talked to Leah and because of the synergy with the two companies, Leah’s now our designated blissful coach. I wanted to introduce you ladies to her and we’ll talk a little bit more about that later but in the meantime, Leah, could you tell us about your real estate story?
I’m pleased with this collaboration and being able to connect with you and your readers. I think a lot of understanding my background and where I come from feeds into the mission of real wealth. I’d love to share that with you. I’m a regular person. I know filling in some of the information and preparation for this show, we call it expert session. I found myself going, “I get that a lot even on calls. When I talk to investors, people assume that I’m some expert or that I know everything there is to know about real estate.” I always tell them, “I’m a regular person. The only difference between me and you is time and action at this point.” My story starts off as a lot of beginner investors.
I happened into real estate on accident. In 2010 during the middle of the last housing recession, I had just gotten married. My husband was starting his career in the military. We were stationed in a small tiny town in Southern Alabama. We were smart enough to do some basic math when we were house hunting. We found this brand new construction townhome and we looked at the numbers and said, “We can rent this townhome for $950 a month or we can buy it for $750 a month.” My dad had had a rental property growing up. There was nobody in my corner telling me like, “Don’t do that. Bad idea.” The math made sense. We bought this brand new construction townhome knowing we would be there short-term, knowing that we would keep it after we left, turned it into a rental and it would make us some money.
That’s what we did. This was in 2010 when there was a home buyer credit. You got a check, we got a $15,000 or $10,000 home buyers credit to buy this cashflowing investment. Fast forward, maybe seven years or so, we were subscribing to the traditional way of preparing for retirement. We were doing everything right. We were saving, not maxing out credit cards, opening up 401(k) accounts, IRAs and maxing them out every year, trying to be as diligent as possible to be sure that we were prepared for retirement. It was when my husband got close to his halfway point in his military career that we were like, “In another 10 to 12 years, we could maybe retire, you’d get a pension.” We looked at these retirement accounts and we went, “We can’t touch that money until we’re 59.5. That doesn’t help us retire early.”
We started looking for opportunities in our life of, “Where can we create income that we can live on?” That rental had been cashflowing all along and rented nonstop. We got inspired to replicate that but be a little bit more intentional with it with the purchases ongoing. We flipped a house that we lived in, freed up a bunch of cash as we moved to Europe and said, “We’re going to get this cash reinvested and we’re going to focus on cashflowing markets.” We had a comfort level with that first market that we bought in. We went back to that same market. We bought a foreclosure from Europe, we’re overseeing a renovation. We’re on the phone with general contractors late at night. We’re trying to hustle and get this great deal going.
It was a lot of work but it was a success story. We were so pleased with ourselves but we did at the end in our reflection on how it went go, “What could we have done better in that scenario?” One, it wasn’t super passive. We were both working full-time. It was a lot to take on as an investment strategy. Two, we didn’t improve the value of that home enough to justify a cash-out refinance. We were a little bit under leveraged in this property. We started seeing that if we want to scale that extra cash that’s stuck in that asset, if we did that over and over again, we’re limiting our ability to scale and expand.
Sometimes, the only difference between a successful person and those who are not is time and action. Click To Tweet
We thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a company or someone who could do the rehab for us, we could come in with the capital, put our money to work passively, have maximum leverage and move on to the next one.” That’s how we found Real Wealth Network. Living from Europe, we’re looking for opportunities to connect in new markets with opportunities that we could put that income to work passively. We scaled quickly in that year. Now we’re diversified in about five different markets and that’s how I got to this idea of passive income but turnkey because it allows me to continue to pursue passion, interest and use my time in those ways instead of on the asset itself.
I have ads running for you, this is the true blissful path. That’s the way that I’ve done things too is I always want things to be like little time and energy commitment. For me, I’m more of an appreciation person. I’m moving from an appreciation market to more of cashflowing markets and that happens. We evolve in life to what it is that we’re needing as did you, you went through an evolution. Ladies, that’s one of the things to keep in mind is whatever strategy you are trying or doing. I don’t like to say try because real estate is not a try-thing. You got to commit and give it some time. Whatever you’re doing in this stage of your life could be different than what you’re doing in the next stage of your life. You’re not married to this strategy but you could get married if you fall in love. I’m trying to use definitively one of those places where we can fall in love because the benefits are great.
I find that it does embolden you when you experienced mastery that might be too strong of a term even but when you’ve experienced success in one avenue, I feel like it can embolden you to take risks in new areas and try out some different strategies. It doesn’t have to be an exclusive strategy. We’re always looking for deals elsewhere. I certainly have an appetite for flipping and doing some of that more active approach but it’s been such a journey for me and something that I’m grateful now to get to share and encourage other people on how they can do the same and how this is a viable strategy for creating retirement, creating freedom, or even diversifying. It doesn’t have even to be that grand of a plan. It can be a simple diversification measure as well.
Do you feel like you’ve replaced your income? Could you go have that lifestyle with what’s coming in with cashflow?
We’re getting close to having choices.
I love that you say that. It’s not retirement, it’s having choices.
We started realizing our whole career we’ve spent away from family and we’ve had a wonderful adventure. It’s been so rich but at the end of this career, we were inspired. Our why was the ability to have the choice to go where we want to go. We don’t have to go and follow a job in a specific city. We can choose to go back with family or abroad but having those options, to me is worth so much and you discover that you enjoy it. These ideas that you had of paying down loans, it evolves and suddenly, you’re moving in a different direction. We’re continuing to have a lot of fun with it. Retirement keeps getting kicked further down the road by choice.
I know what you mean because we could retire too. David loves what he’s doing and I love what I’m doing. Why would you retire when you love what you’re doing? Ladies, read me talk about retirement all the time and it’s not the right word. I love your choice of where it’s better, where we have a choice. We can now make decisions based on what we want to be doing with our time, life, energy and money as opposed to what we need to be doing to pay the bills. I love the way that you put that.
Passive Income Through Turnkey: When you’ve experienced success in one avenue, it can embolden you to take risks in new areas and try out different strategies.
Finding people like Kathy has been instrumental to that for me. That’s what Real Wealth is passionate about is about. It’s not chasing this idea of that society puts on us of what is successful but what is real wealth to you? It is freedom, a choice and being able to live life on your own terms. That resonated with us so much and little did I know that one day I would join the Real Wealth team and get to share in that mission of spreading that dream with others.
Why did you choose to do that?
My background is in communications. I did a lot of adult curriculum development. That instructional and teaching background is my speed and then the opportunity to marry that with this personal passion that we developed of investments, I find it super exciting. What we do at Real Wealth is providing a lot of emphasis on education and teaching people the fundamentals because the fact of the matter is the reason more aren’t investing in real estate is there’s a significant learning curve and it’s intimidating. In our minds, we’re thinking of these mega moguls that have invested in real estate.
We think that’s where we have to be and that we self eliminate. We choose to pursue other options that are maybe easier. In Real Wealth, we break that barrier of like, “Ask questions. Let’s be curious and learn together. We don’t have to be an expert about it.” The second part of that is offering a tactical means by which you can take action and turnkey offers you the ability to connect with people in markets that are experts there in that market boots on the ground who understand the market dynamics and who can help you find a product there and that long-term buy and hold investment.
How does this work for people once they’re in the system, they joined and everything, what happens?
We aggregate a lot of data on what makes a good market for real estate investors. We’re looking for job growth, population growth, strong diversified economies but yet we want them to be affordable markets where we can come in as levered buyers and have good solid cashflow. We want landlord-friendly laws. We let all of this data point us to those markets. We’re interested in about fifteen different markets and that’s not an all-inclusive list. There can be great things about many different markets but once we found those fifteen markets, we go out and look for a team there locally that specializes in finding those deals and in rehabbing those properties or in some cases, building new construction homes. In addition to that, they have professional property management again so that you get connected to that deal.
If that were it, that would be too easy because it’s overwhelming. Fifteen markets is a lot to choose from. It still doesn’t make it tangible. That’s where an investment counselor helps. We’re experienced in these markets, myself and there are three others. We know these markets, these teams and general investing strategy. We get on the phone with an investor who’s ready to pursue that. Through a conversation, we talk, what is their search criteria? What are your goals? What is it that you’re looking to do? That can guide us to a market that’s maybe the best fit for an investor. I’m sure you’ve heard before some people want to drill it down and go, “What’s the best market?”
The answer to that is always, “It depends. What are you looking for? How much capital are we working with? Are you looking to create maximum cashflow or the greatest return over a longer period of time?” What is the priority? Through a conversation, we help you refine what it is that you’re looking for and refine what your buy box is. What can help you get to those goals that you have sooner? We can make those referrals and connections to these companies and those markets that can help you identify the property.
Turnkey allows investors to continue to pursue passion and interest. Click To Tweet
You introduce to a company in the market. Are you hands-off after that or what happens?
What makes us different is that we maintain a relationship with our investors. It truly is a network. The strength of the network is in our investors. It’s providing that full circle or full feedback loop if for a lot of people, this is their first time going through a transaction like this. We, Real Wealth Network, remain involved and offering you that strategic guidance. We’ve put together some great checklists that help you with due diligence and how things you should be looking for when you’re screening property and getting home inspections, appraisals and offering you some of those good tips to guide you along the process. We love getting feedback from our investors on how it’s going.
We touch base and maintain that relationship beyond acquisition but into the management phase where the proof is in the sauce, that long-term hold of the property. How’s it doing? Did it do what we hoped it would? At the end of the day, you can’t make guarantees about how someone’s experience can be? How past performance can’t guarantee that, but it can be a good indicator to be able to point to 100 or 300 sales in a specific market and the track record of the property management team that has managed those homes for this period of time. That can give a lot of people the confidence that they need beyond taking a shot in the dark, in a market that they’re unfamiliar with where they don’t know anybody. It’s a lot of the benefit that you get when you’re a part of Real Wealth.
What happens if something does go wrong with the management company? This has been my biggest fear of going outside of the California market. I’ve kept all of my assets close within 50 miles so I can get there. If you’re out of state then you can’t do that. What happens if there’s something that goes wrong for instance with a management company or the house or something like that?
Think of it as a risk. That is a risk tolerance that is beyond some people, that idea of not being able to go there. Due diligence is extremely important and not just taking what we say and going with it regardless. We always say, “Trust what we say,” but verify it. Make sure that this is something you’re comfortable with. I tell everybody, we have a property manager here that is proven that we have some leverage with because we’ve worked with for many years but at the end of the day, you need to make sure that they meet your criteria because even within something like property management, there’s a personal preference. You can talk to five different people about the same property manager and you’ll get five different takes on some of the nuances of how they do business and whether they love them or whether they’re okay.
The important part and what we put a lot of emphasis on is you own this process. I do interview a couple of property managers who have a backup plan. When I’ve had situations like that personally, where something has not gone well and a property management experience wasn’t the best, it’s something that you can focus a little bit of energy into. I was quickly able to identify another property manager that could meet my expectations a little bit better. We at Real Wealth are here to help guide you through that process and lead you through that process of evaluating. Sometimes, it’s hard to know what is a typical experience or what is something that is a normal risk of owning real estate. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater yet and dump your property manager. This might be a problematic tenant and you need to ally with the property management company and get beside them in the real issue.
Do you give references for property management companies? How do people find who to interview?
We provide the reference for the specific property manager there in that market. That’s the reference that we offer but then you can go online and find other property managers on your own. We do encourage you to do that to make sure that they’re who you want to work with.
Passive Income Through Turnkey: Make decisions based on what we want to be doing with our life, energy, and money, as opposed to what we need to be doing to pay the bills.
Do you offer the opportunity to talk with other network members that have used that property manager as a reference? How might that work?
COVID has put a little bit of a damper on our normal processes for that. We had live events every month before March 2020. That was an opportunity for investors to all get in the same room, share their experiences, talk about the pros and cons of different areas and that was hugely beneficial when we did that so regularly. Now that we’ve gone virtual, that looks a little bit different. We do though have the ability to connect you with some people there locally in the market who have bought there over a period of time and who can give you some insight into their experiences with property management.
That would be my big thing is to get the references and get some validation around that decision. Tell us a little bit about, how you fit into my Blissful community? I’m excited about this collaboration. Let’s talk about how it happened and what my ladies can expect?
Kathy and you share a lot of synergies in your approach to this. You’ve got a similar abundant mindset that Kathy and Rich Fettke both have. This was an opportunity for us to provide a woman to woman connection in real estate where we can help your investors who are curious about the turnkey model, curious about a more passive approach to real estate investing so we can have that warm handover. We’ve set up a website for our blissful friends who are interested in turnkey where you create a profile on Real Wealth Network and then you’ll automatically be linked to me as your investment counselor. Once you’re logged in and created that account, you’ll have access to all of the free educational resources. You can start educating and you can look at all the market data that we’ve aggregated. You’ll have the ability to look at the teams that we work with. You’ve got access to me as your investment counselor to help you navigate the process, streamline it and hopefully get you going.
Nothing happens until we take action. We can think about it all day long.
I had a blissful investor come and we had a great strategy session. She was contemplating lots of different investment strategies, some more active some more passive but recognizing that there was a place in her investment strategy for a passive approach. We got her connected with the team that works in the market that she was most interested in. It’s that power of networking. It’s working for her already.
It has been interesting because my ladies email me and I love that. Several of them had connected with Real Wealth and a couple got to talk with you and a couple of the guys. Ladies, every single person on their team is unbelievable. I know that all of your coaches are awesome but I did feel that like, “We’re a ladies’ group and we want to talk to a lady.” It was cute when you called me and said, “Would you like your ladies to talk to Leah?” I was bouncing around excited about that. As women stay in the community, we think a little bit differently than men do and our priorities feel a little bit different. It is nice to talk to another woman about this stuff. I’m honored that you’re going to be working with my ladies.
It’s a topic that I know you’re passionate about but I feel financial literacy, engagement hasn’t been instilled in women like it has in men. Because of that, subconsciously, we’re more prone to take the back seat and to let somebody else lead that. I love and am inspired by women who recognize that that doesn’t have to be true and that there is a place for you to engage. If it’s easier to come to that place by engaging with another woman who’s already done it then let’s do that so that we can empower more people to do the same.
Nothing happens till we take action. Click To Tweet
Women are better suited to real estate. We love to nest, love our homes and love creating beautiful spaces. It’s intuitively and naturally one of our powerhouses is this ability to create a home and that’s what real estate is all about. Being able to do that, we can look at the numbers, creating space, to do your research but we get good gut feelings or inspirations about where to where to invest. It can be confusing. Once you look at the numbers, you then can use your intuitive sense, “Three different markets work. Where do we want to start?” Also, neighborhoods and all of that stuff. We are inherently better suited for this business. It seems sad that we’re not as involved as we could be and not benefiting from the amazing cashflow, appreciation and wealth that can be built through this industry.
There’s a lot of pressure too in this space to marry this idea of being a real estate investor and entrepreneur. I’ve had to tell people before and had to slow people down sometimes, I’m like, “You don’t have to make this a business. You don’t have to go and employ people.” I get some people who right out of the gate want to talk about entity formation and the tax structure for their entity formation. I’m like, “You don’t even have a house yet. Let’s slow down. Let’s learn some correlations of cashflow and appreciation. Let’s study some proformas and look at the basic math before we start blowing this up to be some gigantic entrepreneurial idea.” Real estate can be a diversification strategy. It can be passive. It can be a little side hustle hobby that you enjoy doing and it gives you that feeling of power or validation if that’s what you’re searching for. It can be that and it can be small. It doesn’t have to be huge.
It’s interesting because real estate was always my side hustle. I was in corporate, I ran my own businesses and real estate was that thing that I didn’t pay attention to. As a matter of fact, if I had paid attention to it, I can’t even imagine where I would be now. I pay no attention to it and suddenly, I’m worth millions of dollars. There were hard times. 2001 and 2008 was a hard time but through most of it, I haven’t had to think about it and I love that. It’s the side hustle without the hustle. Much of that is what turnkey is all about. It’s about the side creating the side hustle without the hustle.
The opposite of the hustle like people in the blissful business. I do agree with you, people get caught up in what everybody is out there talking about like the entity structuring, taxes and the, “You should be flipping as they do want to HGTV. You can make all of this money. You should have 1,000 doors.” No. You do what’s right for you. I only have 6 or 7 doors because I don’t like lots of doors. I’m in an appreciation market because that’s what I know for now and I’m making a transition cause I want to make a difference. That’s working in my life. You don’t have to do all of those things and all the gurus are telling you to do. You do what’s right for you.
It is prevalent in this space and I’ve always tried to resist against it and own my experience for it being my experience. We all have our scales of risk and reward of what’s right and wrong. It’s up to us to zero our scales and determine, “For me, where’s the risk and the reward here? Where’s that balance?” What we don’t want to do is allow somebody else who’s in a completely different phase, space balance our own scales. Being okay with your process looking a little bit different. If it’s not turnkey, that’s great. Do whatever it is. That’s probably the one thing that I would say is the rule you got to take action somewhere. I’ve heard you say this before, “Goals remain undefined. It’s a dream. It’s not ever going to happen. We’ve got to give ourselves some concrete tactical steps and create a timeline for ourselves so that we step into that.”
The other piece about this and I know that this is true with a lot of us women because we do feel intimidated. We haven’t necessarily had the network or educational support and all of this stuff. You want to know your stuff. You want to get educated. You want to make sure that you’re doing the right thing. You don’t want to look stupid. You don’t want to have lost money. This is what I say to that, everybody in business loses money. Don’t be afraid of it but it also isn’t something that you have to do either. You can make good decisions consistently. I’ve never lost money ever on a real estate project. That’s been many years.
Not everybody has that same track record and it’s okay. When I say that I haven’t lost money, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t had a lot of fear. In 2008, I lost 50% of the value of all my properties, I was underwater on every single one but I didn’t sell, so I didn’t lose money. Let’s all keep that in perspective. That’s what I’m trying to say is that keeping it all in perspective and understanding that you’re going to have to learn along the way. You can do as much research as you want. You can look at as many videos. You can talk to as many people. You can listen to as many podcasts but nothing happens with your wealth or your education until you start doing something because you’ll learn a lot being in there.
I see it all the time. The analysis paralysis. It’s putting a lot of pressure on yourself to know everything. I was talking about this with my husband. I’m like, “Everybody wants to step up to the plate and they want to first swing knock it out of the park.” That would be epic. That would be awesome. I’d rather be the person who is confident who understands it but I’m okay with a base hit. Like I’m going to load up those bases. The better I get at loading the bases, the more my confidence builds. At some point, I’m going to knock it out of the park. When I do, the bases are loaded. That takes the pressure off me to make sure that everything is nailed and that there wasn’t a single thing. Part of what I always try to do is reflect on a situation and look at it, even when I thought it went great, like, “Let’s look at it. What could we have done better next time?” That’s how we wound up in the turnkey space. Evaluating going, “That was good. Nice job,” but how could we refine this? The next time it’d be even better? That’s a sweet spot to stay in.
Passive Income Through Turnkey: There’s a lot of pressure in this space to marry this idea of being a real estate investor and being a real estate entrepreneur.
We are going to move towards the end of this show but before we do that, I want to talk a little bit about Extra because you’ve got some yummy, exciting stuff to offer my ladies. Tell us a little bit about what you’re going to cover in Extra?
The seven steps for new investors is what we’re going to cover. It’s going to be tactical, if I’m getting started, what are the next seven steps for me to do? Starting from let’s think about goal setting down to, “Let’s refine my buy box so that I can take informed action.” We’ll talk a little bit about what those next seven steps are.
I love that. I can’t wait. I love it when we get a breakdown like that, specific steps that we can take. I’m excited about that. Tell us where we can reach you.
We have create a website on for the Blissful Investor. You can go to If you create a login there, we’ve already set it up on the backend so that you’re immediately linked to me as your investment counselor. You can click around once you’re on there. You’ll see It’s very easy to connect with me once you’re logged into your account. We can set up an initial strategy session and get you going.
I know lots of ladies are already in the network and enjoying the benefits. Go check it out and join. It’s free to join. Leah, are you ready for three rapid-fire questions?
I’m ready.
Tell us one super tip on getting started in real estate investing.
Aside from watching our Seven Steps for New Investors, I tell everybody financing is the gas in the tank. We can know where we want to go. We can know that it’s a great place but until we know that we have gas in our tank to take us there, we’re not going anywhere. I always tell beginners, “The first thing you should do is understand your borrowing potential and talk to a qualified lender who specializes in investment loans.”
Women are better suited to real estate. They have the power to create a home. Click To Tweet
What would you say is one strategy for being successful in real estate investing?
We already talked about this a little bit but I think for me, it’s staying curious. This is something that Kathy Fettke does so well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I think that could be maybe the flaw of the other genders that there’s sometimes a pride that we have of not wanting to admit when we don’t know something when the reality is, it’s a very good question and there are lots of other people in the room who don’t know it either. Staying curious and not being intimidated to ask for additional information. I see this a lot in our space, people assume that if someone is trying to sell them something that they’re trying to deceive them or trick them into something. I say, “They are humans too and they’re a real estate investor, be curious about their experience, leverage their experience in that market, ask questions.” That has been instrumental to my success.
I was having a conversation with another investor and I ask a lot of questions. He’s doing something that I’ve never done and will never do. It’s a type of construction because I’m doing construction. I am constantly asking questions. At one point, I said to him, “I get that I ask a lot of questions. You can shut me down.” He’s like, “You can send me an email and see when it gets stopped.” It’s so much fun to be involved with someone who’s interested rather than someone that thinks I’m smart and they’re going to follow my instructions. “You’re going to go places because you care enough to figure it out.” I wanted to share that with ladies so that you know people love you asking questions and if it is too much, they’ll say, “I don’t have any answer. Talk to somebody else. That’s too many questions.” You get to there, that’s a good place because that means that you’ve dug deep. Questions are a good thing. They’re good for your business, self-esteem, success and relationships. Leah, tell us one daily practice that you would say contributes to your personal success.
It’s important to reinforce what you want to be replicated. This is true in many different aspects of life, relationships, finances, with children. Focus your energy on what went right and what you want to see happen again. The example that comes to my mind related to real estate is we have a friend who’s wanting to get into real estate for a long time and has talked about it for a very long time and got a property. It’s not going perfect but it’s typical real estate investment problems, the maintenance and phone call. That kind of stuff. He’s chosen to focus on the negatives of that and focus on, “It’s another call. It’s another problem.”
We always try to say, “Let’s make sure that we’re reinforcing all the good things that happened that month.” You got a tenant with no vacancy, you got top market rent for that property. You’re cashflowing well every month. It’s not ideal to have to go and fix this item but let’s reinforce all of the things that went right and that is going right because that’s what we want to replicate in our life. If we focus on all the negatives and on all the things that didn’t go excellent, those can sometimes be an inhibitor to our future progress.
This has been so good. Leah, thank you for all you’ve shared so far.
I’m happy to be here and looking forward to connecting with you ladies.
Ladies, stay tuned for Extra. We’re going to be talking about the seven steps for new investors. If you are already subscribed to Extra, you’re going to get that on whatever device you’re reading to this show. If you are not subscribed to Extra but would like to be go to You get the first seven days for free, so you can check it out. If you love it, you stay. If you don’t, at least you got a lot of good content. For those of you that are leaving us now, thank you so much for joining Leah and I for this portion of the show. I appreciate you and I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you next time. Bye.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.