Moneeka Sawyer

Author Archives: Moneeka Sawyer

Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet.   She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market.  Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress. While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years. She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books "Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment" and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.” Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod,  and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.

Why Money Loves Speed With Dr. Joe Vitale – Real Estate For Women

REW 78 | Money Loves Speed


Ideas pass by us every day. But only the best ones grab those ideas, write it down, and put them into action. If you’re one of those that let ideas pass you by, then you need to know that money loves speed. Bestselling author and one of the world’s top motivational speakers, Dr. Joe Vitale, greatly believes this. In this episode, he joins Moneeka Sawyer to dive deep into this concept with his book of the same name, Money Loves Speed From Stress to Success: Revealing the 8 Laws of Attracting Money Fast. Dr. Joe also emphasizes the power of our mindset as a strategy to achieve our goals. You don’t have to lose hope in achieving big dreams because that big thinking is what we need for a high dose of energy and enthusiasm! Find out how to make your ideas count because the sooner you act on them, the sooner you can see the results.

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Why Money Loves Speed With Dr. Joe Vitale – Real Estate For Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am delighted to welcome back to the show Dr. Joe Vitale. He is a prolific author of many bestselling books, including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and the book we will be highlighting, Money Loves Speed. He’s one of the world’s top motivational speakers, a popular star of the movie, The Secret and an internationally famous expert on the law of attraction and clearing beliefs. He created the Miracles Coaching program to help people achieve their dreams. He’s once homeless. He is a model of prosperity who believes in miracles and has spent the last decades learning to master the skills of channeling the pure creative energy of life without resistance. Dr. Joe, welcome to the show. How are you?

I’m here with you, so I’m great. It’s good to see you and be with you again. I love your spirit, laugh, charm, smile and eyes. I’m great. Look where I’m at.

I don’t even know what to say to that. I’m blushing.

Just say thank you and move on.

Thank you. Dr. Joe, the book of yours that I’ve read was Money Loves Speed. I was so attracted to it because I love the title. Could you tell us a little bit about why you chose that title and a little background on that?

I’ve written several other books since that book. Sometimes the book of the month guy, they’re used to be the month club. I’m the book of the month of authors. There’ve been a lot of books but that one is a very popular one among people. I’m glad that you brought it up. Money Loves Speed is something that I’ve wanted to talk and write about for a long time.

The very title is one of the laws that I talk about in the book. I say there are eight laws of money and these are not banking laws. These are mindset laws. These are on how you use your mind and think about the world. It’s more of the psychology and maybe the metaphysics of money. Money Loves Speed is one of those principles.

I so like it that I’ve talked about it over the years. People have quoted me. They keep saying things like, “Joe says money loves speed. Remember, Dr. Joe, says money loves speed.” I thought I should explain it because not everybody understands it. The title is one of the principles. Would you like me to explain it and jump right in there?

I would love that. I’ve got plenty of places I want to go to but this is the most intriguing to me so I want to start with this.

Money Loves Speed, in short, means that when you have an idea for a product, service or something to implement in your business, you need to do it as quickly as the idea comes to you to be the first to profit from. To expand on this, what it means is most people do get ideas. They get ideas, whether they’re in the real estate business, a small business operator and an entrepreneur.

They get an idea of a way to market. Maybe that hasn’t been done before. A new product or service but what do most people do with that idea? They sit on it and dismiss it. They might say, “That’s a good idea.” If they’re smart, they’ll write it down but most people won’t act on it. They’ll think it’s a good idea. They’ll sit on it and then what happens is it falls away. It disappears.

When you get that idea, act on it. The sooner you do, the sooner you can see the results. Share on X

It was Tony Robbins who said, “How many of you ever had an idea for a product or service?” People raised their hands. He said, “How many of you six months later was driving down the road and you saw your product or service being sold?” They all were like, “That was me.” This is the principle of the universe. I believe the universe feeds us ideas. When we take the idea and run with it, the universe knows it, notices it and gives us more ideas.

The whole principle of Money Loves Speed means if you got an idea, segment, product or service marketing maneuver, do it and do it now. I have written 80 some books. I’m pausing for you to catch your breath because even I am impressed. I didn’t count the books. Somebody else said, “Joe, did you realize you’ve written 80 books?” I’m like, “No. I’m busy writing the books. I’m not counting them.” The reason I do is that when I have an idea for a product or a new book, I generally start writing it right then and there. I don’t let the self-talk get in my way and that’s the thing people want to be aware of.

When they have an idea, they talk themselves out. They say, “Not me. Not now. I don’t have the skills, experience, education and funds. I’m too old, young, fat and too thin.” As you and I both know, those are excuses that will keep them from their own good. Money Loves Speed is a chant, mantra, reminder and law. That is something I’m putting out there in the universe to remind people. “When you get that idea, act on it.” The sooner you act on it, the sooner you can see what the results are and most likely, they’re going to be great. If you don’t act on it, as Tony Robbins pointed out, somebody else will and you will miss out.

What comes to me when you talk about this is that people are always like, “I don’t know enough. I need to learn more.” The thing is that taking action is better than taking perfect action. You need to get in the game in order to even play. Certainly, you need to know enough rules to get in the game but you don’t need to know all the rules. You can learn as you go along.

What I love about the Money Loves Speeds concept is that people, so much in the real estate world, my investing ladies, they’ll be like, “I need to wait until I have money, whatever it is.” The thing is that if you don’t start, you’re going to lose the motivation of the moment. It doesn’t necessarily mean that things that could, mean that things happen fast for you but even if they don’t happen super-fast, nothing will happen unless you take those first set of actions.

I want to elaborate on a couple of bits of information. One is the action part of it. I’m in the movie The Secret, which people criticized for saying it was magical thinking. It didn’t talk about taking action. I’m the guy in the movie saying, take action. I literally say that in the movie, yet a lot of people fudge, go into self-sabotage and don’t take any action.

Why don’t they take any action? Some of it believes that magic is going to take place. I believe in magic and miracles but I also know that besides 87 books, I have fifteen music albums I’ve recorded. If I sit and think, visualize and meditate about the music albums, they don’t get recorded. I have to take action, book a studio, get my musicians and my guitar, go in the studio and do something.

REW 78 | Money Loves Speed

Money Loves Speed: Money loves speed. When you have an idea for a product or service to implement in your business, you need to do it as quickly as the idea comes to you to be the first to profit from and expand on this.


That’s the first level. It’s a reminder that nothing happens without action. We live in a universe that requires co-creation. You have a part to do. You may not have to do all of it but you no doubt have to do some aspect of it. When you do your part, the universe comes into play and will fulfill its part. There’s a little bit of dance of energy but if you don’t do something or don’t take action, then nothing happens. You end up complaining about things.

The other aspect of what you’ve pointed out and this is important, is people wait for everything to fall into place. They want to know how, the map and the whole strategy from here to whatever the end zone is. What I’ve discovered is that there is no map. There isn’t a map when you first start taking action. You create it by your action.

It was Steve Jobs who said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward but you can connect them looking backward.” What that means is when you’re sitting here and you want a great big real estate deal, you’re inspired to do something and starting to imagine how the end result will be, as you sit at this moment, you don’t know all the steps to get there. Once you get there, you can piece it all together, turn around and go on an interview with you and tell the story. Now, there’s a story. I remind people of Teddy Roosevelt’s quote. He said, “Do what you can with what you have right where you are.” That’s brilliance right there.

By doing that, the next step becomes apparent then repeat. You do that enough times and you’ll get to whatever the end zone is for you, your goal, outcome and intention. Then you can look back and go, “The story unfolded. I know how that piece connected to this piece,” but you don’t know at this moment. All you’ve got is a goal and a desire. You have to get up and start moving towards it.

In the real estate market, we get a lot of the, “I’m waiting for the market to correct.” They’re trying to time how things are going to go. I remembered years ago, I was on TV in San Diego. The producer came to me and said, “I love your show. I wish I had bought real estate years ago.” I said, “Years from now, you’re going to say the same thing.” It’s important as you say, “Don’t miss the bus, because the bus is driving by with or without you.”

Those are great points. What I have found with my experience with realtors is that too many of them give their power away. What I’m referring to here is much like you were talking about. They’re looking at the market and what the market is doing. They’re overlooking something that I don’t see realtors thinking about. That is the idea that the realtors influenced the market. Part of that is with their mindset.

If a realtor is thinking, “I can’t do such and such because the market is doing such and such,” they have played the role of a victim. They have given their power away to a market that they feel they have no control over and influence. I can certainly understand where they’re coming from. When I felt like a victim as I was going through these stages of consciousness, you keep giving your power away and the rest of the world pretty much agrees with you because they all feel like victims anyway.

If you go to a realtor meeting and go, “The market is bad this month or this week,” most of them are going to agree with you, which is going to confirm your victimhood status, confirm it to them and they’re not going to get much done. As you know, I went through an ugly divorce. It was more of persecution but at the end of it, I came out on top. When I had my house back, I built it up into an empire and an estate. I had it for years, so I put a lot into it. I was ready to sell it.

I got a realtor who had become a friend of ours. This realtor was gung-ho, energetic, positive, charming and said she was got to get it out there to sell it. We started with a listing price below $1 million. As there were very few nibbles for it, she started to give all the power away to the market. She’s saying, “Clearly the market doesn’t want this, not at this price.” On one level, I understand that.

On one level, realtors who are reading this understand that but I want to push a little bit here. I want to be helpful to the people that pay attention to you, your audience and everything and empower them with a different kind of thinking. If there are any group of people that need what’s called a disruption, it’s realtors because realtors are thinking in an old-school way. Almost all of them are still giving their power away, much like this realtor was.

She was saying, “We should lower the price.” I’ve never been a realtor. I pretty much am listening to her and say, “We’ll lower it a little bit.” Over time and months, she wanted to lower it even more. I started to get more frustrated, thinking she was not marketing it. I started to refer to her as a listing agent because, in my mind, that’s different than somebody who goes out and tries to sell or market something. Instead of being a marketing or selling realtor, I started to think in my mind and I told my partner, Lisa. I said that “She’s a listing agent. All she’s doing is listing. If people don’t respond to the listing, she lowers the price. She knows at some point, the lower the price, you’ll find somebody.”

I’m like, “That’s insane because if you said this million-dollar home is worth $50, somebody is going to pay $50 because you lowered the price.” Quit marketing on price. There’s one thing I did and this was me not being a realtor but me being a marketer. I wrote a sales letter about my home and sent it to my database, my mailing list and fan base.

Success is about mindset. It's all about the law of attraction and the power of intention, visualization, and positive thinking. Share on X

I made the letter all about my home. I called it the House of Prosperity. I said the House of Prosperity is where I wrote some of my greatest works. I was filmed for The Secret. During that time, I have filmed 17, 18, 19 other movies in that home. I came up with some of my greatest ideas like hypnotic writing, buying trances and the book The Attractor Factor, which is what got me into the movie The Secret. I wrote all of that in that home. I made the home the star.

Instead of going house for sale, the number of acres, acreage and square foot inch and here’s the price, I wrote something that was more like sales literature. I mail it to my list. We started getting leads for it and ultimately, sold it. My whole point is that a lot of people give in to what they think the circumstances are not realizing that they have more power. I constantly hear realtors who do fantastic, no matter what the market is because that’s not the market. It’s the realtor.

Fifty percent of the women that read this show are realtors and agents and then about 50% are investors. This applies so dramatically. Ladies, I hope you didn’t tune that out because we are investors. Sometimes we think the only way that we can compete to get a property is with price. Dr. Joe gave you a perfect example of price is not the key. There are an awful lot of factors that we have influenced over, that can get us the right properties. If you say, “I can’t go into this market. It’s a hot market.” Make 30 offers. That’s an opportunity or start to meet people who might have properties in their back pocket.

Marketing is everything. Price is a tiny little piece of that marketing package. I love the way you talked about that, Dr. Joe, with the realtors. On the investor side, I hope you caught that because I know so many people are like, “You were right out of COVID. We don’t know what the market’s going to do. I don’t know if I can even get a house.” What a 1 million excuses and 1 million good whys about why things won’t work for you. What you need to do is change that paradigm. Find the million good whys that will work for you and then go after it with your creativity.

I want to tell you another story that’s even more amazing in terms of all the lessons that are within it. This is about a young man, a 36 years old at this point, who is a billionaire realtor in Thailand. This isn’t a millionaire or multimillionaire. This is a billionaire. He’s doing it in real estate during tough times, including COVID.

I want to tell the story because this story has inspired me. I met him years ago. He invited me to speak at a seminar that he was putting on in Bangkok, Thailand. I didn’t want to go. I was like, “This is a long flight. I’ve never been to Thailand. I’m not comfortable doing that much travel.” He was paying me well, taking care of my first class and he promised to put me up on an island by myself for a week for rest and relaxation as a gift to me.

I kept thinking, “Who is this guy?” He also kept saying that he owed his success to me. I have to meet him. I flew all the way to Thailand. He meets me at the airport. There’s this young man at that point, 34 or 35 years old. He tells me this most amazing story. He puts me in the van to drive me to the hotel where we’re going to do his first event ever. He says that fifteen years ago, he was homeless. He was twenty years old, homeless in title. He’s originally from Sweden. He hated the country, darkness and cold.

When he inherited $2,000, he used it to buy a ticket to the warmest place he could think of, which was Thailand. He didn’t know anybody in Thailand. He didn’t speak to the Thai language. He goes there. He parties away the rest of the money. He’s homeless. He calls back home to a friend of his and says he needed help.

The friend says, “I’m not going to send you any money, but I’m going to send you a book.” I thought that was a big bold thing to do for his friend. He sends my contact in Thailand a book and my contact in Thailand is upset. He’s starving, homeless, hungry and needs a roof. He doesn’t have any money. He’s given a book. He says, “Maybe there’s something to the book.” The book was The Secret, which is the book that came out after the movie The Secret.

This movie was first. Then the book came afterwards. It’s all about mindset, the law of attraction, power of intention, visualization and thinking positively. Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor, all of us are in that book. He starts reading it and says, “I’m going to prove this book wrong.” I love that he said that because he’s coming as a homeless man, totally angry and skeptical. He says, “I’m going to prove this book doesn’t work.”

REW 78 | Money Loves Speed

Money Loves Speed: Nothing happens without action. We live in a universe that requires co-creation. You have a part to do.


He goes out to prove it doesn’t work by visualizing little things like a cup of coffee. Somebody buys him a cup of coffee. That was probably a fluke. Let me visualize it for lunch. Somebody buys him lunch. Over a few days of testing, he says, “Maybe there’s something to it. Let me try doing it on a job.” He gets a job. Then he tries doing it in an apartment. He gets an apartment.

Long story short, fifteen years later, he is the largest real estate developer in Southern Thailand. He has twenty other businesses, including a gym, gas stations, coffee shops, an attorney’s office and more. He’s running virtually all of it from his phone. He is wheeling and dealing on a level that made my jaw drop. He showed me pictures of some of the real estate properties.

He was networking with hotels like Best Western and some of the others that were building in Phuket and Bangkok. They were working with this 35-year-old kid who was homeless fifteen years ago. He used and is still using all the principles that I talk about. That’s why he said he owed his success to me, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor.

I looked at him and said, “You went down the road a lot further than most other people with what you learned.” I helped him write a book called Homeless to Billionaire, which are his wealth principles. I often tell this story because I’m thinking, especially for people who are into real estate or into investing, this man has used the very principles that some people dismiss as metaphysical or woo-woo. He has used them to build his own empire. I’m in regular contact with him. He remarried. He’s building another house. He’s still doing business in COVID.

This story sends tingles down my spine. What I get from that are two big things. The first is our mindset is everything. There are a lot of mindsets that we talk about on this show. People are always like, “Why aren’t you talking more about strategy?” Nothing is going to happen in real estate unless the real estate between your ears is handled.

Seriously, it’s so important because everything that you see is through the filters of your mindset. If the filters are, “I can’t do it,” everything you’re going to see is I can’t do it. If the filters are, “I can do anything,” it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks or says. You will be able to do so much more than most people could even imagine. That’s so amazing.

The other piece is my parents came to this country newlyweds from an arranged marriage. They didn’t know each other. They knew each other for three weeks. They had $200 in their pocket. They are self-retired with multimillion dollars. They took their whole family to my dad’s 90th birthday in Tahoe for a week. They’re doing great. How do they do that? Not because people told them they couldn’t. How many ladies are listening with all of these, “I can’t. I don’t have enough money. I don’t know how to get started?” At least you have a bed you’re sleeping on, which this guy didn’t.

I also wanted to point out that mindset is a strategy because if we don’t have our mind correct, meaning that it’s aligned for the positive, it will cause us to fail. We will self-sabotage ourselves. We’ll blame everybody else, the market, economy and other realtors but it’s not about that. What’s going on is between our ears.

This is the most important thing. I mentioned my marketing background. Way back in the ’90s, I was learning marketing and coming out as a marketing consultant, marketing copywriter and this, that, and the other. What I realized when I tried to help people with their marketing and I would write ads for them and sales letters is if they didn’t believe in themselves, their product or service, they would find a way to make my ad not work.

They would change something and then rationalize why they changed it. Not realizing that if you change it, it would fail. I realized that before I could teach anybody marketing or I could do marketing for them, I had to help them with their mindset. For me, mindset is the very first strategy. I tell people, “We live in an optical illusion.” Life is an optical illusion. You get whatever it is you believe.

If you believe that there’s a lack and limitations and the marketing is bad, you will go out into the world. You’ll do your Google researching and everything. You will find evidence. You’ll pull it all over and go, “Look at the study right here. Look what the recent paper and the real estate news are saying right here.” By the same token, if you believe, it doesn’t matter what the market is. You’ll find examples like my friend, Andres Pira in Thailand. Doing well despite COVID or anything else, you will find evidence.

You will go on Google and get all kinds of documents and research to prove. “The market is going great. Everything is on the upswing. Realtors come in. This is where you got to cash in.” What’s true? Both are. The lack and limitation world and the abundant mindset world are both there. It’s a matter of which one do you choose. The one you choose is the one you’re going to see.

When I was homeless, I looked out into the world and it was the world against me. I felt alone. I’m the same guy in the same world. I don’t think that way because I changed my thinking. To back up, all of this is a mindset. This is why I wrote books like Money Loves Speed, The Awakened Millionaire, Attract Money Now, The Attractor Factor and all of these other books that are mindset-oriented. When you take care of the mindset, then the real estate sales, the money, then all the other things you were longing for will finally start coming. They’ll come easier and faster.

Mindset is a strategy. I love this thing when you said, “Is it true?” This is a question that I ask myself all the time. Is this true? Is that true? Is it true? Who is it true according to? What do I want to be true? Is it true for me? Is it really true? How do I know it’s true? This is Byron Katie’s work. I ask this all the time. Is it true?

Some realtors do fantastic no matter what the market is because it is not the market that matters but the realtor. Share on X

One of the things that you talk about in your book that made me giggle out loud was your zombie billionaire thing. I want you to explain the strategy that you gave in that. My ladies are going to love this. Part of how I relate it to this strategy or technique was with the start of the question of, “Is this true? Is this playing out in a way that I believe is true?” Do you want to talk about this? It’s so much fun.

I don’t even remember that chapter. It’s a problem of writing as many books as I do.

You talk about the whole zombie billionaire was its own thing but the piece I love that you talked about is if you go to a party and tell people about your dream and they don’t think you’re crazy, you’re not thinking big enough. That was the very big first piece about that. Another chapter was the Twilight zone mind control. “I need to be crazy, which I love because I am. Is it the fact that I’m crazy true? If life isn’t playing out the way I think it should, how can I change that?” That’s where we go into the Twilight zone mind control.

The Money Loves Speed has so many different chapters in it that I love. I put them in there because I so love them but at this point, I’ve forgotten a lot of them. Thank you for reminding me of the zombie millionaires one. I had seen a documentary about billionaires. One of the questions that came up there is, “How a billionaire thinks?” One of the billionaires said that, “If you go to a party and you tell people what your big dream is like you’re a realtor and you want to do something gigantic, if they don’t laugh, you haven’t thought big enough.” They should look at you like, “That’s impossible.”

It should be an uncomfortable laugh.

It should be one of those where they don’t believe it. Then you know you’re on to something. It’s a little bit like Richard Branson. If he goes to a party, he might’ve said years ago, “I’m going to go into space. I’m going to go on my rocket ship.” Elon Musk says, “I’m going to shoot one of my cars to Mars.” Most of us are like, “What in the world are you drinking?”

That big thinking is where we want to go because it activates our energy and enthusiasm that juices within us to think big and do big. That excites me. I’m already getting even more excited thinking about those ideas of what’s possible. Part of me is like, “Anything is possible. There aren’t any limits.” All the limits are mental constructs, which leads to what you were talking about is questioning.

I’m going to use an example that comes to mind. We look at the moon every night. I don’t see any real estate up there. I’m thinking, “Why not? Why isn’t there a building, hotel and Starbucks up there?” Why isn’t there a realtor that is saying, “I am selling acreage on the moon.” We have to do some adapting to make sure that our vegetables don’t float off into space or whatever happens to be adjusted. That’s the big thinking that we should be entertaining because first of all, I think it’s true. Why isn’t there any real estate on the moon? Why isn’t there a billboard up there that says, “Shop Amazon daily. Go to Joe Vitale’s website,” something along those lines.

The next part because part of us is going to doubt ourselves or the possibilities, we want to ask those questions you’re talking about. “Is it true? Is it impossible to sell acreage on the moon?” I don’t think it’s impossible. It might be a challenge. I don’t know that anybody’s trying it. Hopefully somebody is. Examples like that where we can go and ask ourselves, “Is it true that we can’t do that?”

That leads us to questioning our own beliefs, which is important. We believe in a belief-driven universe. We don’t like what we’re getting. It’s because of some beliefs about what we’re getting. We want to question those beliefs, so one of the great ones is, “Is it true? Where’s the evidence that it’s true? How do we know that it’s true?”

Let’s question it like a good detective and dismantle it in the Twilight zone thing. I’m a big fan of Twilight Zone. In fact, Rod Serling, who wrote almost all the episodes and introduced them, I got to meet him when I was a kid. I was shy and insecure in high school but he was cool. I realized he was a short, chain-smoking and insecure little man.

I realized, “If he can do what he’s doing, I can do it too. I can be an author too.” There was one Twilight Zone episode that I never forgot. They were all unique and psychological but there was one where this man was working in an office and he’s giving orders. He’s about to go on a trip, this, that and the other. All of a sudden you hear this great, big booming voice that yells, “Cut.” Then there’s dead silence.

REW 78 | Money Loves Speed

Money Loves Speed: Don’t fall into the illusion of social media. It is tap dancing around our brains, making us feel like everybody else is partying. Everybody else is thriving and happy. We don’t see the entire scope of things we don’t see.


His walls start to be pulled apart by people who are working around it. He realizes he’s on a movie set. He didn’t know he was on a movie set. He was playing the role of a businessman in an office going about his daily duties but after somebody yelled cut, he stopped. The set starts to be dismantled. He has this abrupt mind-disorienting moment where he realizes none of it was real.

I use that technique as a self-help technique. When we get caught up in our negativity, we started hearing all of the excuses in ourselves. “I can’t go to the moon. I don’t know anybody going to the moon.” There are people going to the moon. You can meet them if you reached out and tried. We start going into, “I don’t have the education and experience.” “Stop. Cut.”

I paused to let the silence reinvigorate a little bit. We do that in our brains. When we do that in our minds, we seize control again. We realized, “Wait a minute. Cut. Let’s reverse and reengineer our thinking.” Let’s take two. It’s all we want to do. That scene got screwed up. Somebody didn’t read the script right. Cut, redo, start the scene again and let’s be positive.

Dr. Joe, you’ve been on movies and television. I’ve been on a lot of TV shows. Here’s one thing I know, you can do a cut and a retake as many times as you like. Take 1, take 2, take 4. Keep doing it until you get it right. It’s okay and it can be fun because you learn so much along the way.

In fact, this is worth looking at for a moment. A lot of people stopped going for their dreams and start putting themselves down because they get sucked into the illusion of social media. They see photos of realtors who are saying, “I sold this property. I made this much money.” They forget that whoever’s posting that is cherry-picking their photos, moments and successes.

They don’t dare tell you where they screwed up, where the deal fell through or where they struggled for quite a while because they want the illusion of success to be out there. If you buy into that, you can be self-reflective and self-destructive because you’ll think, “I’m not good enough. I’m not a success like that.” They aren’t either.

They are doing what you talked about. They’re taking take 1, take 2, take 3. “Take three was the one we’re going to use. Let’s use that and get rid of the other two because we don’t want that out there.” They do the same thing with photos and their results. Don’t fall into the illusion of social media. It is tap dancing around our brains, making us feel like everybody else is partying, successful and happy. We’re not. We don’t see the entire scope of things.

I’ll give a personal example here. I mentioned that I went through a two-year divorce, which ended up being a persecution of my life in business. Most days during those two years were not happy. They were not pleasant. They were agonizing. My father and my best friend died during that period. COVID came during that period. Family members attempted suicide during that period. Most of this is not happy.

However, every day I posted 1 or 2 videos on Instagram and Facebook that were positive messages. You never once saw a glimpse that I was going through hell. I was doing that in part to make sure I was doing my mission and helping other people but if people looked at that and thought, “Joe’s happy all the time. Look at him. He’s always a success. He’s got another book deal and a movie,” you overlook the reality of life itself. We all have bumps in the road, challenges and disappointments. When you go through it, you realize you’re not alone. Other people are promoting, like me, the good stuff. We’re putting that face out there.

It’s not just that you’re promoting it. You’re focusing on it. Every time you do one of those videos, you’ll need to focus on what you’re talking about, which is a mind shift for you. You’re in that space where you get to talk about that authentically. It’s going to change who you are in that moment and on that day.

That’s a great reminder because I’m doing it in part for me too. I’m saying that I’m sending out a message because I have quite a few followers and I want them to stay up during trying times because they’re all going through something of their own. When I do it, I’m also going up a little. It’s making me feel better. I get a reward from doing it. It’s not just them. It’s also me. It’s a win-win.

Before we finish, I would like to talk a little bit about the website about the book because this book is amazing. Ladies, this is so much fun. If you get the audio, which you should, you’ll even get to hear some of his songs. It’s such a fun book. I love this and I love the way you read it, Joe. I love that it’s your voice. That’s great. Tell everybody how they can get the book.

I’ve got a website and a $2 offer. You can have the eBook version and the audio version read by me for $2. Just go to For some reason you want the actual physical book, you have to go to Amazon. I don’t know what it costs, $20, something like that. You’re going to have the printed copy that way but if you want a $2 investment to have a little skin in the game, you’re going to have the eBook and the audio version but go to

Every time I talk to you, I feel lifted up. You have this amazing energy. I want to thank you so much for spending this time with me.

Anything is possible. There aren't any limits. The limits are mental constructs, which leads to questioning. Share on X

Thank you. I am honored. I love seeing you. I love being in your energy. You’re doing great work for great people so thank you.

Thank you. Ladies, thank you for joining Joe and me for this show. You know how much I appreciate you. I look forward seeing you next time and until then. Remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon.


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About Dr. Joe Vitale

REW 78 | Money Loves Speed

Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:

He wrote the bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.

He also wrote Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth. It, too, became a #1 bestseller and was picked up by WalMart.

One of his most popular titles, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More reflects an ancient Hawaiian practice, known as Ho’oponopono. A fan favorite, Joe has hosted multiple live events on the subject, nation-wide, and he has created quite a following on this title alone.


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How To Maximize The 6 Elements Of Wealth With Agatha Johnson – Real Estate Women

REW 77 | Elements Of Wealth


We are full beings. And to experience the fullness of life, we have to acknowledge each aspect that affects the way we are and who we are—no matter how far they may seem. Wealth, in particular, is not merely part of our professional lives. It is just as spiritual and personal. Once we acknowledge that, we begin to discover our wealth maximized. Agatha Johnson, the founder and owner of WillKate, knows this to be true. In this episode, she joins Moneeka Sawyer to discuss how you could maximize the six elements of wealth to have a fulfilling life. These six elements cover every part of your life, which are essential, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion. Join Aggie in this conversation as she dives deep into each of them, helping you recognize your potential along the way. Plus, she also shows how you can be capable of giving back to the world. Tune in to realize your purpose and visions and how to understand them better, so you create lasting wealth beyond the balance sheet.

Watch the episode here


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How To Maximize The 6 Elements Of Wealth With Agatha Johnson – Real Estate Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am so excited to welcome to the show, Agatha Johnson. Aggie Johnson is the Founder and owner of WillKate Family Enterprise Office and WillKate Wealth Management. She focuses on purposeful planning that helps create lasting wealth beyond the balance sheet. Aggie is passionate about helping women understand their relationship with wealth, realize their purpose and visions and define the opportunities they wish to create for themselves, their families, causes and their communities. She places high value on families spending as much time as she can with her four grown sons, their three wonderful daughters-in-law and beautiful grandchildren. You may also find her traveling with her husband, hiking or giving back to the community in her free time. Aggie, welcome to the show.

Thank you.

I feel like we’re such kindred spirits. Could you tell us the two-minute version of your story? How did you get to where you are now?

I initially started out in the medical field and had my oldest son early on and needed to take a part-time job and I did that in a bank. That’s when I began to think more about the finance side of the world and I made my switch to the finance piece. That’s how I got my start and began to love it and dove right into it.

How did you start your business?

I started my business after being in the corporate world for many years. When my youngest son graduated, I wanted to take it outside because I can do a lot more outside and very objectively that isn’t necessarily tied to the corporate policies.

You specialize in wealth. Let’s start by talking from your perspective about the Six Elements of Wealth.

Spiritual Side

The six are interesting because it covers every part of your life. The first one that we’ll talk about is the spiritual side. That’s the heart and soul of everything. It is your values that you see in action. What is your belief system and what is the purpose of your being? That’s what the spiritual side is. Every day, we get up in the morning, we breathe, even when we’re having our cup of coffee. There are certain values that you have there every day. That’s capturing your spiritual side of the world and diving deep into that is important.

The spiritual side is the values that you see in action. It is your belief system and the purpose of your being. Share on X

I love that you start with that. I want to give a little perspective because you haven’t read all of our shows. Although you’ve read a few and I love that. A lot of people come onto the show and talk about the mindset of money. We talk about money blocks. We talk about all of these things, but there is something and I’ve released a couple of shows myself about this spiritual side of money. People think that money is the opposite of spirituality.

From my perspective, we are full beings. As you said, we’re full beings and spirituality is one of those things. How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you’re spiritual, you’re going to have a spiritual approach to money, which means it aligns with your core values, your integrity and your spiritual beliefs. Hopefully, your spiritual beliefs are that you deserve abundance because God is an abundance God or the universe or whatever. I love that you start with that. Thank you.

Human Wealth

You’re welcome. If it’s flipped, you probably will never find true happiness. If you start with the spirituality side of it, you will find that very much so. There’s another one that is important. That’s the human element of wealth. A lot of times, we don’t look at our talents as well. It’s something that we use to maybe create wealth, but your talents, even understanding what those natural talents are and learning more about yourself, will be able to position you for the abundance out there that you want and need for fulfillment of life. It’s what you do every day. It’s what you do to give back. By the very nature of using your talents, you give back.

Our talents are there to share not necessarily keep to ourselves. That’s what the human capital side and the human element side are of wealth. If I look at family, the family also is meaning of wealth. The family itself is, who’s your tribe, what’s your culture, what was your upbringing, what is that heritage that you have? Sometimes we don’t always know about it. The more we learn about our heritage, the more we learn about ourselves center ancestors.

Even knowing how do I have a great relationship with my family? How do I talk to them about my purpose and what’s the family purpose out there? There are so many important pieces when it comes to family, especially in our world now. That’s such a crazy fast-paced world. It’s how do you take time at least on an annual basis with your family to dive deep and have funds. Turn off the phones, turn off the computers, all those social connections and get to know each other.

I think it’s interesting that people, again, we take the money and it’s one of the puzzle pieces, but it’s the puzzle piece that we put on the side. It’s the island, but our families, the people that we love, our pets, our children, our parents, all of those things they’re right in the center of our puzzle. The thing is that every single piece of the puzzle affects each other and with that little piece out as an island, you have a hole in your puzzle. The family relationships are going to the way that that comes together and your puzzle affects the look of the whole puzzle. It looks at the fact, the beauty, the way that it stands out, stands together.

It’s also interesting with family. My parents were born in Pakistan and had to flee during the separation between India and Pakistan. My mom’s dad worked in agriculture in the United Nations. He ran the Agriculture Department around the world. He was very wealthy and had a very big worldview. My dad’s dad was a big Judge in Pakistan. He basically was the big man on campus. They were also very wealthy but then when they had to flee, my mom’s dad saw it coming and got them out. My dad’s family had to flee and they lost everything. They ended up living in a shack with fifteen people in it.

What this brought for me was that I was brought up with the idea that you can be wealthy and lose it all. It’s hard to enjoy your wealth when you’re afraid that it could run away from you. There wasn’t this idea of abundance. It was hard work. Big sacrifice and you could lose it all. There was this feeling of hoarding.

I think some of that ancestral stuff moves down to us unless we have these open conversations like, “Money conversation with my parents is because of this thing. Have compassion for that but I don’t want that in my life. I want my life to look a different way.” Way beyond the puzzle and the beauty of pulling it all together, our ancestral understanding of where our family’s coming from gives us financial compassion. It also allows you to choose something different.

REW 77 | Elements Of Wealth

Elements Of Wealth: Your talents will be able to position you for the abundance out there that you want and need for fulfillment in life.


My grandfather came from Germany, so the heritage is German-Russian. When they came over, it was about the time where the United States was looking for people to homestead, especially on the agricultural side, so I come from an agricultural world. I’m 3rd generation in the farming operation and the 4th generation is starting to come in. The one thing about family is as siblings. We felt it was our duty to make sure that we continued the wealth.

We came together and it’s even how you communicate because if you have eight siblings, we have age differences. You have all these communication styles. Coming together and talking about that was important. The bigger part to that and the deeper part was our purpose. That came into that conversation, so was a message down to the next generation or the inspiring generation out there.


That in itself was a big one. The human capital and the family capital are tied to how we think about wealth, our belief system is around that if it’s scarcity versus utilizing the talent to inspire and open up the opportunities to create wealth. There is a big difference in how we talk that through. Family is very important because that’s where we get our initial belief systems and our biases.


The societal side of it is what do we do in the communities that we live in or beyond? The societal element of wealth is all about how do we give back to the very community that we are taking something from? Whether it is worldwide, a small community, a larger community. What are some of those things that are important from a society standpoint? How do we engage in those conversations because that’s also another part of ourselves and how we look at our wealth and our money?

Do we give back by that through the financial channels or do we give back by doing things for others? Seeking those opportunities to give back and learn from others as well. The societal side is very important and if I think about it now, whether we use Facebook for a channel looking out in society or whatever it is. We lose that connection if we don’t get out there and get a connection that human side of it with society and how we engage and interact within the communities.

Giving back is such a big tenet also of choosing bliss, which is what I’m all about. Money is only a tool to amplify our belief systems. If your belief system is to give back to the community, then that tool amplifies your capacity to do that. There’s also the other element of the circular flow of money. As it goes out, it also comes back to us. You also don’t want to hoard because as you spend, you’re benefiting the economics around you. You spend on things for yourself. You also make sure that you’re spending things on the community and people that could use your help. There’s a lot of stuff around the community that we can do to make wealth feel more abundant for ourselves and for the people around us.

I sit on the board of directors for our South Dakota Symphony. It’s one of those that it is a volunteer board. We also raise money for the Symphony. The other part of that was it connected all the dots of things that are important from the elements of wealth. An example would be, we gave to the school systems specifically for those that maybe couldn’t afford an instrument but wanted to be in a musical area. It was creating shelters where bands could come into play. It also was bringing in music as medicine into the hospital systems. All of those pieces flow through of how you give back to the community while you’re raising money to make sure that those areas are supported.


We also connect with cultures such as the Native American side of it. We engaged them to create music that was bringing their culture into some of the symphonic pieces. It was a very broad view on everything of what elements of welfare. If I jump into now, the very two that are resources, so financial. It’s the resource that helps fulfill some of those other four elements that we talked about because the more that you become a steward of the wealth and the more that you become a steward of your own finances and understand them, the better you will be able to grow and have more of that abundance that can give beyond that.

The financial side to me, I always look at that as the easy part. I’m going to number crunch. I’m going to invest. I’m going to think about all these pieces, but now what am I going to do with them? What’s the purpose of it? The structural part of it is it’s anything such as owning real estate. It’s how I own that asset or structures such as even trust as part of a structure or any of those pieces that are going to help put our dollars in play. That’s the structure. It can even be our mission statement. It could be a family mission statement, your personal mission statement. That’s also considered a structure that helps give guidelines and some guidance of how you’re going to utilize your wealth.

I always talk about money. I’ve said this a few times on shows and people always look at me, but I was like, “I got that mundane thing about money handled a long time ago.” They’re like, “Mundane? What are you talking about?” It’s like, out of all those pieces of the beauty and bliss of life, money is only the tool like it’s the hammer and the shovel. It’s not that exciting. It’s cool and I love it, but it’s not the thing that juices me.

Our talents are there to share, not necessarily to keep to ourselves. Share on X


That’s okay. The important part of that is bringing the stewardship in. The stewardship of the dollar, so your mission statement, your value statements, all of those help you in guiding how you handle your money. That’s the stewardship of that and there’s such a great responsibility that comes with it in order to fulfill those other four areas.

I agree with you on that. I’m highlighting that.

You’re welcome. Those are the Six Elements of Wealth and everything that we do surrounds those areas of wealth when we have conversations.

Talk to me a little bit about what women specifically might overlook with regards to building wealth.

That’s such a great question. The things that I see most are, they don’t monitor their own credit score. That one comes up a lot of times, specifically if they have been married and their husband, for the most part, took care of the money. You will see that even if I reflect back on my own parents. It was my father that took care of a lot of stuff. That was the culture that was how things were handled.

It’s challenging because of either a divorce or a death or something to that effect, sometimes, people, females, will not understand what that means for them later on. Credit score monitoring is important and understanding dollars. Understand financials and be okay to ask the question. Although it’s easy to allow someone else to make a lot of decisions, it also has a big impact on health things can go in the future.

Part of this, like asking questions, there are a couple of things. First, women don’t want to seem stupid financially. We’re often made to feel that way. Not made, but the environment allows us to feel stupid. The other piece is that we want to be pleasers. We don’t want to make someone uncomfortable by asking a question. We don’t want to push anything. The reality is that, unless we do those things, we don’t get the financial wherewithal to take care of ourselves when it’s necessary. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to always be necessary, but when it is necessary, you want to be able to have the wherewithal to take care of yourself. It’s super important.

Research has shown that females make wiser choices, primarily because they’re a lot more cautious about how they approach something. That doesn’t mean that a male will make riskier decisions. Females and males have different approaches. I think that’s okay for us to understand that, which means the questions you ask are for a very specific reason. Also, if you are working with your spouse, it’s a great way to have a good conversation about what you both believe in, which is going to bring you closer together. Money is so personal and people get nervous about money or it can be a conflict area. The more you ask questions, the better your conversations will be and it’ll help you in the long run.

I find that the money conversation can turn into a dream-building conversation. You can talk about, “This is what we want to do, this is how our money works, this is what we’re doing right and wrong,” and both of our participation in both of those things. “What’s the dream that we’re building towards?” My husband and I are always working towards a big goal. Now, it’s retirement but we had the goal of traveling around the world for six months. We had the goal of moving to France for a year. As we were building that goal, the financial conversation had a bigger picture. It’s a much more joyful experience.

Even if things are going wrong and the conversation can be tough, but you’re encouraged maybe to ask those harder questions because you’re both working towards something. You’re both on the same team, as opposed to being on opposite sides of the teams, of the tennis net. Whatever it is, you want to be on the same side on the same team and building goals together make the financial conversation easier.

You’re so spot on because if you add children into the mix, then it can be even more difficult because you both come into the conversation having different views. You were brought up differently. Coming into that conversation is so critical because you are a partner in life. Sometimes people don’t look at it from that perspective. If you don’t have the conversation, you don’t know if you’re going right or left, California or Florida.

REW 77 | Elements Of Wealth

Elements Of Wealth: We lose that connection if we don’t go out there and connect with the human side of society and how we engage and interact within the communities.


What direction are we going here? Having those conversations sets the tone even of how your children look at money because if they see the disagreement between the parents, that’s how they’re coming in on their money mindset and how they look at the values of what dollars mean. The parents having a conversation about that is so critical and both being equal of understanding is even more important.

Could we talk a little bit about how real estate fits into the six elements?

Real estate, in my opinion, is an important allocation. Real estate is one that will give stability depending on what type it is, whether it’s land development, apartment buildings or office buildings. Whatever type of real estate it is, it has a spot in your portfolio and should be important. It does weather typically when markets do move. I’m talking about the liquid markets now. If I look at real estate, even understanding what your purpose is.

If I look at agriculture, which is a heavy one for us, agriculture has a central purpose. It not only brings income in. It will grow in value but it also has a purpose of utilizing the land to have food out in the community. There’s a much broader view sometimes of real estate and making sure that you have various different areas in the real estate market. You also want to make sure you’re balancing that piece out.

It’s interesting that you talk about agriculture for you because we’ve never talked about that on the show. We talk a lot about single-family, multifamily and those strategies. What you highlight by talking about agriculture is each family also has a real estate legacy. “What is it that we see as the land for us?” For some people, it’s, “We’ve rented our entire life. We’ve of been at the mercy of a landlord our whole life.” For some people, it’s apartment buildings. “We’ve always lived in the manager’s unit in an apartment.”

For people like me, my parents and I, we’ve always owned many houses. Not vacation homes. We don’t have homes in Hawaii and France and these other places. For us, it’s all investing in single-family homes. We do have a mindset around our real estate legacy. I love that you brought that up because I think it’s something we can change. Only because I’ve always done single-family homes do not mean I can’t invest in other things. This is what is intuitive for me.

For you, there’s farmland but there’s a big reason for that. There’s a whole business legacy and family legacy around that. If you’re a renter, you don’t have to stay a renter. You can start paying yourself and making yourself rich rather than a landlord. You can change that, too. I think it’s interesting to note that we all have these legacies that are passed down for us with regard to land. This has been the truth since the beginning of time. There were the lords and there were the peasants. The lords owned the land and the peasants wanted to. There is a land legacy around that. It’s so interesting that you said it that way because what an interesting conversation about, “What is happening for me?”

That’s important and if you think about the diversification in a portfolio, we work with a family that has landed in multiple countries. The purpose of that is the communities, the countries that they’re in and also the diversification even when it comes to weather, which was interesting in the soil. The diversification of how people look at where things are as far as real estate is important. Real estate is a very important topic in everyone’s allocation.

Thank you so much for that, Aggie. We have so much more to talk about. We’re out of time on this first part of the show. I want to tell you the two big pieces I want to continue on EXTRA are what is purposeful planning for women? That was one of the questions we didn’t get to. The other one is I want to talk about the soul of money and what does that mean? We haven’t had, in my belief, enough conversations of that spiritual side.

Sometimes, the more we learn about our heritage, the more we learn about ourselves. Share on X

I think it’s because people tap dance around it a little bit because it’s loaded. I want to have that conversation and Aggie has offered to have that with me. I’m super excited to share that with you. We’re going to be doing that in EXTRA, so stay tuned for that before we move to our three rapid-fire questions, Aggie. Could you tell people where they can reach you? I know you got a free gift, so talk a little bit about that.

There are two of them. If you have a multi-generational portfolio, you can go to our website at You’ll be able to see that on the resource page if you go down. You can print off that little booklet. It talks about the balance sheet and that goes beyond the finances and how to go another hundred years. The other one is if you’re single or you have your family or something like that, you can give us a call and we’d be happy to chat with you for a while. You can ask us questions. Feel free to do either one.

Thank you for that. Aggie, are you ready for three rapid-fire questions?

I am.

Give us one super tip on getting started investing in real estate.

The greatest thing about real estate is if you are looking at homes, single homes or if you’re looking at apartment buildings or office buildings, you want to know what the economy is there. That is a big one. Also, understanding, are you building, are you purchasing a building and what was the income from it. How sustainable was it? You want to also know the leverage side of it.

If you are buying that, understand the leverage and how the financial institutions look at real estate. There are different ways of purchasing it. It’s either you can use your own or you can leverage and use somebody else’s dollars, either through banks. You can go to different institutions that offer different ways of even having your dollars leveraged. The more you can learn about real estate in itself, the better.

I love that you talked about there are so many different ways to finance. We think that there’s only one way but there are lots of different ways to finance. Leverage is the magic of real estate. You definitely learn a little bit about that. Don’t feel like you need to know everything. You need to know how to find a pro that was taking care of you. What is one strategy for being successful in real estate investing?

The one thing about being successful in real estate, you want to know what the equity side of it is. What is the normal growth rate on equity? You also want to know if it’s income-driven more so than anything, always keep up to speed on what is the going rate for the rent. That is a big thing. Know, too, from a triple net standpoint, if you’re going into a building real estate of hard asset, just know, is that building triple net or what is it because you should not have to necessarily pay out of pocket. You’re tripling that setup, which is paying for your taxes and your real estate of the paving of whatever it is your parking lots, whatever your building is. You want to know what that is. If it’s housing, that’s a little different, too, but you want to know what your options are there.

What is one daily practice, Aggie that contributes to your personal success?

Meditation in the morning. I texted my sons in the morning and my daughter-in-law sent a picture and said, “Got done with my workout. Watching the sunrise this morning with my cup of coffee and my protein shake sitting out on the deck.” I would say that meditation grounds you and brings you right back into having a great day.

Elements Of Wealth

Elements Of Wealth: The more you become a steward of the wealth and understand your finances, the better you will grow and have more of that abundance that can give beyond that.


Most successful people do meditate. That shows up a lot, so I’m so very glad. This has been so informative and so much fun. Thanks for all you’ve offered for this portion of the show.

You’re welcome. This was great.

Ladies, we got more coming. We’re going to be talking about the soul of money and building wealth purposefully as a woman and what that means to us. We’re going to be talking about that in EXTRA, so stay tuned if you are subscribed. If you’re not subscribed but would like to be, go to The first seven days are free, so you can download it as much as you like.

Check it out. If you want to stick with us, of course, it’s a subscription. For those of you that are leaving Aggie and me now, thank you so much for joining us. I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.


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About Agatha Johnson

REW 77 | Elements Of Wealth

Aggie has years of experience working with clients who desire and value trusted expert wealth advice and advising them on how to be successful in life by finding the financial freedom to accomplish their purpose and dreams. She cares about each client’s personal success and takes the time to get to know the families and organizations she works with on a personal level. Aggie has worked with a wide range of clients, from families in business and high income earners, to medium-to-high net worth clients and ultra-net worth clients.

After decades working with individuals, families, and businesses, Aggie realized that most people focus on two specific areas of wealth planning, financial decisions and estate planning, which causes many to struggle with their choices. Aggie’s approach looks at the bigger picture; her expertise is in helping clients adapt to wealth, understand their relationship with wealth, and realize their purpose and vision. This creates the foundation for experiencing a greater opportunity to achieve dreams and lasting effects for different stages in life and future generations.

Agatha’s multi-disciplined approach provides guidance in six dimensions of wealth: financial, spiritual, human, family, structural (how things are owned and used) and societal. She helps clients define the opportunities they wish to create for themselves, family members, people, causes, and communities for which they care. Aggie has used this approach to work through many scenarios of opposing dynamics which can often times create complexities and complications. She believes having a strong path will provide the opportunity for lasting legacies.

Agatha is married to Craig, has four grown sons, three wonderful daughter-in-law’s and seven beautiful grandchildren. When not working with her family of clients she can be found enjoying time with her family, traveling with her husband, hiking and giving back to the community.


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Virtual Investing Vs. Investing In Your Home Market With Lauren Hardy – Real Estate For Women

REW 76 | Virtual Investing


Everyone dreams of having time with their family while achieving financial freedom and it’s something that virtual investing can make possible. As a single mom, Lauren Hardy doesn’t want to have a corporate job either. Instead, she wants to control her time and freedom while still providing for her kids. Having her career evolved in many different ways, she dives deep into how you could earn income in real estate investing by closing deals at home. In this episode, she joins Moneeka Sawyer to discuss flipping houses, virtual investing, and investing in your home market. What do you base your decisions on regarding which markets to enter into? Listen to Lauren Hardy as she shares a lot of valuable insights on business growth and practices that would help you reach success!

Watch the episode here


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Virtual Investing Vs. Investing In Your Home Market With Lauren Hardy – Real Estate For Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am so excited to welcome to the show, Lauren Hardy. Lauren is a real estate investor with a people-first approach to business. Investing in hundreds of properties in her career, Lauren has the unique reputation of being a successful virtual investor, having not lived in many of the states that she’s invested in. Lauren has been able to persevere in extremely competitive markets by constantly following the market changes and being flexible and willing to move market territories when needed. She currently lives in Southern California with her two daughters but invests in properties all over the country.

Lauren, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me.

I’m so delighted. Lauren has been so kind and patient. We’ve been trying to get her scheduled for over a year. I’m so excited. It’s finally happened. Lauren, could you tell us a little bit about your story like the two-minute high-level version of why you are doing what you are doing?

I’m a single mom of two girls. My big why is I did not want a corporate job. I did not want to have to go in and clock in and clock out and have my time controlled by someone else. I learned very early on when my daughter was first born that this whole parenting thing is pretty tough. It is very hard when you have two parents that have corporate jobs. What do you do when your kid is sick? It so happened that I had one of those babies that got sick every 2 or 3 weeks. It seemed like the universe was telling me that one of us needed to have a more flexible career to take care of this child, then fast forward, I had another baby.

Chase lifestyle design and freedom to have an enriched life. Share on X

If you want to go even more, fast forward, I’m now a single mom. I knew early on there was something telling me you need to be able to work from home and have a flexible schedule. I was willing to do anything. I didn’t care what the job was and what the business was. I would do it as long as I could work from home. It so happened that my brother started flipping houses and he was having some success in it. I’ll take you guys back. It was 2012, and he said, “You should look into this because you only have to flip a couple of homes. You’ll make your salary that you’re making now and you can stay home with the kids.” I thought it sounds good. That was my start and that is my why that I’ve always chased time, freedom, lifestyle, design.

I’m obsessed with lifestyle, design, and living a very good enriched life. I don’t necessarily need a rich life and aspire to make tons of money, although that’s great. For me, it was time and freedom. That was my number one why. My career has evolved in many different ways. It started out as house flipping. I got into some ground-up development projects and then I got into wholesaling. Right now, my investment company is more based on volume wholesaling. I wholesale properties outside of my market territory, so not in California. I do it out-of-state and my career has evolved. I coach virtual wholesaling. That’s what I’m known for. That is a high level of what my business is all about.

Lauren, that was unbelievable. You said many magical things. I want to highlight a couple of things for you that Lauren said so eloquently but you may not have caught. First of all, she talked about having an enriched life rather than a rich life. Did you catch that? That is how I live, too. There’s so much of the time people are like, “I got to be rich.” If you’re only got to be rich, there’s no way to know when enough is enough or when your life has reached that place where now you get to relax.

Now you get to reap the benefits and you get to go out there and focus more on what you are going to do out there in the world or what you are going to do from your family rather than chasing the dollar. Something that’s key for us women is we get caught up in this male-competitive like it’s never enough. What’s next? You never want to stop striving to be the best version of yourself, but the best version of you doesn’t necessarily mean the richest you could possibly be.

I love the way that Lauren has talked about, “I don’t need to be super-rich,” but she needs to make sure she can take care of her kids and herself and, obviously, put her kids through college and retire. She’s got this plan. She didn’t talk about it, but we can all make that those assumption, I’m sure. It’s all about the enriched life. It’s not about, “How much money can I make?” The second thing is, normally, when I ask people to give me their high-level story, they start from the very beginning and move to now.

What Lauren did, and I want you to capture this in your heart, is she started with her why because our why is the secret to our life. It’s a secret here business and to your success. Without even thinking about it, she led with that because that’s what drives her and it’s an amazing driver. If we understand our why, we will never stop doing the things that will help us to achieve ours why no matter how bad we feel in the morning, no matter what challenges we come up against, because that’s how business is.

REW 76 | Virtual Investing

Virtual Investing: Because of market saturation within the Metro, from other investors doing the same types of marketing techniques, they are competing after the same homes.


Nothing in life is a cakewalk. Things happen, but that why is going to be the thing that draws your heart forward and keeps you moving even when they’re in challenges. Lauren, first of all, I want to say thank you so much for that incredibly eloquent story and the way that you led us through so much learning by being who you are.

You’re welcome.

Now, let’s talk about how do you know which markets to enter into. What do you base these decisions on?

I have a lot of experience jumping in and out of markets. The markets change depending on what’s going on in the economy and your particular market. I have been in different types of markets. I live in Southern California. The average house price here is around $850,000, so not cheap. It’s very expensive. I’m in a very high price market where I live. However, this market was amazing during the recession. During the recession, you could get amazing deals on real estate here and it wasn’t that difficult. Anybody who wanted to be a house flipper could be one. Here around 2012, 2011 and before, but things changed.

The real estate market got very hot throughout the country, especially in these high prices, major metros. It became difficult to do this business here in Southern California. Your market could be amazing for the time being then you might have some situation that makes it change and you need to be flexible. I don’t know if you’ve read the Who Moved My Cheese? book, but I like to make that reference if anybody has read the book. My cheese moved around 2016. The real estate market got hot and it became very hard to find a flip project here. I had to find another market or I had to get a full-time job. It was one or the other.

How do you know where a good market is? If you’re asking me, the major metros are pretty tough. A lot of people are crying in the major metro saying, “There are no deals,” but do you know where I hear there are still deals? It’s 30 minutes out from the major metro where people are commuting. Maybe they have jobs in the major metro, but they have to commute. That will change with time, like if there is some distress and if the bubble bursts, who knows what’s going to happen in the future? If the real estate market starts to go down again, the major metros might be hot again or it might be easy to do real estate.

You need to follow market trends and you need to stay relevant and on top of it. One of my favorite ways to stay relevant is networking with people in the market you’re in and asking them, “Are you picking up good deals? Is it getting harder? What’s your marketing cost to get your deals? Has it increased? Have your wholesale fees gone up or down?” Those are good questions to ask. Hopefully, I answered that question. Probably I think I answered a lot of questions in that.

You did. Are you doing wholesale in these markets? Tell me specifically why 30 minutes out of the main metros? Let me clarify why I’m asking that question. What we’ve seen is that there are a lot of people that have moved out of the metros because of the pandemic. They feel like, “I want a bigger home and more space.” I’m noticing that’s happening. I’m also noticing that a lot of them are assuming that they can work at home still and we don’t know how that’s going to change.

In my area, we’re not seeing 30 minutes. Thirty minutes out from the metro is still the same price as San Jose. You might see a $50,000 drop. I’m in the San Jose area. Our median price is $1.2 million, just so you know. Lauren and I are in tough markets but in my market, you don’t see price drops until about an hour out. Is that a loose guideline? Talk to me a little bit more about that.

It’s a very loose guideline. I did not realize you lived in Northern California. I have a lot of Northern California students that come to me and they completely leave the state. It’s insane. It depends on what kind of investing strategy. I know there are buy and hold audiences on this show, probably, or people that are interested in wholesaling and flipping. It depends on your investment strategy but if you are in an area that is very high priced, you might want to consider going completely out-of-state. I have a price point sweet spot that I like right now. Again, all of this stuff changes. This is in 2021, but I’m saying a year from now, who knows?

Anybody who wanted to be a house flipper could be one. Share on X

What I’ve noticed, in my experience with being in different markets, trying different markets out, being successful in some of them, not as much in others and also having a lot of students and hearing their feedback is, when the average price point is above $200,000, you are dealing with a different type of seller. There are so many places. This is probably hard for you to realize and me at one point because we’re from California worth $200,000, “What? Is there an area of California where there are prices under 200,000?” No, probably not. It would be difficult to find, but there are plenty of areas in the United States where the average house price is under $200,000. What I’ve noticed is when prices get above $200,000, you’re dealing with a different type of seller. There’s less seller distress in the price point of above $200,000.

Sellers are usually savvier. They have more options and don’t get themselves in as much trouble. They don’t have as many problems for us to solve. As real estate investors, we are problem solvers. We’re looking for homes that we can add value. Usually, these houses are deferred in their maintenance. There’s a type of seller that gets themselves in that situation. The first baseline I want to get you started with is looking at price points in the area. Hands down, anybody I’ve spoken with that their average price point is above $200,000. I start hearing cries of, “There are no deals in this area.” If you’re in an area like San Jose, where you’re even 30 minutes out, you’re still talking $800,000. That’s completely different.

I’m saying find an area that’s even further out until you start seeing that price point. Now, we’re talking. Even so, say an area in a major metro like Oklahoma City or Indianapolis, for example. Atlanta, Georgia, is a beautiful example as well. Your average house price point is around $200,000 or lower. They meet that price point but because of market saturation within the metro from other investors doing the same types of marketing techniques, they are competing after the same homes. That’s what I mean by going 30 minutes out of Atlanta. You’ll notice there are a lot less investors willing to go 30 minutes out.

They’re still very hung up on the major metro, so you might have better luck out there for now. If the market cools down and there’s more distressed inventory, think back to 2011 when you could even go probably to San Jose. I know in Orange County, you could go to the Trustee Sales. They are auctioning houses out to whoever will take them. We’ll be back in those major metros because there’s more inventory, but right now, inventory is low in those major metros. You need to start thinking about going outside of them.

The price point that you’re looking for is under $200,000. Is that true?


Talk to us a little bit about how you market to these people that you’ve never met and you’re probably never going to meet them.

Direct to seller marketing is my specialty. I’ve never purchased an investment property off the MLS to date, and it’s been many years. I learned direct to seller marketing. That’s all I know. I don’t know how to work with realtors. I started the business out when direct mail was the thing to do. I’ve done direct mail for many years, but I do other stuff. We do cold calling and mass text messaging.

I got into TV ads, and that’s been exciting. I’m doing all direct to seller stuff. I’ve done some online like Google Ad Words and Facebook Ads as well. I wouldn’t say it’s my specialty. I’m not a big fan of that marketing method and I’ve got a bunch of reasons why. I don’t focus on that as much, but I still find that cold calling, mass texting and the TV Ads are working well and direct mail as well.

Do you need boots on the ground, people and how do you find them?

You definitely need people in your corner in the market that you’re in. I have my team, I call them a runner, a very crucial person that you can hire there. It’s not that hard to find and basically, that means an errand-runner. I made up that term. What that person does is they run all the errands that I would have run if I was at that local market. If you need to buy a property and take photos, that’s your runner’s job. I pay them around $20 an hour. I find that type of person on Craigslist. It’s a super easy position to fill.

REW 76 | Virtual Investing

Virtual Investing: Alignment is important. Take a week to find that perfect partner. Maybe it’s not just one person, or three. Sometimes a JV partner may be good at one niche.


It’s usually someone who’s looking to make some extra money on the side. They present themselves well and they’re professional-looking. You want to make sure because this person is representing your company. You want to make sure you interview. You can do a Zoom interview and make sure that they present themselves well. That’s a very important boots-on-ground person that you need. What I recommend is when you start in a virtual market, to team up with another investor that is doing what you’re trying to do and do a few deals with them at first.

Maybe do your first 5 to 10 deals with that partner. I called this partner a JV partner, which means Joint Venture partner. I’m big on teaming up, partnering, and collaborating at first because you’re going to cut your learning curve. Every market has nuances that you don’t understand until you’re in it for six months. A good way to cut those six months in half or more is having that JV partner who can explain those nuances to you right then and there, and you learn them quicker. If it was just you figuring out those nuances on your own, it could take quite a long time, so I do recommend JV partnering as well as. It’s like a crucial boot on the ground you need to have.

How do you find a JV partner in that market?

I love Facebook and REIAs, the Real Estate Investment Associations that are local in the area. You can ask, “I’m looking to partner on a deal who is actively wholesaling in this area.” Tag a friend or somebody that you know. I’ve gotten all of my JVs mainly from Facebook and then word of mouth. You maybe talk to someone and ask them like, “Do you know anyone? Do you know a wholesaler who’s active?” It’s wholesaling specifically, getting on other wholesaler’s buyer’s lists, and see who’s producing a lot of deals every month, then get on the phone and talk to them about being a partner.

I’m sure you interview them to make sure that you’re aligned and they’ve got a good reputation and all of that stuff. Is that true?

One hundred percent. Alignment is important because you can get a bad JV partner for sure. Ask if they know what they’re doing, but they don’t. That’s a common one. They aren’t doing that many deals in the area, but they are excited so they say they are. I always say do Goldilocks and the three bears like, “Do you know if this one is too hot, too cold, or if this one is right.” I tell my students personally, “Take a week to find that. Maybe it’s not one person or there are three people that you want to work with and try out.”

Sometimes, a JV partner may be good at one niche like they can sell one type of house and have these types of buyers, but they don’t have others. They don’t have a variety of buyers on their list. That’s why you might want to have maybe 2 or 3 that you work with and spend time trying to find that 2 or 3. Call twenty-plus of them, have a lot of conversations and you’ll have that feeling of, “This one is just right.” After you talked to enough of them, you’ll know who stood out to you.

Do you go into several different markets? For instance, if you’re wholesaling, do you go into one market and hang out there? How many deals in that market before you move to another market? How does that work for you?

Bouncing in and out of markets is a very hard thing to pull off. Every market has nuances. I always say it takes six months to figure a market out. I don’t bounce around. Where I have moved is when a market got too competitive. If my marketing cost to get one deal was starting to get way too high, I might move markets but knowing that I’m going to stay in that market for a while. I have had moments where I’ve tried markets out and it didn’t feel like the ones I’ve been successful in, I’ve moved out of them maybe after a month.

I’ve done that before, but it’s not something I recommend. I don’t recommend jumping in and out and trying to be in five markets at once. Every market is its own baby. You need to think of it as a baby, nourish it and spend time with it. If you’re going to open up a new market, plan on not making any money for six months and focusing on it. You don’t want to take away from your market that’s producing well. You want to make sure that if you are in one market and you’re doing well but maybe you want to expand, you want to make sure that the market that you’re doing well in is still churning and burning and you’ve got someone managing it so you can take your focus onto building out the new one.

Try to test different markets in your real estate business. Share on X

I love that and I love this focus. Again, this are little gems by Lauren. She says there’s one market that’s performing, but she knows it’s time to move, so she’s got someone managing one and she’s focusing on the other one. This is true on so many levels in life. If you got a W-2 job and you want to become a real estate investor, you don’t quit your W-2 job and become an investor because there’s lag time. There’s a learning curve and lead times. It’s not just this strategy is every strategy. Many of what Lauren is saying is so valuable in so many different strategies. You want to make sure you’re not freaked out and making bad decisions because you don’t have cashflow coming in.

Some people are like, “Burn your bridges and you’ll be highly motivated,” and you’ll be freaked out and you could make bad decisions. It’s better if you can do a transition, have a transition time and plan it rationally so that you’ve got some time to create success. That’s cool. Thank you, Lauren. Lauren and I are going to talk to you about the four key performance indicators that you should be tracking that she tracks.

However, we’re out of time on this portion of the show. We are going to bump that to EXTRA. She says that she can do a nice deep dive on what are the key performance indicators that she tracks and you should be tracking. As we’re going to close out this show, there’s a couple of questions I have for you. First, are you ready for our three rapid-fire questions?

I am.

Lauren, tell us one super tip on getting started in real estate investing.

I think I already dropped the super tip. I’m sorry if I spoiled it, but I do recommend aligning yourself with a partner. Go into this saying, “I am going to partner with somebody for my first 5 to 10 deals.” That’s a big mistake I made. If I were to put some time, I wish that I didn’t have such an ego and I would have partnered for my first two years. When I first got started, it was 2012, it was an amazing time to be a house flipper but I didn’t know it because I didn’t have experience and hindsight. I didn’t know much about real estate in general. Had I known what I know now, I wish I would have partnered with someone that was doing a very high volume of flips in my area. I would have 50/50 gone in with them and done way more flips and made way more money because I would’ve had them with me.

Part of it is the courage aspect. I don’t want to generalize, but I do feel what I’ve noticed with myself being a female and even some of my female students is we have a fear. We have a little bit more sometimes of a heightened fear response. Flipping is scary. Real estate investing can be scary. It can be intimidating. If I would have had a partner that was maybe ten years ahead of me and would have been like trailblazing with me, I would have been like, “They’re my safety blanket. They know what they’re doing and they say it’s a good deal. Let’s do it.” I didn’t have that person. It was all me and I was doing a lot less than I was capable of, honestly. That’s my big tip. Get a partner.

I’ve got a partner, too, but one thing that I want to say is mentorship is key. Getting a partner is unbelievably important. However, do your due diligence on each of those projects. In your case, maybe someone would have brought you a lot of good stuff. They had ten years of experience, but that’s still no guarantee of success in the next project on the one that you’re going to be involved in.

You do your due diligence on the project, you find out why they think it’s a good deal, and you can take a look at it and see why you think it’s a good deal or not because that tightens your learning curve even more. Now you’re fully engaged, you have this trust factor, got some person to bounce some stuff off of, and somebody mentoring you, you’re also learning how to do your due diligence, which was helpful, too. I love that tip. What is one strategy for being successful in real estate investing?

Something that I’ve done and I do well is make friends. Having friends in my back pocket in every niche of real estate investing has been so rewarding. It’s been nice. Anytime I’m struggling with an aspect of my business, I know whom to call. They say your network is your net worth. I thought that quote was cheesy, but it is a little bit true. I literally can pick up my phone if there’s ever a problem. I have somebody in my phone that I can call and figure it out, so make friends.

What is one daily practice that you would say contributes to your personal success, Lauren?

I discovered this little hack and it’s made a big difference in my life. I don’t do it every day, but I do it as often as I can think to do it. I would say this is more of a mindfulness strategy. I like to write down a list of what’s going well and what is not working. What’s working? What’s not working? I’ll then write on a piece of paper. I get my yellow pad out. I never leave it anywhere, by the way. This yellow pad is here next to me. First, I want to express gratitude and I want to say what’s going well because I think it’s important to acknowledge what you’ve accomplished that’s going well like, “Good job. You solve that problem.” It was a problem. You solved it. Now, it’s going well.

REW 76 | Virtual Investing

Virtual Investing: Write down a list of what’s going well and what is not working. It’s important to acknowledge what you’ve accomplished.


Sometimes, this has a lot to do with lifestyle design. A lot of it is my kids. Maybe their schools are not working out or are working out if we’re talking going well. I love their school. Their days there are great. Their campus has been amazing. The routine is going well. You want to list everything that is going well in your life. It’s important to express some gratitude, but then I turn it over and I write, “What needs work?”

I brain-dump the stuff that I’m feeling the weight. If I’m feeling something is broken, what are the things that are broken that we can fix? Every time you look at that list, you might start noticing correlations. Sometimes you’ve got five things, but they’re all related to your commuting too much. You’re driving too much in the car. Maybe you’re feeling tired. You have a lot of brain fog. You’re having a hard time staying focused or your diet. You start realizing like, “How can I fix this? What tools do I need to fix these problems?”

From there, I start writing out possible solutions. Sometimes those possible solutions are things that I can immediately do now. Sometimes, it’s letting go of a bad employee that’s draining everybody on the team or the possible solution is hiring a coach of some kind. You need mentorship and coaching. Maybe it’s getting a new doctor, whatever it is. This is a pretty big step, but it made such a big difference. Because of COVID, my kids’ school got distance learning.

I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t handle the responsibilities of being a business owner and being a home mom. One day, all my problems are all my things that were going wrong were related to that. I picked up the phone that day and called every private school that I knew was open and got them into private school the next week and stress lifted. I love that daily practice. I think everybody would benefit from doing it.

I have a million things I want to say but this is your spot, so I’m not going to say anything, but that was amazing. I’ve enjoyed talking to Lauren. I hope you’ve enjoyed, too. We talked a little bit about what’s going on and there have been some transitions in her company. Lauren, thank you so much for joining us for this portion of this show. This has been amazing.

Thank you so much for having me. It’s nice to be on a show that’s also female-focused. It’s hard because I feel like we are in a very male-dominated industry, so it’s always fun to collaborate with other working women. It’s exciting, honestly. I love what you’re doing.

My pleasure, Lauren. Ladies, Lauren has got more for us. We’re going to be talking about the four KPIs that she focuses on in her markets and that you should too when you’re looking at markets outside of your home area. Stay tuned for that. That is going to be on EXTRA. If you are not subscribed to EXTRA but would like to be, go to The first seven days are free so check it out.

Of course, if you love it, and I hope you will, you will stick with us. For those of you that are leaving us now, thank you so much for joining Lauren and me for this portion of the show. Has it been wonderful? I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, goals without action are dreams so get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.


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About Lauren Hardy

REW 76 | Virtual InvestingLauren Hardy is a real estate investor with a “People First” approach to business. Investing in hundreds of properties in her career, including developing spec houses in Nashville Tennessee, Lauren has the unique reputation of being a successful “virtual investor” having not lived in many of the states she’s invested in.

Lauren is a graduate of Cal State Fullerton’s Mihaylo College of Business and Finance with over 10 years experience in Real Estate. She began her real estate career in 2007 working in the corporate sector for companies such at Sperry Van Ness, Subway Restaurants and The Irvine Company.

After her first daughter was born her values changed along with her perspective of how companies can improve in giving their employees more work life balance. After becoming a mother she dreamed of creating a business that would give her personal and professional satisfaction, but with the flexibility to make sure she wouldn’t miss the important moments of her family life. She has only ever worked in real estate so launching her own real estate investment company made sense.

Lauren has developed a reputation in the industry for persevering in extremely competitive markets by constantly following the market changes and being flexible and willing to move market territories when needed. Lauren currently lives with her two daughters in Southern California and travels to her market territories several times a year.


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SOULMAPPIN: The 10 Essential Alignments For A Blissful Life With Cary Jack – Real Estate For Women

REW 75 | Blissful Life


What if there was a way for you to quantify how close you are to your vision of a successful life? Today’s guest shares the ten essential alignments that you should measure to see which areas in your lifestyle need some tweaking. Joining host Moneeka Sawyer is Cary Jack, a lifestyle entrepreneur, podcast host, author, and Founder of The Happy Hustle. Cary breaks down the ten alignments that will help you in your path to achieving a blissful life. He has coined these alignments as SOULMAPPIN: selfless service, optimized health, unplug digitally, loving relationships, mindful spirituality, abundance financially, personal development, passionate hobbies, impactful work, and nature connection. Understand each one, be inspired, and start the course on your journey to a successful life by tuning in to this episode!

Watch the episode here


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SOULMAPPIN: The 10 Essential Alignments For A Blissful Life With Cary Jack – Real Estate For Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am so excited to welcome Cary Jack to the show. He is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host, Professional Actor, Model, Biohacker, Eco Warrior, and Martial Artist. He’s a humanitarian striving to make a positive impact on the planet. After experiencing entrepreneurial burnout, he then founded The Happy Hustle. His mission is to educate, inspire and entertain while reminding you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination, as you happy hustle for a life of passion and purpose.

You guys can see why I have him on the show. For successful entrepreneurs to spiritual masters, he interviews an array of powerful guests, including myself, The Happy Hustle Podcast, to help you transform your dreams into a reality. His book The Happy Hustle is coming out in 2021, and he couldn’t be more excited at the opportunity to share his message of Happy Hustlin’, a way to balance your life and your love. Cary, how are you?

I’m fantastic, Moneeka. It’s always a pleasure to connect with you and I’m honored to be here.

Thank you for coming. Ladies, I had to share Cary with you for a couple of reasons. First of all, I was on his show. He’s an amazing host. Go check that out at Happy Hustle Podcast, and then also he runs a mastermind that I’m a part of. As podcasters, we share a lot of ideas and he always shows up super consistently as the happy hustle guy. One of the things that you know I put a lot of emphasis on in life is about living bliss consistently.

You want to develop those bliss muscles and habits so that no matter where you go emotionally in your life, you’re always able to come back to this baseline of bliss. Consistency is the key. The people that I have on my show talking about bliss, it makes a difference if they themselves are showing up for their lives and for the people around them consistently and Cary is one of those people. I’m excited to share him with you and for this conversation. Cary, thank you again.

It’s very important to disconnect to reconnect. Share on X

Thank you for having me. When I think of bliss, I think of you. I just tried to keep up.

Give us a little bit about your background and start with what brought you to where you are.

It started with growing up half in Sarasota, Florida, and then half in Red Lodge, Montana. I was basically surf and skate half the year, then camping, fishing, hunting and hiking. The other half was playing cowboy, and I reside in Big Sky Country, Montana. I’ve always been an entrepreneur since an early age and just valuing the dollar and having to earn every penny for myself.

My dad and mom are both entrepreneurs and they always instilled in us that you had to basically go out and hunt for it if you want to eat, and so I have that blue-collar work mentality and I think that’s served me. I did experience entrepreneurial burnout along the journey and that’s what led me to Happy Hustlin’.

I was a fancy tech entrepreneur with my big data tech startup in New York City, wearing the fancy suit and tie. My brother and business partner and I were soliciting this seven-figure VC funding deal, and we ink partnerships with Microsoft, IBM and all of the things. We work 100-plus hours a week, and I just burnt out. At that point, I sacrificed everything to get that deal and those partnerships. My faith, family, fitness and fun all went to the gutter.

It wasn’t until I achieved the profit and success that I realized this isn’t worth it. I flew to Bangkok, Thailand, lived there for ten months. I figured out a better way to work and live and that’s where The Happy Hustle was born. Now I’m focused on being a lifestyle entrepreneur, investing my hard-earned fruits of my labor wisely into different assets, businesses and people. What I found is that you can achieve blissful balance if you just measure yourself in each of these ten alignments. I just scratched my own itch first, which was going from burnout to bliss and now I’m helping others do the same.

I love that you are so comfortable using the word bliss. People usually come on this show, and they’re like, “What is that?” I’m delighted that you’re so comfortable with that, and I see you living that lifestyle. Talk to us a little bit about these ten alignments that create that blissful balance for you and for everybody.

S – Selfless Service

This applies to everybody. It’s an acronym. I’ve found that it’s difficult to remember ten alignments in my tribe. I made it an acronym. It’s SOUL MAPPIN. S stands for Selfless Service because, as Tony Robbins says, “The secret to living is giving.” I think it’s very important to focus on giving back to others. Giving your time, money and expertise.

As I go through these, I urge your audience to measure 1 to 5 where you rank at each of these ten alignments. This is a practice that my tribe I do every Sunday. It’s very important that what you measure you can manage. You have to know where you may be out of balance. If you’re feeling stressed, unfulfilled or burnout, in any capacity, you may be lacking in one of these ten alignments and it’s important to recognize it first. Awareness is the first step. As I go through these, feel free to interject anytime as well, but basically, measure five would be an A. You’re crushing it. You’re happy hustling.

REW 75 | Blissful Life

Blissful Life: You have to have love in your life. What’s all the accumulation of wealth for if you don’t have people to share it with?


One is an F. You’re failing. Selfless service, that’s the first step. How often are you volunteering? How often are you giving back? How often are you not just thinking for yourself? If every day, that’s a five. You’re crushing it. If it’s a one and you’re never helping others, you need to prioritize change maybe because that’s a big component to happiness and fulfillment.

O – Optimized Health

The next one is O, Optimize health. Health is wealth. You have to have your health if you’re going to be happy hustling in any capacity, if you’re going to live a blissful life. For me, I think a lot of people complicate it. I used to run a high-end biohacking company. We worked with pro-athletes and Fortune 500 CEOs. I learned a lot from what the top 1% of high performers are doing and I think a lot of people complicate it.

U – Unplug Digitally

For me, it’s moving the body minimum of 25 minutes every single day. Drinking a gallon of water and just eating healthy, all-natural organic foods, no processed crap. Measure right now where you’re at 1 to 5 in each of the ten alignments and specifically for O. U is Unplug digitally. A lot of people are plugged in so much to their devices now, on their smart TVs, smartphones and tablets, and we’re so disconnected from our present moment, mother nature and even the people right beside us.

It’s very important to disconnect to reconnect. I’ll put it in a little sprinkle of tips throughout each of these, but even just 60 minutes of undivided no device time in the mornings when you wake up can go so far. I even doubled down in the evening time 60 minutes before bed, no devices. Those two simple happy hustle hacks can make a big difference and that’s you. Measure where you’re at. If you’re always plugged in and you’re never disconnected, that’s a one. You need to prioritize change.

I do want to highlight this a little bit because this is something that we don’t realize when. When I hold my choose bliss retreat, which is called the Bliss Retreat, this is one of the very first things we talk about. Your mind is most vulnerable and highest capacity just when you wake up and just before going to sleep.

Those are not times you want to be looking at social media, which can be highly negative or overly positive making you feel bad about your life. You don’t want to be looking at the news. You don’t want to be susceptible to the subconscious messages of advertising. You don’t want any of those things and now our phones are not just a phone. They’re all of those things.

It’s important not even to check texts because when you check a text, you’re now plugging into somebody else’s agenda. You want to make sure that you start the day and end the day focused on your own agenda, life, bliss and gratitude. That’s the first thing. I just love this because people don’t talk about this as much. The other thing about that is before you go to sleep, if you have screen time, your eyes have a physical reaction to the screen.

The toxic blue light.

It takes time to decompress from that for your eyes to settle in to be able to go into REM sleep. It’s not just the mental activity of looking at that screen. It’s a physical reaction that our bodies have. In the morning, it’s hugely important to start your day off. Do not start with other people’s agenda, advertising bad news, and at night you don’t want to have all of those things you’re going to dream about at night. You don’t want to be dreaming about other people’s agendas, bad news and advertising. You also want to make sure that your body has the time to decompress and relax so that you sleep blissfully. I love that the hour on either side gives you just the space to prioritize yourself for long enough to set yourself up for bliss.

Money is a tool, and it’s very important. Share on X

I’ll take it a step further. What our devices I meant is a toxic frequency. It’s EMS, electromagnetic frequency. It’s basically radiation. Whether you’re on your Bluetooth headset or you got your smartphone in your pocket zapping you with EMS, these have shown to break down ourselves on a DNA level.

If you’re wondering why your mitochondria are not functioning properly, also known as your energy powerhouse cells, you need to check your screen time. You need to check your device usage. This is a huge factor and a lot of people are missing it, and especially now with the rollout of 5G. I don’t want to go down the woo-woo train here of like, “Tinfoil hat guy.”

It’s a factor. You have to use technology wisely and if you are going to use your devices past dark, put on some blue blockers. Those help your eyes. That affects your retina and your cornea, and it does take time to compensate for that toxic blue light. It’s an important factor both physically, mentally and emotionally. Watching social media and the news, that stuff is oftentimes other people’s agendas and priorities, not yours. Those are important steps there.

L is Love and relationships. This is an essential part and just living the happy hustle, blissful life. You have to have love in your life. What’s it all for? What’s all the investing, money and the accumulation of wealth for if you don’t have people to share it with? I’ve found that a lot of my fellow entrepreneurs sacrifice specifically their loved ones to get to the cliché top of the mountain, and then they look around, “The view’s bad,” and they’re isolated. No one’s there.

The view is gorgeous, but there’s nobody there with them.

Hopefully, the view is gorgeous, but oftentimes I see people don’t even like the view. They’re like, “I should be on that mountain. That mountain looks a lot better.”

It’s cloudy and cold.

That’s the truth. For me, I have a fiancée. We’re getting married soon. We have date night every week. We have a Sunday beer talk. We have a love calendar where we measure where we rank in our relationship. Every single day I ask her. This could be something that you implement with your lover. It’s the simple whiteboard calendar. It sits in our room. I ask her every night, “What’s your love day?” She’s like, “It was an eight.”

We had lots of passion, love and maybe even intercourse. Measures up, and then she asked me, “Mine was a six. This was why.” We average that out a seven. I’ll put it on the calendar for that day. I put a heart around it, and then we move on to the next day. At the end of the month, you can see where you rank because oftentimes, we as humans have this negativity bias and we focus on the negative, that nitpicking and nagging. She didn’t do the dishes or I didn’t do the laundry.

L – Loving Relationships

This is a way to calculate and you want to be 90% love days. Hopefully, that’s the goal of 10%. There are going to be some mess-ups, but if you start dropping down below 80% love days, then you might need to reassess and reevaluate. Is this a healthy relationship for you? That’s just one happy hustle hack for you, but loving relationships both with your family and friends is a really important piece. I would say measure 1 to 5 where you rank, and that’s L. Now we got the Soul part of SOUL MAPPIN.

M – Mindful Spirituality

M is for mindful spirituality. I know you’re big into meditation and breathwork and just being spiritual in whatever capacity. I don’t necessarily care if you believe in one God or another. I just think you have to have faith in a higher power. Get still ten minutes minimum a day, focusing on my breath and gratitude and doing my gratitude practice. I’m doing my I am incantations on my rebounder, just training my subconscious. That is the central part of mindful spirituality.

Meditation oftentimes gets complicated, but all you have to do is focus on your breath in a quiet place. Just enjoy the given moment, feel, use your different senses, but measure where you rank right now, 1 to 5 in each of these ten alignments and, specifically, mindful spirituality. You see the highest performers at every level. From the real estate game to the business game to any high performer in the sports field, they are using mindful spirituality. If you’re not, maybe this is a wake-up call. That’s M.

I ask the three rapid-fire questions at the end for every single guest that’s been on here. We’ve had 250 guests on the show, and I will say the two biggest things that people say are some forms of meditation or exercise. It’s so interesting because you don’t think those aren’t business-related things. I get up and I block time and every week, I do this. It’s none of that. It’s taking care of the human element first of you so that you can then go out there and be your very best self in the world. Meditation is huge and there are a million different kinds of meditation and you can complicate it. You can do what Cary just said, but choose something.

Especially as entrepreneurs, we have a monkey mind. Get settling into that. At least at first, it feels like a challenge. You can push through and just keep doing it until you’ve trained your mind to do it, or you can pick something else that will keep you going until you can get there, for instance, a walking meditation. I do a dancing meditation because I’m a dancer. There are different ways that we can engage in meditation, but find something that helps you to heal and nourish your mind.

It’s a great way to just get out of our heads and into our hearts. We spend a lot of time at the monkey brain, just overthinking and overanalyzing and just that anxiety and stress. It’s a great way to just take a step back, and it’s clinically proven that six deep breaths change your state. Just six deep breaths can do wonders.

In EXTRA, we are going to talk about his box breath. Stay tuned for that because that’s a really good fast technique to get you back into your body creativity, to relax the mind and the body so that you perform better. We are going to cover that in EXTRA. I’m excited.

A – Abundance Financially

We’re moving on to A. A is Abundance financially. If you want to invest in real estate, if you want to invest in yourself and if you want to invest in a business, you have to have money. I look at money as a tool. It’s energy and you essentially need money to use this energy. One thing that was the difference-maker in my financial wellbeing was financial literacy. Knowing how to invest, save and spend wisely.

It wasn’t until I took financial literacy seriously, then everything started to transpire positively for me in terms of money. There are sometimes some negative connotations around money. It’s okay if you want money if you want to be rich and if you want a big life, go for it, but you have to change your money story first and foremost, and you have to educate yourself. In the real estate market, you have to be educated in order to make quality buying and selling decisions.

The same goes with investing in stocks or bonds, with investing in crypto, investing in yourself, and in business and partnerships. It’s very important to have abundance financially so we can live the happy hustle, blissful lifestyle and take care of those who we care about. Let’s face it. We’re all out here working for freedom.

Freedom both financially, creativity and time are three forms of freedom. Money can oftentimes truly help you provide that, but not at the expense of your time. A lot of people trade their time for money. I really very much focus on getting paid for value delivered, not time spent. I think that’s an important correlation or an important distinction to make, but money is a tool and it’s very important. One thing I’ll just say, “Get good at sales.” Sales are the lifeblood of any business. I love selling. It maybe the hunter in me, but sales is just extremely important.

I do the majority of my sales on Zoom, which is hilarious. I learned a lot selling over $1 million, working very little, to be honest with you, over Zoom calls. It’s all emotional intelligence and how to read body language. I don’t say that to brag or anything. I have experience in this niche of selling over digital Zoom calls and very awesome/important techniques to utilize. I think whether you’re selling on the phone or you’re selling one-to-one in person or you’re selling over video calls, you have to learn sales in order to achieve abundance financially. Measure where you’re at right now in terms of abundance financially. Five is you’re crushing it. One is living paycheck to paycheck.

REW 75 | Blissful Life

Blissful Life: The difference-maker in your financial well-being is financial literacy—knowing how to invest, knowing how to have, and knowing how to spend wisely.


You ran a business where you gave it everything. You were doing the 100-hour week, you were doing all of that stuff and now you have a very successful business, much more passive. I want people to think about this. This is a very important point. If you’re trading time for hours, your capacity to earn is very limited to your capacity to work.

If you go on vacation, all the money stops. What you want is passive income, and this is why real estate is so amazing. You want your money out there doing this little thing. You want it doing its hustle and you’re on vacation. Make your money hustle for you. You don’t hustle. That’s the thing and it’s amazing with real estate. You can do it in a lot of different vehicles.

The very rich invest in stock portfolios, real estate and businesses, those are the top three. You’re welcome to do all of those and I do all of those, but for me, it’s a very passive experience. The most time that I spend on my business is in the podcast business or my coaching business, and that restricts me from taking my vacations, but my real estate business does not.

Now I’m trying to move towards making this business a little bit more passive and conducive to my lifestyle. It’s a really important point, ladies, and notice, I mentioned my own transition. We are all at some place in that spectrum of fully passive to trading time for money. Sometimes we have to trade time for money in order to get the money to create the passive income. That’s okay, but have that as your goal because there’s a journey that we go through to get to that place, to where your money is working for you and you’re now off on vacation.

If you’re not growing and evolving, you’re shrinking and dissolving. Share on X

It’s so true. I’m still on my journey. I’m still figuring it out. I know you are as well. There’s a delicate dance between trading your time for money and having passive residual income. One strategy that I’ll just throw out to your audience that I’ve seen effective in my life is affiliate relationships. Affiliate relationships leverage your time most effectively because you can promote a product or service that you believe in, but not have to focus on delivering.

I have some very lucrative affiliate relationships in my business. They pay me nice $5,000, $10,000 every month and it’s beautiful. There are some that require a little more time, maybe a little more content creation, connection and touchpoints, but it’s important to think about how you can leverage your time most effectively, so you can spend it more doing what you love.

P – Personal Development

The first P, that is Personal development. If you’re not growing and evolving, you’re shrinking and dissolving. You have to focus on growing every single day in some way, and we can learn from anyone. We can learn from the garbage man on the street to the high-rise female boss entrepreneur in the office. There’s a lesson in each interaction. What I like to focus on is 90 minutes of personal growth every single day.

I’ll do 30 minutes of reading something inspirational and educational in the morning, 30 minutes of listening to something inspirational and educational in the afternoon and then 30 minutes of watching something inspirational and educational. I find I draw a lot of inspiration from these different forms of content and people learn in different ways. That’s why I recommend three different mediums.

If that sounds a little like a lot to start, start with fifteen minutes in the morning, fifteen in the afternoon and fifteen in the evening, but just start focusing on your personal development and make things relatable to where you’re at right now. In your business, life and investing portfolio, make those things relatable of what you’re learning.

P – Passionate Hobbies

If you’re not doing these things, measure where you rank or where you are. That way, we can course correct. At the end of this interview, you should know where you’re ranking in each of these, and it’s just important to measure. That’s the first P, Personal development. Next P is Passionate hobbies. This is one that I think a lot of people miss big time. They’re working their tail off, they’re grinding and they’re hustling, but they’re not happy hustling.

This is where you fill your cup with passionate hobbies or doing things you love. Fun things regularly that you might even have to pay for. Maybe you’re big into art or dancing. For me, I love fly fishing. I love martial arts. I go camping, hiking and horseback riding. It’s important to fill your cup so you can give from your overflow. Here is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. If you want to achieve blissful balance, if you want to create your dream reality, you must prioritize each separate calendar engagement with the same priority.

Your passionate hobbies, like maybe Moneeka loves to go belly dancing, that get the same priorities as this interview with me. It’s the same priority with the date night with her husband, gets the same priority as her workout and that’s how you create the blissful balance in your life, both personally and professionally. If you’re lacking in passionate hobbies, I highly recommend scheduling two fun things right now on your calendar and holding yourself to them as if they are just as important as your meeting with your next potential big partnership or whatnot. That’s the second P.

I want to add something to that. I do all of those things. I have a date night every single week with my husband. That’s one of the big things and that counts as one of the fun things that I love to do. Here’s an interesting thing that I just want to point out that you may not be thinking about as you’re out there building your life. First of all, I don’t know, all work, no play makes Jack a very boring boy. That’s one of those things that people would tell us as younger people, and it’s not emphasized anymore.

Just being single-dimensional, intellectual, workaholic and mom or dad to the kids makes you feel bored in your own heart and makes you boring to others. Being boring to others is its own thing. It’s subjective. What happens is through life, if you have not developed your passions, if you are not paying attention to the things that make you happy, what are you going to do when you have all that money and you retire? You’re probably going to fall into a huge depression. I know so many people fully identify as a software engineer as their job. That’s who they are. I think my husband is one of these people. We’re dealing with this now.

My husband has well-developed hobbies, but they’re not enough of a passion that they would engage him if he had 24 hours to himself, and he was no longer working his 50-hour week. For me, I’m in transition to retirement. What does that mean and who am I going to get to be in that? That person has been developed my whole life.

I’ve been a dancer since I was five. I sing. I like walks. We do fine dining. We love to travel. I read books. There are a lot of things in my life that engage my passion. When I retire, I’m excited because there are about 10,000 things I could do with every single day, but if you only work, you suddenly lose your identity and instead of being full of joy, you’re now really depressed because you don’t know who you are. You don’t know how to fill your time, all of those things.

For some of you, ladies, I know there are like 21-year-olds reading this. They’re like, “What in the world?” Just understand that who you are growing to be is who you are going to amplify and become more as you get older, and that’s what’s going to be amplified when you’re wealthy. Do you want to give back to people? Do you want to be a passionate, joyful person or are you going to be grumpy and a hoarder?

What are you going to do? What’s going to make your life blissful when you’re not so focused on the day-to-day? That helps to raise your bliss factor also. To feel that passion every day in some way or have something really joyful to look forward to every week or every day. We just love this. We are complete people. We’re not just mom, wife and employees. Explore. We are these multidimensional beings and we don’t allow ourselves to focus on all the amazingness inside of us and what we can do with our lives and our time.

I resonate with all of it and I think it’s sustainable, happy hustling. It’s sustainable investing and the accumulation of knowledge, resources and wealth. Sacrifice everything and you get everything that you thought you wanted and you realize that’s not what brings joy and fulfillment. You will become depressed and have to start over and re-find yourself.

I – Impactful Work

You are better off to do it from the beginning a little bit at a time. That’s the second P in SOUL MAPPIN, and now we’re on to I, which is Impactful work. We spend the majority of our lives either working or thinking of work. In The Happy Hustle, we focus on the three pillars. It’s a little cliché, but passion, purpose and positive impact, and passion for me is inward-facing. It’s my calling. It’s what problem I truly feel called to solve.

Then purpose is outward serving. It’s who exactly do I feel called to solve that problem for? It’s very important that it makes a positive impact. Your passion and purpose don’t exploit the earth’s resources negatively or hurts others. It’s very important that it makes a positive impact. I would ask yourself, is your work right now giving you passion, purpose and making a positive impact? If not, it’s time to make a change because life is short. We got to live this to the fullest. I just think there are a lot of people sacrificing out there and I hope that’s not you, but if it is, make a change and infuse that passion, purpose and the positive impact. That’s I.

N – Nature Connection

Nature connection. We’re living like zoo animals. We’re inside our offices getting recycled air, toxic blue light and EMS. We go commute in our cage on wheels with recycled air and manufactured light, and then we go home and then we have the more of the same. I think it’s so important that we get back to being human beings and being outside, connecting with Pachamama, this beautiful planet, and then protecting it in the process.

Climate change is real and I have a company with my brother called Ecopreneur Evolution. That’s fighting the plastic pollution epidemic. That’s creating positive solutions to climate change. We invest in social entrepreneurs essentially in third world developing countries. It’s very important to me to solve this problem, not just for my generation but for future generations or at least be a part of the solution. It’s a big problem to solve. I do believe that just getting outside, walking even just ten minutes a day barefoot in some nice grass or swimming in a natural body of water or just sitting in a park can do wonders for your soul. That is the SOUL MAPPIN framework. Measure 1 to 5.

G is for go. Go happy, hustle your dream reality. I’ll make it easy for everyone. If you just want to measure yourself in each of these ten alignments, I have a simple quiz. It’s completely free. It takes maybe 60 seconds. You just go through, and you’ll just measure 1 to 5 in each of these where you need to prioritize change. That’s the ten alignments of being a happy hustler.

It’s important to fill your cup so you can give from your overflow. Share on X

Thank you so much, Cary. It’s so concise and has such good tips. That was amazing.

Thank you for allowing me just to rattle them off.

We are going to have Cary give us some stuff in EXTRA. We’re going to talk in a little bit more detail about some of his happy hustle hustling hacks. We are going to do that. In particular, I wanted him to share the box breathing breath. We’ve heard that in EXTRA ones before, but he’s got a little bit of a different take. This is the thing about breathing. There are so many different ways to do it and some resonate with us and some don’t.

He’s got another technique. We do this at his mastermind every couple of weeks. I’m going to have him share that with you, and then he’s got some other stuff he wanted to share with you too. We are going to be talking about that in EXTRA, so stay tuned for that. Cary, could you tell everybody how they can get in touch with you?

Pretty simple. Just is the place where everything lives. The Happy Hustle Podcast, if you went on to listen to Moneeka on there. That’s a great episode. She rocked the mic and crushed it. We have something special set up for your audience. I don’t know if you want to talk about that.

Tell us about that right now.

That is The Journey: 10 Days to Become a Happy Hustler. This is probably one of the best digital course products I’ve ever put out in my life. It’s essentially walking you through those ten alignments that we just went through, how to create blissful, balanced and healthy habits in each of those ten alignments. You just go to and then we have code Bliss set up, where you save 20% off.

Basically, you could just start happy hustling and it’s super simple. If you can allocate an hour a day to just going through the content and implementing, you are going to become a happy hustler. That’s something we got set up specifically for your lovely ladies out there, but specifically your tribe. Click on the Yes, I Want In page and then it’ll take you to the checkout page. You just basically plugin code Bliss and there you go. You get your discount.

REW 75 | Blissful Life

Blissful Life: It’s important to think about how you can leverage your time most effectively so you can spend it more doing what you love.


Cary, are you ready for our three rapid-fire questions?

I am born ready.

Tell us one super tip on getting started investing in real estate?

Financial literacy. Read, first and foremost. I love this book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. Great read. That book will educate you in so many different ways.

What is one strategy for being successful as a real estate investor?

I would say sales because whether you’re buying, selling or investing, there’s some form of a deal and there’s some form of selling. Either you’re selling yourself as a buyer or you’re selling yourself in your property. Get good at the psychology behind what makes humans buy.

What would you say is one daily practice? I know you’ve got a ton of these, but one daily practice that contributes to your personal success.

Ice baths. I get cold every day.

That sounds horrible.

They are. They’re never fun. I never look forward to it, but ice baths do wonders for the body, getting in a tub of water that’s somewhere between 38 and 52 degrees. It decreases the inflammation in the body, from which a lot of disease stems from. It increases blood flow circulation. It basically is just a supercharger for your immune system, and it builds mental fortitude because doing hard things regularly will build discipline and mental fortitude itself.

Who you are growing to be today is who you are going to amplify and become more and more of as you get older. Share on X

I learned this from a biohacking friend of mine. We’re at the end of a shower. The last 30 seconds, I do cold water. Is that good?

There you go. Yes. You get in cold.

I don’t think I could do the ice bath, but I can do the cold water for 30 seconds. Cary, this has been an amazing first part of our show. Thank you so much for all you’ve offered.

Thank you for having me. This has been my honor.

Ladies, thank you for joining Cary and me for this portion of the show. We’ve got EXTRA coming up for some deep dives, a new breathing technique, some other information on how to live a happy hustle life, so stay tuned for that. If you are not subscribed but would like to be, go to You get this out for seven days for free. Check it out.

For those of you that are leaving Cary and me, thank you so much for joining us for this portion of the show. I so appreciate you and I look forward to seeing you next time, and until then, remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. Take care. See you soon.


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About Cary Jack

REW 75 | Blissful LifeI grew up splitting time on the beaches of Sarasota, Florida and in the mountains of Red Lodge, Montana. The son of two entrepreneurial parents, I knew from an early age that I would forge my own path. So I set out to do so, while living a life of passion and purpose. I am so grateful for the adversity for it has made me stronger as it wasn’t always peaches and cream…

Coming from a divorced home, filled with hostility, I fostered problems of my own at an early age. I had an extreme stutter, OCD, and anger problems. I turned to self-abuse and used to bang my head into walls (which probably explains a lot lol). I went to years of counseling and got kicked out of multiple schools. I moved homes 24 times as a kid due to my mother’s sickness and was far from stable.

I got involved in plenty of mischief while growing up, most of which I’ll leave off this site, but I learned many lessons the hard way. I ultimately failed forward and decided to trade my life of hustlin’ for a life of happy hustlin’ where I vowed to use my powers for good.


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What Common Mistake Do Many Real Estate Investors Make? With Zack Boothe – Real Estate For Women

REW 74 | Real Estate Common Mistake


What is the most common mistake beginners in real estate make? They try to figure things out on their own. Moneeka Sawyer’s guest today is Zack Boothe, the founder of Driving For Dollars Mastery. Zack shares with Moneeka how listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos won’t give you a clear path as coaching can. Find a mentor you connect with to help you find a path that works for you. It’s only when you have massive belief in what you’re doing that you succeed. Tune in and learn how to find the right mentor for you!

Watch the episode here


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What Common Mistake Do Many Real Estate Investors Make? With Zack Boothe – Real Estate For Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am so excited to welcome to the show Zack Boothe. A few years ago, Zack was a window cleaner. You can even find his window cleaning tutorial videos on YouTube with millions of views. However, Zack always dreamt of being a real estate investor. Taking a leap of faith, he walked away from window cleaning. With a handful of years, he was making over $1 million per year from real estate investing. With his successful business, he now spends his time helping others see how simple it is to make money with real estate. Zack is here to share his insider secrets to finding massively discounted properties, regardless of your experience level. Zack, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me. It’s good to be here.

I’m so glad that you’re able to make it. He told me before, Ladies, that he wasn’t feeling very well. I thought that this conversation was interesting. I didn’t want to put it off. We’re going to go ahead and go for it, Zack. I’m excited to have you here. Tell us a little bit more about your story, like the high-level two-minute version.

I was a window cleaner. It was good. I was providing for my family, but it wasn’t quite enough. It was a struggle. I wanted something different. I wanted to be able to provide a better life for my family. The day my son was born, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed and stressed about how I was going to pay the medical bills. That pushed me to want to get into real estate investing. I did my first investment deal back in 2012. I bought a rental. It was a pre-foreclosure. My wife and I got dirty and cleaned it up ourselves and rented one side and lived in the other.

We had that experience and got the bug. We wanted to do more deals. We have so many roadblocks after that. Debt to income ratios, getting the loans, being self-employed, especially because I wasn’t making a lot of money as a window cleaner. I found out about real estate wholesaling. I got a mentor and it’s changed my life. Now I’m making six figures a month from this business. I have a team that does it for me. I do it in two different markets. I coach other people to do this, which is my passion and what I love doing. I create content. I have a podcast and YouTube channel around it. I love it. That’s the two-minute version of my journey and where I’m at.

Zack, how much time per week would you say that you spend on your business?

Real Estate Common Mistake: The biggest mistake people make is they try to figure things out on their own.


In coaching business, a lot. That’s where I spend all my time. If it’s a workweek and I work all week, 6, 7 days a week, it’s all day every day. As far as the wholesaling and investment business, I maybe spend four hours a week. I’ve been picking up about one property that I’m keeping for myself. I consider that my holding company. I’m spending a couple of hours a week on that business as well, but the wholesaling business that’s generating the majority of my money, I spend very little time at this point.

I look at what I do and people might be like, “That’s not true.” It is true, but where I spend my time is every Monday, I have a team meeting. I sit in on the Monday meeting. On Wednesdays, we do KPI reviews. What is that? I sit down with my two main people in my company, my marketing director and my lead acquisition manager. We sit down and look at our numbers. What our business did and where we’re at? Another thing, I’m going to lunch with a potential financial private money lender. Those are the kinds of things that I do. I meet with high-level people. I interview someone that’s going to be a project manager for a flip or whatever that might be, but I don’t spend much time in the business.

How long did it take you to get to this point where you’re only working about 4 to 6 hours a week?

I quit window cleaning and went full-time into real estate investing at the beginning of 2017. It’s not long. A few years ago, I transitioned out of the day-to-day. It took me about two years to build the company. The first year we did $118,000 in income. The second year, I did shy of $500,000. The next year we did $1.2 million, and that’s what I walked away from the business and put other people in place.

The cool thing is I cut a lot of expenses but also cut revenue and had some hiccups doing that. The next year, we only did $700,000, but my profit margins were better. In May 2021, we’re at $700,000 already. We’re fully expecting to have our best year ever because I increased our ad spend by 25%. We should end 2021 between $1.5 million and $2 million in sales with a 40% profit margin.

Ladies, this is why I’m having this conversation. The conversations that I’m most interested in, and I know so many of you ladies are interested in, is you’re successful, and this is what you’re doing right now, but how did you get here? I only worked 5 to 10 hours a month, and people were like, “Was it always this way?” No, there’s a ramp-up time. When you start your business, what is it that you’re doing to make that happen? For me, I’ve always worked those hours, but my business was a side hustle. I wasn’t paying attention to it.

I’ll admit openly that I probably would have reached wealth much faster if I had paid more attention. I loved this conversation with other successful real estate entrepreneurs to find out what the ramp-up looks like and where they’re at. That’s why I wanted to ask these questions, Zack. One of the pieces that I wanted to ask you is, in the first three years, how much time do you feel like you were spending in that business? Was it part-time, partial time, more than part-time? What did that look like?

It’s overtime hours. I still work more hours than most people, but I believe that this life is not made for sipping piña coladas on a beach. I believe that we find fulfillment in life by challenging ourselves and growing. Once I started finding success in real estate, I happened upon coaching. It wasn’t even planned. I started finding fulfillment helping other people find success. My mentor said something that stuck with me. He said, “When you win in the game of money, there’s no joy in running up the score.”

We find fulfillment in life by challenging ourselves and growing. Share on X

People say all the time, as wealthy people, even though, “Money’s not important.” Someone hears that, and they go, “Yeah, because you already have money,” but they’re both right. There’s a certain amount of money that is very important. You’ve got to provide for your family. You’ve got to eat. There is a certain level of money once you hit that. More doesn’t equal that same level of comfort and peace. I started having a massive amount of financial success after hustling for two years, and I wanted something different.

I’m going off on a tangent here to answer your question. I worked very hard in my wholesaling business in those first two years. I walked away from my window cleaning business. I had two months until I was not going to be able to pay the mortgage. I hadn’t done a wholesale deal. I hired a mentor and I was going to do it. I know it’s a little crazy for most people. I had to put my coaching fees on a credit card. A lot of my marketing is on a credit card. I was going to make it happen.

I was working until 10:00, 11:00 every single night, seven days a week, until I did my first deal. I did my first deal. It was $10,000 and it was amazing. My biggest deal that first eight months was $30,000. That was the $100,000 that I made in that first year, the first eight months of wholesaling. I kept working my butt off. My mentor also said something that stuck with me. He said, “Hustle is a season, not a way of life.”

I feel like I hustled to work hard, but then it got to the point where I started working a little more strategically to build out the team. To get to that level of success, you have to start somewhere. Where do you start? Your goal is to get your first deal, your second deal, and then your third deal. It evolves from there. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t look at someone that’s had levels of success and has a team and says, “I only work five hours a week.” I was like, “How’s that possible?” They work their butts off in the beginning.

You and I have a little bit of a different point of view, but I love that each of us has how we define bliss and then that’s what we work for in our life. That’s what gives us fulfillment. Could you tell us the mistake that you see beginners make in real estate investing, the biggest mistake, the most common one?

The biggest mistake that people make is they try and figure it out on their own. They listened to a podcast. They watch a YouTube video and then they watch another podcast. They take some action steps, but it’s unorganized. It’s not clear. They don’t know exactly if it’s going to work. When they’re doing those action steps, they’re not super confident in them. One of the guys that I follow that I love, Tony Robbins. He talks about the cycle of success that people have.

To be able to tap into our full potential as people, we have to have a massive belief in whatever we’re doing. If we start wanting to do a wholesale deal and we watch a YouTube video and be like, “They said to go buy a list from PropStream and to send postcards. I’m going to try that.” You go do it. You’re not sure if it’s going to work. You’re not going to give a massive amount of effort. For example, you’re not going to drop $7,000 on postcards. You don’t have a massive belief.

If you know for a fact that if you spent $5,000 to $7,000 on postcards, you’re going to make $30,000. Would you do it? Yes, because you have a massive belief in it. What happens is if you have a belief, you’ll give massive action. If you give massive action, you’ll have massive results. You’re going to build your confidence. If you’re going to do another deal and another deal, and you’re going to grow, do more deals and add more marketing strategies or whatever that might be.

The problem is people don’t go at it with confidence because they’re going at it alone. They’re trying to figure it out from just a podcast. That’s why it was so important to get a mentor. That’s why I got a mentor in the beginning. I would not be successful without my mentor. Tom Krol was my mentor. He doesn’t coach anymore. I love him to death. He changed my life, got me out of window cleaning and into this business.

REW 74 | Real Estate Common Mistake

Real Estate Common Mistake: Driving for dollars is a simple strategy to find discounted properties.


He’s out of Florida, but he gave me the action steps. There was no confusion of like, “What do I do next? If I do this, will it perform?” He said, “Zack, go do this and this.” I went and did it. I’m like, “Done, now what?” He said, “Do this and this.” I went and did it. I did it in mass. I took very uncomfortable steps, but he told me to do them. I knew that he was successful.

If I did what he did, I’d be successful. That’s how I had success. I feel like that’s the number one issue. People put a toe in instead of jumping in, but the problem is they don’t get a mentor. That’s jumping in. It was like getting a mentor that gives them the step-by-step action steps so they can implement them and do them. I also believe there are bad mentors.

I do, too. Yes, thank you for addressing that.

I’m not going to pay anybody, but I believe getting a mentor that’s going to get you there is very important.

How do you pick a mentor? What would you recommend?

There’s a handful of things that I would suggest. Some people might be hearing this and going, “You’re saying that because you are a mentor,” yes, but I’m not going to coach everyone that wants a coach. Find your mentor, first of all, that you connect with. Someone might have already heard some of the things I said and completely don’t vibe with me. First of all, don’t even think about working with me. Find someone that’s a mentor that you vibe with.

The type of person that you have, and also are living the types of lives, have the same core values, same core beliefs. They’re your port people. They would be your best friend in different circumstances. That’s the first thing I would look at. The second is that they are doing what you’re trying to accomplish. Don’t hire mentors that only teach but don’t do what they say. If you want to get into wholesaling, make sure they also wholesale and coach, not just coach.

Hustle is a season, not a way of life. Share on X

The next thing I would look at is do they have successful students. It’s one thing to say, “Yeah, I know how to do it.” It’s a whole another thing. I promise. Coaching and doing wholesaling are two different things. If that coach hasn’t been able to help lots of people become successful and you can’t talk to those successful students and have those successful students say, “Yes, that person changed my life.” Just like I talked about Tom Krol. If their students aren’t saying those kinds of things, don’t join the program. That would be my advice, those three things.

Thank you for that. I do get a lot of people who call me and they’re like, “Moneeka, you talk about getting a mentor. How should I get a mentor?” That’s great advice. Thank you for that. What would you say is the best strategy for finding deeply discounted properties? That’s what you do?

That’s what all of the real estate investing is. It’s finding discounted properties. I was reading a book called Multi-Family Millions, but it’s talking about doing giant multifamily deals, million-dollar projects. He said something that clicked. This was at the beginning of my real estate journey. He said that, “Real estate investing is marketing. Our product is real estate. If you can’t get that between your two ears, you won’t be in business for long.”

He has a couple of sections in there. We talked about how you find discounted properties. It doesn’t matter if you’re wholesaling or giant properties. Our business is marketing. We have to find discounted properties to do deals on. There’s the cliche saying, “You’ve got to buy low to sell high.” You have to start with a good deal. It doesn’t matter if you want a wholesale, buy and hold, flip, syndications, whatever it might be.

One of the things that I do and everything that I do is branded Driving For Dollars Mastery or DFD Mastery. My website is Driving For Dollars is a strategy that I use to find discounted properties. It’s simple. You drive around neighborhoods and find the ugly properties, the ugly multifamily houses and single-family houses. You add it to a list. You find out who owns it, and then you see if they want to sell. That’s simple.

Obviously, there are things to be more efficient to do on a larger scale and to be able to be very profitable. I truly believe that is the best way to find off-market discounted properties. There are lots of ways, though. There are banded signs, radio, online marketing. There are lots of different things, but I truly believe that is by far the best, most profitable, and fastest way to deals.

Zack, where are you located?

I’m in Utah.

It’s a hot market there, too. It’s a hot market everywhere.

It is everywhere. I also live in Tampa. I do it in two different markets.

Talk to me a little bit about how you do this in a hot market. I live in San Jose, California. If someone wants to sell, if you send them a letter and you say, “Do you want to sell?” They’re very aware of what their property would be worth if they put it on the market, even if it was as-is. It’s hard in this area to get a discounted property because people can put it on, and bids will come in. Everything’s going for multiple offers. Things are going for several hundred thousand dollars over asking. Finding a discounted property is difficult in my experience. What would you say to that? What do you recommend?

It’s very important to understand that you have to be a deal finder, not necessarily a deal creator. Many people think that you have to be this swindler or dishonest, or shady to get discounted properties because everyone knows or understands that it’s a hot market and they can get a lot. What you need to understand is some people want convenience over the price. For example, we are real estate investors, wholesalers. We’re pawnshops for houses.

That’s the best explanation I can give. For example, if someone takes a piece of jewelry out of their house and they go, “I don’t want this piece of jewelry anymore. I want cash.” They could list it online. Put it on KSL, Craigslist, whatever online resources, eBay, and try and get as much as possible. You could drive down to the corner store and say, “Here’s my ring. Give me cash.” You’re going to make less at the pawnshop, but there’s a convenience factor, pawn shops to make money.

There are only a select few people that want to sell stuff at a pawnshop. There are people that and you might think that doesn’t exist, especially in a hot market. That’s not true at all. It’s not true because I’ve made $700,000 in five months doing this. It works. The funny thing is I have the same conversation with my neighbor, my cousin that calls me and says, “I need to sell my house. Will you buy it?” I say, “You might make more money listing it with an agent. Why don’t you do that?”

“I’m an investor. I can have it done quickly, but I might not be able to be your best offer.” They say, “Yeah, I’m not in a hurry. I’ll probably list it and fix it up myself.” It’s like, “Okay, best of luck. I can’t help you.” They say, “Yeah, I don’t necessarily care about getting out the money. I don’t want to fix it up. I don’t want to deal with an agent. I want to be done.” When they say that, that means it’s a deal. They want a pawnshop for a house. The biggest thing is you put out a net to the ugly houses in your neighborhood and ask them if they want to sell. You have that exact conversation.

Why don’t you listen, it sounds like it’s a decent property? It might need a little work. Why don’t you fix it up and list it? If they tell you, “No, I don’t want to,” then it’s a deal. I’ve captured those conversations. They’re on my YouTube channel. I straight up say, “You will make more money, listing it with an agent. Why don’t you do that?” They say, “I don’t care. I want it gone.” That’s who we’re trying to find. Are there very few people that want to sell their houses for speed and convenience? Yes. That’s why it’s so important to do marketing and to have a strategy to find off-market discounted properties.

Zack, I’ve never heard that analogy. Thank you.

You’re welcome. I stole that from Tom Krol as well. I’m not lying when I say, “Get a mentor. He changed my life.” I’m changing people’s lives by helping them. It’s going to snowball. There are going to be 2 or 3 people that I changed their life. They’re going to change more people’s lives. That’s fulfillment to me. I can go to the grave with all this money. It’s not going to make a difference, but what will make a difference is this content that we leave behind, the YouTube videos, the things that we talk about, the people that we helped. I will always have nothing but love and respect for Tom because of the action steps and the things that he did for me and the things that he gave me. I want to pass that on.

You talk a little bit about having different exit strategies. This is a hot topic for me that I talk about quite a lot. Could you talk a little bit about how you decide on your exit strategies to make the most money when you get a property?

REW 74 | Real Estate Common Mistake

Real Estate Common Mistake: Wholesaling is amazing because there’s no getting stuck with the deal.


When I first started, everything was wholesaling. I find a deal and a buyer that wanted to buy my contract and close on it. I didn’t have the money. I didn’t have the ability to do anything else. I was broke. I didn’t have debt to income. I didn’t have credit. I didn’t have private money investors. I didn’t have all those relationships I do now. What I do is we put together the deal. I don’t sign any of the contracts anymore, but the deals are presented to me. We’ll blast an email out to all of our cash buyers. We do a full inspection on the property.

Our agent goes to the real estate inspection. Our project manager goes to the inspection and all of our cash buyers. We get all of our cash offers in. We take the highest and best is what we tell our cash buyers. There’s no telling what our offers are and those kinds of things. I just want to get offers in. I don’t want to play the game of, “Tell me where I need to be. People are waiting to give me offers because they want to be last,” all that garbage.

I can assign it and say, “I’m going to sign a deal for $30,000. I can assign it for $30,000, or I can close on it with my cash. Keep it as a rental and refinance myself out or hard money and refinance myself out.” I evaluated it as a rental. I also have my project manager rough give me the numbers and present the Excel spreadsheet where we’ll be if we flipped it.

That’s why I have my agent there. What we could sell it for fixed up, what needs to be done as far as remodeled to get it there. The bids put together for that. I get to choose, “Do I keep it as a rental? Do I flip it? Do I wholesale it? Do I close on it and list it?” I have whatever strategy that I want to approach. During the acquisitions portion, we’re also talking to the seller. See if seller finance is taking over the mortgage is an option or if the cash offer is all they want. Depending on what they get it under contract for, then we’ll evaluate the deal from there.

I usually have three exit strategies, so it’s nice to see that you’ve got four. Ladies, this is an important thing to keep in mind. Zack, in the beginning, had to do it one way. Even me, I started in construction. This is the worst time on the planet to be in construction. Even when I got in, I had three exit strategies planned out. It wasn’t like I have to build this thing and sell it, or I’m going to die or go bankrupt or lose everything.

Even in the beginning, for me, if I get stuck with something, I know what I’m going to do with that. When you’re starting, even if it’s a wholesale thing, you had to make money. If you did end up getting stuck with a property, you would have a strategy to get out of that. Think through when you’re putting together your strategies, what could plan B be if things go bad? Wouldn’t you agree with me on that?

Find the mentor you connect with. Share on X

Yes. I also believe that’s the power of wholesaling. Why wholesaling is so amazing is there no risk. There is no getting stuck with the deal. That’s why I started with wholesaling because I saw it as a way to build a rental portfolio. I saw it as a way to build well because not only could I start my marketing and start finding off-market discounted deals there, step one, write good deals, but then I could get cash for them and not have to take any risk. As I built up more cash, then I can take that cash and maybe flip one and make a little bit more on the deal than just assigning it. The thing is, my average assignment deal in Utah is $30,000. In Florida, that’s $18,000 a deal. My profit margins are 40%.

That’s a lot of money. It’s a chunk of change. Eventually, getting into holding properties or flipping and taking those risks and having those other strategies is great. There’s nothing wrong with starting off at first with having wholesaling because if you do it right, we’ll have it under contract. In your contract, you’ll have a timeframe to inspect the property and to try and find a buyer for your purchase contract. If you can’t find a buyer within that time, you can cancel that agreement. You don’t put properties under contract. You don’t think that you can find a buyer for it. That’s the beauty of wholesaling. It’s a great place to start, and it’s way less risk-taking debt to flip a house.

Thank you for all that. Zack, tell everybody how they can reach you.

The best place to find me is my website, it’s DFD stands for Driving For Dollars.

I know you don’t have a specific gift for people. I know that you’ve got a lot of content that you wanted to share with my audience. Tell us a little bit more about that.

I worked hard to help and to give back the content I create. I went down to Florida and the goal was to take $1,000 in a whole new market and turn it into $40,000 in 40 days. I opened up Florida. I’ve said, “I do deals in Florida. This is how it all started.” I flew to Florida. I had 40 days to make $40,000. I documented it all and had a film crew there and shared it for free on my YouTube channel. You guys can go see what it takes to get started in wholesaling with a very small budget and to see what kind of work that includes. You see the ups and downs.

I share the deals that fall apart. I share the frustrations, the exhaustion because it’s every day I share an episode. You get to see the entire process. It’s totally worth watching. We ended up with seven contracts. Two of them fell apart. We closed on the other five. Two of them, I kept as rentals with $100,000 in equity in both of them. Three of them, I ended up wholesaling. I sold the purchase contract. We made $93,000 on those three deals. Since I did everything myself, that’s pretty much all profits. It was a chunk of change. I don’t know very many people that could make $100,000 in a month. It’s not because they’re not smart enough or don’t have the work ethic.

They don’t know how. The whole point of that challenge is not to show off or anything, but it’s to show you guys that you guys can do it. I don’t feel like I’m anything special. I was a window cleaner. I didn’t go to college. I didn’t come from money. I had a good work ethic. You should see my spelling, it’s bad. I’m saying that I did that whole challenge to encourage you guys and to show you what’s possible. I don’t want to sugarcoat any of it, it’s hard. It’s a lot of hard work. The process is simple, but it’s not easy. That was the whole point of the challenge to show what it took to be a wholesaler and how to get started and what that initial hustle looks like.

Zack, that’s so generous that you did that. How do people find it on YouTube? What should they be looking for?

If you go to YouTube and search DFD Mastery. My YouTube channel is DFD Mastery. Everything I have is branded DFD Mastery, which stands for Driving For Dollars Mastery. You can find my YouTube channel. There’s a ton of awesome content in there. I’ve been producing three videos a week. We’re going to bump it up to four episodes a week. It’s a lot.

Ladies, go check that out. Thank you for that. Are you ready for the three Rapid-fire questions? Tell us one super tip on getting started investing in real estate.

Get a mentor, find a mentor.

REW 74 | Real Estate Common Mistake

Real Estate Common Mistake: The whole point of the challenge is not to show off but to show you guys that you can do it.


What’s the strategy for being successful in real estate investing?

I believe that the most important thing is getting good at finding off-market discounted properties. If you can get good solid leads of people that want to pawnshop for their house, you will be successful. I believe that is a portion of investing, in general, is good deals.

What is one daily practice that you do that you would say contributes to your personal success?

I have a giant list of tasks. There is never a day that I don’t have a list that I can’t get to. I have a big list and what I do is I pick what’s going to move the needle towards my goals the most. I have a very clear direction, a 3-year goal, 1-year goal, and a 1-month goal outlined at all times. When I’m looking at my tasks and everything that I have to do, I pick what it is that I do it. Most people do the opposite. They do what sounds comfortable, like checking their emails. They skip the uncomfortable stuff, like cold calling to get a lead. I’ll even archive my entire email because I got 50 emails and it annoys me. I archive it all. I’m like, “If it’s important, they’ll call me.”

I get 3,000 emails a day. It’s funny.

My team will call me like, “Did you get my email?” I was like, “You know me. No.”

“Do you want to talk, give me a call?” I’m not that person, but that’s an interesting way to handle that.

I believe that’s a huge thing that I do is attack and it’s usually always the uncomfortable things. I believe what’s going to move the needle is what makes us uncomfortable. That’s why most people don’t ever move the needle in their lives is they’re like, “This is my giant task.” They’re like, “I’m working hard,” and it’s like, “Are you?” You’re not because you’re busy, but you’re not working on the right things. You know you’re not. You’re lying to yourself to make yourself feel proud of yourself when you know you’re not working on those hard things.

There is a difference between busy work and productivity, very definitively. Thank you for that. This has been amazing. I’m so excited. Thank you for all you’ve shared on this portion of the show, Zack.

You’re welcome. Thanks for having me. It’s fun.

You change people's lives by helping them. Share on X

Ladies, thank you for joining Zack and me for this portion of the show. If you are subscribed to EXTRA, we do have stuff for EXTRA, but I have to clear something with Zack first. I have a special topic I want to talk to him about, but I need a yes from him. I’m going to tease you guys this time and not tell you what we’re talking about, but do take a look at You get your first seven days for free. Check it out.

For those of you that are leaving us now, thank you so much for joining Zack and me for this portion of the show. I love having you here. I look forward to seeing you next time and until then, remember, goals without action are just dreams. Get out there, take action, and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.


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About Zack Boothe

Man, I remember what it was like when I first got started in real estate. I’d wake up every morning full of confidence and courage, ready to attack the day. I had a focused plan and I knew exactly how to find smoking hot real estate deals, and quickly turn those deals for huge profits.

Quite the opposite. In fact my reality was fear, doubt, overwhelm, and frustration. I worked my butt off but I was drowning in bad advice from gurus, and strategies that either didn’t work or just weren’t congruent with who I am.

Five years later and I’ve done over 300 real estate deals and have generated millions. Over the years I’ve made a lot of mistakes and have learned a lot of lessons (sometimes the hard way), and I’ve built a dream real estate business…and I’d love to show you how you can too.



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