How To Maximize The 6 Elements Of Wealth With Agatha Johnson – Real Estate Women
We are full beings. And to experience the fullness of life, we have to acknowledge each aspect that affects the way we are and who we are—no matter how far they may seem. Wealth, in particular, is not merely part of our professional lives. It is just as spiritual and personal. Once we acknowledge that, we begin to discover our wealth maximized. Agatha Johnson, the founder and owner of WillKate, knows this to be true. In this episode, she joins Moneeka Sawyer to discuss how you could maximize the six elements of wealth to have a fulfilling life. These six elements cover every part of your life, which are essential, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion. Join Aggie in this conversation as she dives deep into each of them, helping you recognize your potential along the way. Plus, she also shows how you can be capable of giving back to the world. Tune in to realize your purpose and visions and how to understand them better, so you create lasting wealth beyond the balance sheet.
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How To Maximize The 6 Elements Of Wealth With Agatha Johnson – Real Estate Women
Real Estate Investing For Women
I am so excited to welcome to the show, Agatha Johnson. Aggie Johnson is the Founder and owner of WillKate Family Enterprise Office and WillKate Wealth Management. She focuses on purposeful planning that helps create lasting wealth beyond the balance sheet. Aggie is passionate about helping women understand their relationship with wealth, realize their purpose and visions and define the opportunities they wish to create for themselves, their families, causes and their communities. She places high value on families spending as much time as she can with her four grown sons, their three wonderful daughters-in-law and beautiful grandchildren. You may also find her traveling with her husband, hiking or giving back to the community in her free time. Aggie, welcome to the show.
Thank you.
I feel like we’re such kindred spirits. Could you tell us the two-minute version of your story? How did you get to where you are now?
I initially started out in the medical field and had my oldest son early on and needed to take a part-time job and I did that in a bank. That’s when I began to think more about the finance side of the world and I made my switch to the finance piece. That’s how I got my start and began to love it and dove right into it.
How did you start your business?
I started my business after being in the corporate world for many years. When my youngest son graduated, I wanted to take it outside because I can do a lot more outside and very objectively that isn’t necessarily tied to the corporate policies.
You specialize in wealth. Let’s start by talking from your perspective about the Six Elements of Wealth.
Spiritual Side
The six are interesting because it covers every part of your life. The first one that we’ll talk about is the spiritual side. That’s the heart and soul of everything. It is your values that you see in action. What is your belief system and what is the purpose of your being? That’s what the spiritual side is. Every day, we get up in the morning, we breathe, even when we’re having our cup of coffee. There are certain values that you have there every day. That’s capturing your spiritual side of the world and diving deep into that is important.
The spiritual side is the values that you see in action. It is your belief system and the purpose of your being. Share on XI love that you start with that. I want to give a little perspective because you haven’t read all of our shows. Although you’ve read a few and I love that. A lot of people come onto the show and talk about the mindset of money. We talk about money blocks. We talk about all of these things, but there is something and I’ve released a couple of shows myself about this spiritual side of money. People think that money is the opposite of spirituality.
From my perspective, we are full beings. As you said, we’re full beings and spirituality is one of those things. How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you’re spiritual, you’re going to have a spiritual approach to money, which means it aligns with your core values, your integrity and your spiritual beliefs. Hopefully, your spiritual beliefs are that you deserve abundance because God is an abundance God or the universe or whatever. I love that you start with that. Thank you.
Human Wealth
You’re welcome. If it’s flipped, you probably will never find true happiness. If you start with the spirituality side of it, you will find that very much so. There’s another one that is important. That’s the human element of wealth. A lot of times, we don’t look at our talents as well. It’s something that we use to maybe create wealth, but your talents, even understanding what those natural talents are and learning more about yourself, will be able to position you for the abundance out there that you want and need for fulfillment of life. It’s what you do every day. It’s what you do to give back. By the very nature of using your talents, you give back.
Our talents are there to share not necessarily keep to ourselves. That’s what the human capital side and the human element side are of wealth. If I look at family, the family also is meaning of wealth. The family itself is, who’s your tribe, what’s your culture, what was your upbringing, what is that heritage that you have? Sometimes we don’t always know about it. The more we learn about our heritage, the more we learn about ourselves center ancestors.
Even knowing how do I have a great relationship with my family? How do I talk to them about my purpose and what’s the family purpose out there? There are so many important pieces when it comes to family, especially in our world now. That’s such a crazy fast-paced world. It’s how do you take time at least on an annual basis with your family to dive deep and have funds. Turn off the phones, turn off the computers, all those social connections and get to know each other.
I think it’s interesting that people, again, we take the money and it’s one of the puzzle pieces, but it’s the puzzle piece that we put on the side. It’s the island, but our families, the people that we love, our pets, our children, our parents, all of those things they’re right in the center of our puzzle. The thing is that every single piece of the puzzle affects each other and with that little piece out as an island, you have a hole in your puzzle. The family relationships are going to the way that that comes together and your puzzle affects the look of the whole puzzle. It looks at the fact, the beauty, the way that it stands out, stands together.
It’s also interesting with family. My parents were born in Pakistan and had to flee during the separation between India and Pakistan. My mom’s dad worked in agriculture in the United Nations. He ran the Agriculture Department around the world. He was very wealthy and had a very big worldview. My dad’s dad was a big Judge in Pakistan. He basically was the big man on campus. They were also very wealthy but then when they had to flee, my mom’s dad saw it coming and got them out. My dad’s family had to flee and they lost everything. They ended up living in a shack with fifteen people in it.
What this brought for me was that I was brought up with the idea that you can be wealthy and lose it all. It’s hard to enjoy your wealth when you’re afraid that it could run away from you. There wasn’t this idea of abundance. It was hard work. Big sacrifice and you could lose it all. There was this feeling of hoarding.
I think some of that ancestral stuff moves down to us unless we have these open conversations like, “Money conversation with my parents is because of this thing. Have compassion for that but I don’t want that in my life. I want my life to look a different way.” Way beyond the puzzle and the beauty of pulling it all together, our ancestral understanding of where our family’s coming from gives us financial compassion. It also allows you to choose something different.

Elements Of Wealth: Your talents will be able to position you for the abundance out there that you want and need for fulfillment in life.
My grandfather came from Germany, so the heritage is German-Russian. When they came over, it was about the time where the United States was looking for people to homestead, especially on the agricultural side, so I come from an agricultural world. I’m 3rd generation in the farming operation and the 4th generation is starting to come in. The one thing about family is as siblings. We felt it was our duty to make sure that we continued the wealth.
We came together and it’s even how you communicate because if you have eight siblings, we have age differences. You have all these communication styles. Coming together and talking about that was important. The bigger part to that and the deeper part was our purpose. That came into that conversation, so was a message down to the next generation or the inspiring generation out there.
That in itself was a big one. The human capital and the family capital are tied to how we think about wealth, our belief system is around that if it’s scarcity versus utilizing the talent to inspire and open up the opportunities to create wealth. There is a big difference in how we talk that through. Family is very important because that’s where we get our initial belief systems and our biases.
The societal side of it is what do we do in the communities that we live in or beyond? The societal element of wealth is all about how do we give back to the very community that we are taking something from? Whether it is worldwide, a small community, a larger community. What are some of those things that are important from a society standpoint? How do we engage in those conversations because that’s also another part of ourselves and how we look at our wealth and our money?
Do we give back by that through the financial channels or do we give back by doing things for others? Seeking those opportunities to give back and learn from others as well. The societal side is very important and if I think about it now, whether we use Facebook for a channel looking out in society or whatever it is. We lose that connection if we don’t get out there and get a connection that human side of it with society and how we engage and interact within the communities.
Giving back is such a big tenet also of choosing bliss, which is what I’m all about. Money is only a tool to amplify our belief systems. If your belief system is to give back to the community, then that tool amplifies your capacity to do that. There’s also the other element of the circular flow of money. As it goes out, it also comes back to us. You also don’t want to hoard because as you spend, you’re benefiting the economics around you. You spend on things for yourself. You also make sure that you’re spending things on the community and people that could use your help. There’s a lot of stuff around the community that we can do to make wealth feel more abundant for ourselves and for the people around us.
I sit on the board of directors for our South Dakota Symphony. It’s one of those that it is a volunteer board. We also raise money for the Symphony. The other part of that was it connected all the dots of things that are important from the elements of wealth. An example would be, we gave to the school systems specifically for those that maybe couldn’t afford an instrument but wanted to be in a musical area. It was creating shelters where bands could come into play. It also was bringing in music as medicine into the hospital systems. All of those pieces flow through of how you give back to the community while you’re raising money to make sure that those areas are supported.
We also connect with cultures such as the Native American side of it. We engaged them to create music that was bringing their culture into some of the symphonic pieces. It was a very broad view on everything of what elements of welfare. If I jump into now, the very two that are resources, so financial. It’s the resource that helps fulfill some of those other four elements that we talked about because the more that you become a steward of the wealth and the more that you become a steward of your own finances and understand them, the better you will be able to grow and have more of that abundance that can give beyond that.
The financial side to me, I always look at that as the easy part. I’m going to number crunch. I’m going to invest. I’m going to think about all these pieces, but now what am I going to do with them? What’s the purpose of it? The structural part of it is it’s anything such as owning real estate. It’s how I own that asset or structures such as even trust as part of a structure or any of those pieces that are going to help put our dollars in play. That’s the structure. It can even be our mission statement. It could be a family mission statement, your personal mission statement. That’s also considered a structure that helps give guidelines and some guidance of how you’re going to utilize your wealth.
I always talk about money. I’ve said this a few times on shows and people always look at me, but I was like, “I got that mundane thing about money handled a long time ago.” They’re like, “Mundane? What are you talking about?” It’s like, out of all those pieces of the beauty and bliss of life, money is only the tool like it’s the hammer and the shovel. It’s not that exciting. It’s cool and I love it, but it’s not the thing that juices me.
Our talents are there to share, not necessarily to keep to ourselves. Share on XStewardship
That’s okay. The important part of that is bringing the stewardship in. The stewardship of the dollar, so your mission statement, your value statements, all of those help you in guiding how you handle your money. That’s the stewardship of that and there’s such a great responsibility that comes with it in order to fulfill those other four areas.
I agree with you on that. I’m highlighting that.
You’re welcome. Those are the Six Elements of Wealth and everything that we do surrounds those areas of wealth when we have conversations.
Talk to me a little bit about what women specifically might overlook with regards to building wealth.
That’s such a great question. The things that I see most are, they don’t monitor their own credit score. That one comes up a lot of times, specifically if they have been married and their husband, for the most part, took care of the money. You will see that even if I reflect back on my own parents. It was my father that took care of a lot of stuff. That was the culture that was how things were handled.
It’s challenging because of either a divorce or a death or something to that effect, sometimes, people, females, will not understand what that means for them later on. Credit score monitoring is important and understanding dollars. Understand financials and be okay to ask the question. Although it’s easy to allow someone else to make a lot of decisions, it also has a big impact on health things can go in the future.
Part of this, like asking questions, there are a couple of things. First, women don’t want to seem stupid financially. We’re often made to feel that way. Not made, but the environment allows us to feel stupid. The other piece is that we want to be pleasers. We don’t want to make someone uncomfortable by asking a question. We don’t want to push anything. The reality is that, unless we do those things, we don’t get the financial wherewithal to take care of ourselves when it’s necessary. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to always be necessary, but when it is necessary, you want to be able to have the wherewithal to take care of yourself. It’s super important.
Research has shown that females make wiser choices, primarily because they’re a lot more cautious about how they approach something. That doesn’t mean that a male will make riskier decisions. Females and males have different approaches. I think that’s okay for us to understand that, which means the questions you ask are for a very specific reason. Also, if you are working with your spouse, it’s a great way to have a good conversation about what you both believe in, which is going to bring you closer together. Money is so personal and people get nervous about money or it can be a conflict area. The more you ask questions, the better your conversations will be and it’ll help you in the long run.
I find that the money conversation can turn into a dream-building conversation. You can talk about, “This is what we want to do, this is how our money works, this is what we’re doing right and wrong,” and both of our participation in both of those things. “What’s the dream that we’re building towards?” My husband and I are always working towards a big goal. Now, it’s retirement but we had the goal of traveling around the world for six months. We had the goal of moving to France for a year. As we were building that goal, the financial conversation had a bigger picture. It’s a much more joyful experience.
Even if things are going wrong and the conversation can be tough, but you’re encouraged maybe to ask those harder questions because you’re both working towards something. You’re both on the same team, as opposed to being on opposite sides of the teams, of the tennis net. Whatever it is, you want to be on the same side on the same team and building goals together make the financial conversation easier.
You’re so spot on because if you add children into the mix, then it can be even more difficult because you both come into the conversation having different views. You were brought up differently. Coming into that conversation is so critical because you are a partner in life. Sometimes people don’t look at it from that perspective. If you don’t have the conversation, you don’t know if you’re going right or left, California or Florida.

Elements Of Wealth: We lose that connection if we don’t go out there and connect with the human side of society and how we engage and interact within the communities.
What direction are we going here? Having those conversations sets the tone even of how your children look at money because if they see the disagreement between the parents, that’s how they’re coming in on their money mindset and how they look at the values of what dollars mean. The parents having a conversation about that is so critical and both being equal of understanding is even more important.
Could we talk a little bit about how real estate fits into the six elements?
Real estate, in my opinion, is an important allocation. Real estate is one that will give stability depending on what type it is, whether it’s land development, apartment buildings or office buildings. Whatever type of real estate it is, it has a spot in your portfolio and should be important. It does weather typically when markets do move. I’m talking about the liquid markets now. If I look at real estate, even understanding what your purpose is.
If I look at agriculture, which is a heavy one for us, agriculture has a central purpose. It not only brings income in. It will grow in value but it also has a purpose of utilizing the land to have food out in the community. There’s a much broader view sometimes of real estate and making sure that you have various different areas in the real estate market. You also want to make sure you’re balancing that piece out.
It’s interesting that you talk about agriculture for you because we’ve never talked about that on the show. We talk a lot about single-family, multifamily and those strategies. What you highlight by talking about agriculture is each family also has a real estate legacy. “What is it that we see as the land for us?” For some people, it’s, “We’ve rented our entire life. We’ve of been at the mercy of a landlord our whole life.” For some people, it’s apartment buildings. “We’ve always lived in the manager’s unit in an apartment.”
For people like me, my parents and I, we’ve always owned many houses. Not vacation homes. We don’t have homes in Hawaii and France and these other places. For us, it’s all investing in single-family homes. We do have a mindset around our real estate legacy. I love that you brought that up because I think it’s something we can change. Only because I’ve always done single-family homes do not mean I can’t invest in other things. This is what is intuitive for me.
For you, there’s farmland but there’s a big reason for that. There’s a whole business legacy and family legacy around that. If you’re a renter, you don’t have to stay a renter. You can start paying yourself and making yourself rich rather than a landlord. You can change that, too. I think it’s interesting to note that we all have these legacies that are passed down for us with regard to land. This has been the truth since the beginning of time. There were the lords and there were the peasants. The lords owned the land and the peasants wanted to. There is a land legacy around that. It’s so interesting that you said it that way because what an interesting conversation about, “What is happening for me?”
That’s important and if you think about the diversification in a portfolio, we work with a family that has landed in multiple countries. The purpose of that is the communities, the countries that they’re in and also the diversification even when it comes to weather, which was interesting in the soil. The diversification of how people look at where things are as far as real estate is important. Real estate is a very important topic in everyone’s allocation.
Thank you so much for that, Aggie. We have so much more to talk about. We’re out of time on this first part of the show. I want to tell you the two big pieces I want to continue on EXTRA are what is purposeful planning for women? That was one of the questions we didn’t get to. The other one is I want to talk about the soul of money and what does that mean? We haven’t had, in my belief, enough conversations of that spiritual side.
Sometimes, the more we learn about our heritage, the more we learn about ourselves. Share on XI think it’s because people tap dance around it a little bit because it’s loaded. I want to have that conversation and Aggie has offered to have that with me. I’m super excited to share that with you. We’re going to be doing that in EXTRA, so stay tuned for that before we move to our three rapid-fire questions, Aggie. Could you tell people where they can reach you? I know you got a free gift, so talk a little bit about that.
There are two of them. If you have a multi-generational portfolio, you can go to our website at You’ll be able to see that on the resource page if you go down. You can print off that little booklet. It talks about the balance sheet and that goes beyond the finances and how to go another hundred years. The other one is if you’re single or you have your family or something like that, you can give us a call and we’d be happy to chat with you for a while. You can ask us questions. Feel free to do either one.
Thank you for that. Aggie, are you ready for three rapid-fire questions?
I am.
Give us one super tip on getting started investing in real estate.
The greatest thing about real estate is if you are looking at homes, single homes or if you’re looking at apartment buildings or office buildings, you want to know what the economy is there. That is a big one. Also, understanding, are you building, are you purchasing a building and what was the income from it. How sustainable was it? You want to also know the leverage side of it.
If you are buying that, understand the leverage and how the financial institutions look at real estate. There are different ways of purchasing it. It’s either you can use your own or you can leverage and use somebody else’s dollars, either through banks. You can go to different institutions that offer different ways of even having your dollars leveraged. The more you can learn about real estate in itself, the better.
I love that you talked about there are so many different ways to finance. We think that there’s only one way but there are lots of different ways to finance. Leverage is the magic of real estate. You definitely learn a little bit about that. Don’t feel like you need to know everything. You need to know how to find a pro that was taking care of you. What is one strategy for being successful in real estate investing?
The one thing about being successful in real estate, you want to know what the equity side of it is. What is the normal growth rate on equity? You also want to know if it’s income-driven more so than anything, always keep up to speed on what is the going rate for the rent. That is a big thing. Know, too, from a triple net standpoint, if you’re going into a building real estate of hard asset, just know, is that building triple net or what is it because you should not have to necessarily pay out of pocket. You’re tripling that setup, which is paying for your taxes and your real estate of the paving of whatever it is your parking lots, whatever your building is. You want to know what that is. If it’s housing, that’s a little different, too, but you want to know what your options are there.
What is one daily practice, Aggie that contributes to your personal success?
Meditation in the morning. I texted my sons in the morning and my daughter-in-law sent a picture and said, “Got done with my workout. Watching the sunrise this morning with my cup of coffee and my protein shake sitting out on the deck.” I would say that meditation grounds you and brings you right back into having a great day.

Elements Of Wealth: The more you become a steward of the wealth and understand your finances, the better you will grow and have more of that abundance that can give beyond that.
Most successful people do meditate. That shows up a lot, so I’m so very glad. This has been so informative and so much fun. Thanks for all you’ve offered for this portion of the show.
You’re welcome. This was great.
Ladies, we got more coming. We’re going to be talking about the soul of money and building wealth purposefully as a woman and what that means to us. We’re going to be talking about that in EXTRA, so stay tuned if you are subscribed. If you’re not subscribed but would like to be, go to The first seven days are free, so you can download it as much as you like.
Check it out. If you want to stick with us, of course, it’s a subscription. For those of you that are leaving Aggie and me now, thank you so much for joining us. I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Important Links
- WillKate Family Enterprise Office
- WillKate Wealth Management
- Six Elements of Wealth
About Agatha Johnson
Aggie has years of experience working with clients who desire and value trusted expert wealth advice and advising them on how to be successful in life by finding the financial freedom to accomplish their purpose and dreams. She cares about each client’s personal success and takes the time to get to know the families and organizations she works with on a personal level. Aggie has worked with a wide range of clients, from families in business and high income earners, to medium-to-high net worth clients and ultra-net worth clients.
After decades working with individuals, families, and businesses, Aggie realized that most people focus on two specific areas of wealth planning, financial decisions and estate planning, which causes many to struggle with their choices. Aggie’s approach looks at the bigger picture; her expertise is in helping clients adapt to wealth, understand their relationship with wealth, and realize their purpose and vision. This creates the foundation for experiencing a greater opportunity to achieve dreams and lasting effects for different stages in life and future generations.
Agatha’s multi-disciplined approach provides guidance in six dimensions of wealth: financial, spiritual, human, family, structural (how things are owned and used) and societal. She helps clients define the opportunities they wish to create for themselves, family members, people, causes, and communities for which they care. Aggie has used this approach to work through many scenarios of opposing dynamics which can often times create complexities and complications. She believes having a strong path will provide the opportunity for lasting legacies.
Agatha is married to Craig, has four grown sons, three wonderful daughter-in-law’s and seven beautiful grandchildren. When not working with her family of clients she can be found enjoying time with her family, traveling with her husband, hiking and giving back to the community.
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Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet. She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market. Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress.
While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years.
She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment” and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.”
Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod, and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.