Moneeka Sawyer

Author Archives: Moneeka Sawyer

Moneeka Sawyer is often described as one of the most blissful people you will ever meet.   She has been investing in Real Estate for over 20 years, so has been through all the different cycles of the market.  Still, she has turned $10,000 into over $5,000,000, working only 5-10 hours per MONTH with very little stress. While building her multi-million dollar business, she has traveled to over 55 countries, dances every single day, supports causes that are important to her, and spends lots of time with her husband of over 20 years. She is the international best-selling author of the multiple award-winning books "Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment" and “Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way.” Moneeka has been featured on stages including Carnegie Hall and Nasdaq, radio, podcasts such as Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod,  and TV stations including ABC, CBS, FOX, and the CW, impacting over 150 million people.

Build A Business, Not A Glorified Job With Aaron Scott Young


Are you building a business or a glorified job? At The Unshackled Owner, Aaron Scott Young asks this game-changing question to entrepreneurs as the first step to helping them build stronger businesses while proactively protecting their dreams. Fully embodying the concept himself, Aaron lives a truly successful and blissful life that few other people can model. Moneeka Sawyer brings him in on this episode to share snippets of entrepreneurial wisdom that will surely be of value to all women real estate investors out there. Have you taken a look lately at how you’re approaching your business, whether you’re in real estate or something else? Listen in and take away a cupful of sure-fire secrets to success – whatever that word means to you.

Listen to the podcast here


Build A Business, Not A Glorified Job With Aaron Scott Young

I am delighted to introduce you to Aaron Scott Young. Aaron is a renowned entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in several multi-million-dollar companies under his belt. Aaron has made it his life’s work to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection. Fully embodying the concept of the unshackled business owner, he inspires others to do the same by empowering them to build strong companies while proactively protecting their dreams. This is what Aaron knows. When you have the right systems and culture in place, you can build a business that works for you, one that is optimized for cashflow, growth and progress.

A lifelong entrepreneur, trusted advisor to CEOs, outsource chief strategy officer and creator of The Unshackled Owner, a program for entrepreneurs looking to build a business, not just a glorified job, Aaron is armed with the expertise needed to quickly get to the heart of complex issues, identify solutions and eliminate the path to forward progress. His unique vantage point sets him apart from the crowd as a voice of real-world knowledge and authority. Aaron, welcome to the show. Ladies, I want to give you a little perspective on how I know Aaron. You all know Maureen. She’s been on the show many times. She was like, “Moneeka, you got to get to know this guy, Aaron.”

She did an introduction to us. He and I ended up connecting while he was driving horses across country because he invested in horses. There was something that I realized about Aaron. He runs a huge number of businesses. He’s hugely successful and he lives his blissful lifestyle. There are few people that truly model that the way that Aaron does. I had to share him with you. What’s funny about this is he’s doing so many things we don’t even know what to talk about. We’re going to get this conversation going and see how it goes. I know no matter what we talk about, it’s going to be great for you, ladies. Let’s get this conversation going.

I’m excited to be here. It was funny that when that conversation first happened, I don’t know where I was. It was a long trip. It was like 5,500 miles round trip from Washington State to Alabama and back. We covered sixteen states and bought four horses on that trip and brought them home. That was during one of the scariest times of COVID. A lot of people were very concerned that my wife and I were going to get in the truck and drive clear across the country and back and be in different situations and not know if there’s an outbreak or something.

Here’s what I noticed on that trip, which was so exciting. People were still going about their lives. They might’ve been amending things a little bit, might’ve been putting on their mask, but you can’t stop the resilience of American business owners. We hear a lot of negative stuff, especially in a political period like we’re in right now, where there’s a lot of negative about businesses need to pay more and people making money need to pay more. Somehow, it’s unfair to be successful. It’s unjust in some way.

I watched these business owners like you and your readers who understand that the way we continue to be an entrepreneur, the way we continue to set the course of our own life is by not being damned or stopped by whatever’s going on in the society. Our job is to adapt, to figure out how can we engage. It was exciting to see that all the way across the breadth of the United States to watch people in different states, with different rules, with different levels of concern, still figuring out a way, and that’s what makes entrepreneurs so cool.

It’s why I’ve loved dedicating my life ever since I was young like 25 to working with business owners. That’s what we’ve been doing. I’m getting to be an old gray hair dude. That’s been the joy of my business life. It’s working with people that are business owners because they’re interesting and cool. You certainly struck me that way on our first chat. I thought I can’t wait to have this conversation. It was a little connection back to my drive, which was exciting. The horses are doing well, by the way.

I was going to ask about that next. This whole thing about entrepreneurs is we’re all watching what’s going on out there. Entrepreneurs are the heart blood. They’re what create our economy. It’s not big business. It’s all of these entrepreneurs all the way from the mom-and-pop shop all the way to big business. This whole concept of money is evil or if you’re too successful, that’s because other people are suffering. There are bad apples. There are people that think that way, but there aren’t a lot of us.

Being successful does not mean you’re doing something that is to the detriment of others. Share on X

That’s such a good point for my ladies to know because so much of creating success is our mindset. If you think success is evil deep down inside your head, you’re never going to be successful because you don’t want to be evil. It’s important for us to understand that we are the economy. The business owner is the economy. We are what creates what’s all wonderful and amazing in this world or in this country. We lead the world. Our success is paramount to the bliss of the country. Wouldn’t you say?

The 86.3% of Gross Domestic Product or GDP is created by companies of 50 employees or less. That’s all the main street shops. That’s the person selling Tupperware. That’s the person that is working in the coffee kiosk. That’s the person who owns the landscape business. That’s the person who owns the restaurant, the dental office, the title company, the realtors, the real estate investors. Almost all of the velocity of money, the movement of the money is by small business.

Eighty-three percent of all new jobs created were created by companies of 100 employees or less. You’re getting into any number of manufacturing, jobs, office jobs, people like me who have dozens of white-collar medium paying jobs for the most part, people that are making $40,000 to $70,000 a year. I employ a bunch of people like that. These are companies of 100 employees or less. It is the lifeblood. Without it, we’re in trouble. Thankfully, the government knows it. I don’t want to be political because I’m not overly political in my way of dealing with the world. It is frustrating for me when I recognize that that politicians will create this divide of the worker and the boss.

Even if you’re the CEO of a three-person company making $250,000 a year and you’re taking home less than your employees, but because you’re the one signing the check, they think you’re more successful. It’s a real shame to see the division that’s created by trying to say the people that are owning the companies, that are employing people, the corporations, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, they’re somehow nefarious. They’re cheating somehow.

It’s not true. If you look at the most successful people, a great story is Mark Cuban, who’s on the Shark Tank. He owns the Dallas Mavericks. He’s a billionaire. He talks about when he was young building his business, he was paying his employees, but he had no money himself. He was couch surfing. He would go into McDonald’s and he couldn’t buy a cheeseburger. He’d get ketchup packages and squeeze them into his mouth to eat something.

During the recession back in ‘08, by the time it caught up with us in 2010, my business partner and I had to talk about do we do a massive layoff of people or do we take the hit? We get paid more than everybody else. He and I both took 80% pay cuts. We both ended up having to short sell our homes and move into rentals, but we didn’t fire one employee. We knew that if we keep the employees together, that when the economy comes back, we’ll be ready to receive and be on the front of the wave of growth.

That’s how most business owners look at their business. They look at it as a stewardship, as a responsibility, not as some way to take advantage of other people. What do those employers do? They hire people. They pay for health insurance. We do matching on our 401(k). We give money to causes. We donate to charities. We give money to the food bank. We do a Toys-for-Tots drive at Christmas. We give a piano to an old folk’s home. The people that are successful are usually successful because they’ve built a team around them and they know they have to feed the team before they feed themselves.

If there’s a lot left over, they get to keep it. If there’s not a lot leftover, they get to not eat. They get to eat ketchup while the employees get to eat whatever, even if it’s macaroni and cheese. At least they’re not squeezing ketchup packages. One of the first things we want to do as business owners and as entrepreneurs is get a healthy understanding of why it’s okay to be successful. That being successful does not mean that you’ve done at the detriment of others. I was going to say that you’ve left people behind. You may have to leave people behind in your growth because they will not support you in your growth, but that does not mean that you’ve done anything wrong to them. It means that your relationships and your use of time has evolved to a different place.

REW 39 | The Unshackled Owner

The Unshackled Owner: Most business owners look at their business as a stewardship, not as some way to take advantage of other people.


I have a lot of very successful friends that are entrepreneurs. Every once in a while, we’ll be in a conversation. Someone else will be at the table. They sold an app to Starbucks or they sold something. They have a lot of money. They’re starting a new project and someone will say invariably to them, “Why are you starting another other company? You made all that money. Why aren’t you going to retire?” The thing about entrepreneurs is that it’s not about the money. They want to be successful so that they can sustain their vision. For most entrepreneurs, it’s about what can I do in the world to make the world a better place? How can I create jobs? There’ve been so many times where I’ve been in a class and I’m like, “I don’t know.” I’ve heard people say, “I’m going to do this because look at how many jobs I can create.” They end up with 50 businesses like you. They’ve got their whole structure of how they’re going to run those businesses. The whole thing is about creating jobs and improving the lives of others.

Aaron Young’s personal goal has nothing to do with anything specific to any one of my businesses. This is the thing that is my undergirding effort at this time of my life. I decided this a few years ago. I’m a big one about putting numbers and dates on stuff. I’m a real believer in doing that. I do that, but on this, you’re going to know a very conspicuous absence of either of those things. I decided the best thing I can do with my professional life going forward, the rest of my life is to help more companies stay in business for more years making more money. Why do I say it that way?

I heard on the news that a 194-year-old company, a retailer called Lord & Taylor, has decided to close shop permanently. An almost 200-year-old company is closing down. The whole time I grew up, Kodak was a mega company, so was Sears and Roebuck and JCPenney and on and on. You could buy Pontiac cars. These things are gone. Sears and JCPenney are still there. They’re both in bankruptcy and they’re not going to make it. Kodak’s gone. Pontiac’s gone.

Companies don’t last for forever, but if we can keep them in business for more years and making more money because of teaching best practices, keeping them up to date on what’s going on in the law, in the IRS code, different ways of leveraging their businesses, what are the advantages of taking it on a different marketplace? If you’re going to help them with that, they’re going to hire more people. They’re going to donate more money. They’re going to pay more taxes that fix the roads, pay for the schools and all the things that make the community work.

I’m not going to say I’m going to help 1 billion people. I hear people say that crap. You know how much 1 billion is? There are seven billion people on the whole planet. The odds that you’re going to get 1 in 7 of them is pretty damn low. I don’t care if you’re giving away free water. It’s going to be hard to get to a seventh of the whole population of the world. If it’s 10 or 100 or 100,000, I’m not hung up on it anymore. I’m going to keep pushing information out to help them survive a little longer, a little more successfully. That’s what will keep that backbone of America, that lifeblood flowing, as you described at the beginning. That’s what’s going to keep it going. If we help people get another 2 or 3 steps into that dark tunnel of entrepreneurship, help illuminate a little bit more of their path, they’ll survive longer. They’ll survive more successfully and they’ll spread the wealth.

That’s the thing is they spread the wealth. That’s the end game.

Even the people that the politicians gripe about and say they’re not fair, if you think about it. I watched the thing the other day on Netflix or something about Jeff Bezos real estate. He’s got these enormous homes all over the freaking place, big houses, big estates. I thought every one of those took people to build, people to maintain, people to do the yard, people to do the pool, people to come in and clean the house, people did protect him. A rich guy like Bezos not only is employing hundreds of thousands of individuals in their companies, Whole Foods, Amazon, The Washington Post, and so on, but even in their excess, even in their mansions, they’ve got a team. I’ll guarantee you nobody’s getting paid minimum wage to work behind the walls of Jeff Bezos’ compound.

Everybody’s vetted. Everybody’s getting paid well. He wants you to keep your mouth shut about what you see around the house. These are good jobs, even for those unicorn individuals who go, “Look at their excessive lifestyle, they could pay more.” I promise you, they’re paying more like the entire neighborhood over here is paying. Even if their tax rates a little lower, they’re paying a lot more money for all of these free programs, for all of these trillions of dollars of COVID bailout. People think, “The government saved us.” The top 50% of wage earners are going to be paying that bill for a long time. The bottom 50% have taxes taken out and they get all their money back. The top 50%, especially the top 10%, pay almost all the tax. If you don’t want rich people around, you’re in deep trouble.

Money won't make you happy, but it will make you happier. Share on X

It’s important to remember that successful people are the ones carrying the risk. Everybody that gets a paycheck assumes it’s going to cash. Everybody, all of my employees twice a month assume that check will be good. Guess whose responsibility it is to make sure the check is good? It’s me. I can have a nicer car, home, or I can have luxury pets like the horses that we breed and raised. I still have to make $500,000 payroll every month just for my internal team. Somehow that has to be accomplished and nobody else has the risk. There’s only us, the owners that have the risk. It’s good to have money. Ladies, don’t be afraid of money.

It is good to have money. I am so with you on that.

Money won’t make you happy, but money will make you happier. Money is a magnifier. If you’re a jerk, it’s going to make you a bigger jerk. If you’re a kind, generous person, you’re going to be more generous. If you’re a builder, you’re going to build more. If you’re a hoarder, you’re going to hoard more, but money will only magnify who you are. If you want to make a big dent in the world, make sure who you are as a human, and then go make a ton of money and you’ll do good work.

That’s the message of my entire show. I’ve got a huge range of ladies on the show. We’ve got people that are single moms trying to get by. We’ve got CEO women who have reached the top echelons of their companies and are like, “Is this it? I don’t want to work this hard for the rest of my life.” We’ve got all these ladies. Let’s talk to them about how you define unshackled and how this applies to real life.

I started that program, The Unshackled Owner, a few years ago after I’d been at my beach house for almost two months. My wife and I were down there and hanging out. We’re posting on social media and when you first go on a fun outing, people get excited for you, “Have fun, beautiful sunset, you guys look so happy.” After a few weeks, they’re like, “What are you doing? When are you heading back?” After a month, they’re demanding answers.

I’m getting all this messaging because we’d already been to Europe for three weeks twice that year where I’d go speak for a couple of days and then we goofed around for a few weeks. That year was an interesting year leading up to June and July at the beach house. It was the first time it had ever even occurred to me that maybe other people didn’t do things the way I did them. It wasn’t that I was trying to create a course to go sell and make a bunch of money. Financially, I was great. I was golden. I didn’t need to do it. I’d never even thought of teaching a course.

When I started responding back to people and talking to these small business owners, it became clear that things that I had learned through mentors, reading, life’s challenges from the time I was nineteen because I started my first company with a payroll right before my nineteenth birthday. I ended up selling it and taking that money and starting another company when I was 23 or something like that. I learned these things, but it became clear to me a lot of other people hadn’t. The reason I used unshackled and believe me, our marketing department freaked out when I use the word unshackled.

They hated that word. They said, “That’s a negative word. That sounds like slavery. That sounds like bondage.” I’m like, “That’s what it feels like for a lot of people who own businesses.” They feel like they work for the business. The business owns them. They went into this to achieve some financial or life freedom or abundance and instead they’re locked in doing crud they hate doing. They hate balancing their checkbook. They hate doing the marketing. They don’t want to do the sales. They want to make candles, but they don’t want to sell them. Whatever it is, they were in bondage. I said, “I understand that you don’t like the word unshackled, but that’s because you’re an employee, not an employer.” The employer will get it.

REW 39 | The Unshackled Owner

The Unshackled Owner: No matter how smart you are, you can only do what you can do. Refusing to recognize that is what turns you into a shackled slave for your business.


I want you to know that that was the thing that completely ignited me on our conversation. It was that word, unshackled. What I want to highlight is there is such a big mindset difference between the employee and the owner.

The owners get in and they’re working their tails off. What most people do is they start with a little tiny bit of money, or maybe no money. If you’re doing real estate investment, maybe real estate sales here. Maybe scrapes somebody together, takes the real estate exam, pays for all their fees to have the little R on their business card. They don’t have any money. They have to go out and have to get a listing. They’ve got to sell something or they take some of their retirement money out of a 401(k) or an IRA and self-direct it into their first rental house or first duplex or something.

They’re hanging on by their fingernails. They’re barely surviving. They’re wondering, “What did I get myself into? Why did I do this? I’ve quit a job now or I’m letting my job slide while I’m trying to do my side hustle. What if I lose the job?” There’s this very real stress becomes in that transition, that beginning. You get a little success. You make a few bucks. All of a sudden, you go from squeezing the ketchup packages into your mouth to being able to not pay that much attention when you go out to dinner. When you go to the grocery store, you can run your debit card and you don’t worry about it cause there’s enough money.

You’re working ten-hour days. You’re taking calls at 9:00 at night. You’re doing things on the weekend and your revenue and your earnings are going up. Your lifestyle is improving, meaning your acquisitions, the place you live, the car you drive, the food you eat, maybe even sending your kids to a charter school or private school, that’s all improving. Your life itself is going in the tank because the only way to make more money is to work more hours, more days. You say, “I cannot go on like this. I need to hire an assistant. I need to hire a bookkeeper. I need to hire,” fill in the blanks. “I need some help in this particular area.”

You get it here in your brain. You think, “If I hire a decent person to do that job and I have to pay them $3,000, $4,000 a month to start working for me or I’m going to pay this admin person $1,000 or $1,500 a month part time to work for me, that’s coming out of my pocket. What element of my lifestyle is going to have to go down in order for me to make the risk of hiring this employee? I’m a little afraid to do that because I don’t know about hiring people. I don’t know about managing people. I don’t know if they’re going to steal from me. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

I don’t know if they’re going to do a good job.

Maybe they’ll do a crummy job. How many people am I going to have to go through to get a good one? You get into this tug of war between, “I know I need help, but I don’t dare risk the money. I don’t want to move into a cheaper apartment. I don’t want to get a different car. I don’t want to take my kid out of that school. I don’t want to give up on my yoga meditation retreat to Loom.” They wait and they stay in startup mode and they become an absolute shackled slave, indentured servant, whatever, to their own success.

Plus, their success has as a ceiling because without a team of people, you can never do more than you can do. I don’t care how gifted you are. You could only do what you can do. A lot of people who end up as a good employer, hiring good people, generating revenue, still get a lot of juice, get a lot of buzz because there’s a line of people at their door knocking on the door, “Boss, can I get five minutes? Can you help me understand this? Can you help me close this? Can you talk to this person?”

Don’t try to make money from your passion. Find something the market wants to buy and then get passionate about the results you deliver. Share on X

The owner’s like, “I must be smart because looking at how everybody lines up outside my door and why would I want to teach everybody everything in my head because then they won’t need me. They’ll go off and do it themselves or what will I do?” A lot of people get stuck in that fear of who am I if I’m not the font of all wisdom and knowledge? These are characteristics of shackled people. Not everybody wants to be unshackled. Some people love the shackles. They love it.

Some people have a lifestyle business. They want to sit on the beach with their laptop and coach their clients or look at that list of bank properties or look at the tax lien companies. They want to do it. They don’t want anybody else. They can make money. I was on the phone with a great friend. She has a lifestyle business. She makes about $500,000 a year. If she stops working, the revenue stops flowing. If she got sick or she broke her back, or she had to go take care of an ailing parent, she couldn’t do her work and the revenue would slow down or go away. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you acknowledge that you are self-employed.

You’re not an entrepreneur. You’re not a business owner. You are self-employed. Self-employed is okay. Not everybody needs to be an entrepreneur. As a matter of fact, according to the data from 2018, the median income, that means there’s as many below as above, not average, median income for entrepreneurs is $24,000 a year. It’s a crappy job. You may not want to do that because you’re probably going to be broke and stressed. Real entrepreneurs, somebody who’s what I consider mentally-ill entrepreneur, is someone who cannot help it. It’s like Tourette’s, you are going to say something that you didn’t want to say. You can’t stop. It’s a problem. If you don’t have resources to do it, you end up becoming spread very thin on ten things that you think all of them might be the magic golden ticket. You end up broke and stressed.

Unshackled owner, which I’m not trying to pitch, but you asked me what I mean by it. Unshackled owner is about getting the pieces in place, the formula, or let’s call it a recipe in place so you get the outcome that you want. The example I like to give is if I give you, Moneeka, a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. I give you the recipe. If you follow the recipe, do what I tell you to do, you’re not going to get a bicycle or sourdough bread, or a tire. You’re going to get chocolate chip cookies every time.

You may not make them the first time as well as I make them, but at least now you know the recipe. The more you work on the recipe and adjust to your altitude and put in the flavor, the little spice that you want, or I want to add walnuts or whatever you want to do, you can make it your own. At least if you follow a recipe, you will get a certain outcome. People have said, “How have you been a millionaire in recycling, cellular phones, barter, corporation, real estate, manufacturing?” How have I done it in all these different industries? How have I worked with hundreds and hundreds of people through this a few years in fertilizer, intellectual property law, publishing, and cosmetics? How? If you have the recipe, you will get the outcome.

There is no magic. There’s a reason Richard Branson can be in records, airlines, space travel, tourism. There’s a reason. There’s a formula. There’s a reason Steve Jobs made it in computers, telephones and animation. There’s a reason because there’s a formula. If you’ve learned the formula, you will get the result as long as your ingredients are good. People are always like, “Follow your bliss. Follow your passion,” to which is say crap, that is not true. My passion is my wife, my grandchildren, our farm, the ranch where we raised the horses. This is where I’m passionate about. Horseback riding in the mountains. I did that. I went for five days to one mountain range. I was out for twelve hours in the deep backwoods riding horses. That’s what I’m passionate about. Do I make any money from that? No. I lose money constantly on that. It’s a money loser. Find something the market wants to buy and then get passionate about the results you deliver. That’s magic.

Be passionate about how you fix things for people, solve problems, change lives. One of my companies, we do corporate minutes, minutes and resolutions. Every company that’s LLC or corporation is required by law to hold regular board meetings, keep minutes, pass resolutions. Yet 95% of small businesses don’t do it because there’s only one shareholder, one board member, one officer, one employee. It’s all the same person. It’s them. They’re like, “Why would I have to have a board meeting with myself? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

The only reason to do it is because it’s the law. It will never matter until you get caught not doing it and then everything you have will be wiped out. How dull are board minutes and resolutions? That is the most boring thing in the world. We do this for tens of thousands of companies, provide this service. It’s dull as hell, but I had a guy stop me in a hotel. I was walking from the hotel to the convention center area. I was late. I was supposed to be backstage already. I was supposed to speak in like 30 minutes.

REW 39 | The Unshackled Owner

The Unshackled Owner: The team is critical to being able to do things that make a difference in the world, become unshackled and let your crazy entrepreneurial brain go to work.


This guy all crippled up on those crutches that wrap around your biceps. He’s all bent up and he’s hobbling down this long, wide hotel convention center hallway. I was a keynoter. They had big banners of me up at this convention thing. I thought, “I hope this guy doesn’t talk to me because I need to get backstage.” That seems maybe a little stuck up except for that’s what happens. There’s only the two of us in this great big hall. We meet and he says, “Aaron, can I talk to you for a minute?” I don’t know this guy from Adam. I said, “Sure, of course.” I stopped and I’m trying so hard to focus on his eyes and not his broken body. I know he’s aware of his physical condition. You know how it is sometimes hard not to stare.

He said, “I know you don’t know me. I’m sure you don’t recognize me although we met several years ago, but I’m one of your customers. I use your corporate veil protection service to do our minutes and resolutions.” I said, “Thank you so much for trusting us to help you with your business. I’m so grateful for that.” He’s like, “Let me tell you something. I was in a bad car accident a couple of years ago and that’s what happened to my body. I was in this horrific accident and I was at fault in the accident. Other people got very hurt. The insurance paid them, but it wasn’t nearly enough. They sued us. They took our home. They took our beach house. They took our retirement. They took our furniture. They took everything, but they couldn’t take our business because we’d separated it.”

“We’d legally done the work, the minutes, the resolutions, the formalities so that the company was separate from the personal estate. I was able to rent a house and feed my family and take care of things.” He said, “I want to say thank you that I’m still in business.” I didn’t mean to choke up but I get passionate about it. That’s a great story. I went to in Indianapolis, Indiana for an all-black women entrepreneurs, it’s called Sisterpreneur. I was the only white guy there speaking. I’d done it before. I come in to the cocktail party thing the evening before the whole thing is starting. This maybe 40-year-old, full of energy, full of pep woman comes up and, “Aaron,” and she throws her arms around my neck and she hugs me. I’m like, “Who is this?”

She said, “I need to tell you something.” I said, “What?” She goes, “I became your client like 3 or 4 years ago. Your team does a great job. Every time it was time to renew every year, I thought, ‘Am I a sucker? Am I stupid? Is this real? Do I need to be doing minutes and resolutions?’” She goes, “Then I went and applied for a government contract as a double minority, a black woman. Guess what the very first thing they asked for? Three years of minutes and resolutions. The first requirement is am I acting like a real business before I can even get considered for this contract?” She said, “And I had them.”

This is why it matters to do something that helps people in real world situations and then get passionate about the results you deliver. I can tell you stories about all kinds of different businesses that I am involved in, where by doing something that people need and want to buy when they know that it’s available, by doing a great job, which isn’t me. I stand in front of the team and say, “I go out and say this stuff from a stage in front of 100 or 1,000 people. You guys are the ones that keep me from being a liar when I say it from the stage. You’re the ones who deliver the results that I get the hugs for and I get the handshakes for.” It’s the team.

The team is critical to being able to do things that make a difference in the world and becoming unshackled where you can let that crazy entrepreneurial brain go to work. Once you get this one going and you get a team in place, then they’re following the recipe and now that’s working. Now you can do this next thing and then this next thing. The idea is do one thing until it’s working right before you start the second thing. Too many entrepreneurs try to do too many things and they do them badly. They do them badly, but they love telling their story.

They love the stories. It makes them in their poverty feel to sound cool at a networking event. I’m telling you get one thing dialed in working well with a team that understands how to operate. When that’s working, go to the next thing. You asked me before we started this, do I want to talk about Laughlin Associates? Do I want to talk about structuring, entities and corporate compliance and all that stuff? I said, “We can. I own that company.” Let me tell you, I haven’t visited the company. We have all these people. We have all this stuff going on. I have not walked in the door of that company for three years.

You don’t have to be there in order to have something that makes an enormous difference to tens and tens and tens of thousands of owners not even counting their employees, their families, the people that they buy from. Our ripple effect is big. You don’t have to be there if the recipe is working. That’s how you become wealthy, but also how you make a big difference is by getting stuff working, and then going to the next thing.

Don't let the things you want to accomplish in your life be limited because you're afraid that you're imperfect. Share on X

The thing that sets entrepreneurs, real entrepreneurs, the mentally crazy ones, the ones that Steve Jobs talked about, what’d he say, “Here’s to the crazy ones.” He’s talking about Einstein and the Wright Brothers and Henry Ford. If you’re one of the crazy ones, you have more ideas than you have ours. That means you’ve got to get a team together so that you can become unshackled from that project and begin the next one and the next one. When you have your parent diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and you have to go take two years off to take care of your mother who doesn’t remember who she is, you’re still making money. You’re still making a difference.

I have a hockey stick story of success. You can see from the time I was sixteen, I can tell you a story that looks like a fairy godmother was waving her wand over me all the time. It’s a lie. It’s not true because did I have success? Yes. Did I have failure? Yes. Did I go bankrupt when my wife was pregnant with our second child, nine months pregnant, sitting in bankruptcy court? Yes. Did I have a heart attack and have to have a bypass? Yes. Did I get sucked into a criminal action against one of our clients and ended up going to prison? Yes. I’ve had one challenge after another. The year I was in prison, my take home pay was $974,000. Sitting in a hospital, strung out on morphine for three weeks, trying to get over having my chest opened up and everything, still making millions of dollars.

It’s a freaky story to me. Let me tell you, never talk to anyone without your lawyer. That was my mistake. They didn’t ever say I did anything wrong. They said I knew or I should have known what this other company leader was doing tax-wise. How insane is that? We spent $2 million and 3.5 years fighting. Finally, I took a plea and got it over with. I spent fourteen months and one week in federal prison. My wife said, “At least I had money. Any problem that came up, I throw money at it.” That’s what happens when you build a real business. We came out of it. The day my wife picked me up from the prison door was the day the movers were moving us into a new 7,000-square foot custom home on six acres with a giant pond and this gorgeous home. I went from prison to this big, beautiful house. Why? It’s when you build a real company, it doesn’t require your presence. It’s a terrible story, but it’s a huge juxtaposition of what I was doing with my day to day. What was happening with our business interests?

It’s not magic. I had a 1.9 GPA in high school. I went to one year of junior college. I started my first business that Christmas during that only year of junior college. I got married at 22, had four kids. My wife was a stay-at-home mom. My parents and her parents had no money. I never borrowed money. I never took investor money. I bootstrapped everything. This is not magic or silver spoon. The one thing that my wife pointed out to me, smacked me upside the head years ago and said, “Here’s the one thing that you forget about yourself.” I will admit this one side because I didn’t know it. It took somebody else saying it to me. She did say, “You tell me that everybody should be able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. You came from nothing. Everybody can do it. No, that’s crap. You’re a white man in the United States of America. Your parents stayed married. You grew up in a church community that supported you. You had people that told you, you were smart, that you were capable.”

That’s an advantage. You’ve talked about mindset multiple times in this conversation. When your mindset is somebody’s going to do it, why not me? If that’s your mindset, you can do anything. If your mindset is, “I’m not white. I’m not a man. I’m divorced. I’m a single parent. I don’t have any money. I don’t have anybody to turn to.” If your attitude is everything’s wrong, everything’s against me, that’s how you’ll live your whole life. You’ll always be a victim. You’ll always have an excuse. You can leverage the heck out of those excuses.

You can leverage it like crazy and say, “It’s not my fault. It’s everything around me is fault.” If so, then you deserve what you get. I feel inspired to share a poem off top of my head. It popped in my head and I it’s for something that I said. The poem and I hope I get it all right. It says, “I bargained with life for a penny and life would pay no more. However, I begged at evening while counting my scanty store. For life is the just employer. It will give you what you ask, but once you’ve set the wages, why you must bear the task. I worked for a menial’s hire only to learn dismayed, any price I had asked the life, life would have willingly paid.”

“You get what you believe you’re going to get. You accomplish what you believe is possible to accomplish. You will simmer in your own stew of excuses and regrets if that’s what you choose to do.” The most successful people I’ve ever met and I know I can tick off people that are my friends who’ve done things, founder of WebMD, founder of Make-A-Wish Foundation, founder of UGG Boots, founder of Teladoc. I can keep going on and on. These are my friends. Every one of them has had things that could have been used as the excuse for why they couldn’t be successful. All of them thought someone’s going to do this. Why shouldn’t it be me? All of them put the acknowledged challenges said, “Yes, that’s true, but that doesn’t define my future. That’s where I’m starting from. That’s the launch pad. We can do what we want.”

There is endless unrestricted room at the top. There is room for people who are successful always. There isn’t a limited number of seats. Everybody can be there. They have to make a choice. Success can be financial success. It can be relationship success. It can be health success. It can be number of jobs you’ve created, number of ladles of soup at a soup kitchen you’ve distributed. It’s however you define your own success. Just don’t let the things you want to accomplish in your life. Be limited because you’re afraid that you’re imperfect or that things aren’t perfectly organized.

REW 39 | The Unshackled Owner

The Unshackled Owner: If your attitude is “Everything’s wrong, everything’s against me,” that’s how you’ll live your whole life. You’ll always be a victim.


You don’t have the perfect website. You don’t have the perfect body. You don’t have the perfect bank account. You don’t have the perfect speech member. Moses was slow of speech. He had to have his brother, Aaron, do the talking. Clearly, I’m a benefactor of that talking. Moses was an old man who stuttered, who struggled, who was now an outcast from Egypt. He still went in and changed the world as we know. All the major religions acknowledged Moses and what he did. Whether you’re Christian, Jewish or Muslim, everybody looks at Moses and this unbelievable accomplishment of moving these people and building this kingdom. He established something in the name of their God, against all the odds, including the largest, most powerful government in the world.

You can do what you want to do if you decide to do it, and you decide to learn how the heck to do it. I meet so many people that say, “I’ve got this idea and I believe it will be a $50 million idea three years now. I need your help.” I’ll say, “How much revenue do you have now?” They say, “I’m making $1,800 a month.” I said, “You’re going to be $50 million in three years. Yes. Why do you believe that? That’s stupid. You’re insane.”

How are we going to get you from $1,500 a month to $5,000 a month? How are we going to get from $5,000 to $20,000? How are we going to build a real business? Not how are you going to sit there with your Excel spreadsheet or your calculator and dream big dreams based on nothing real. If you learn how to do the work, you never have to lie, cheat or steal. You can learn to do the work and you will get the result. People that are reading this I assume are seeking that input in their lives to not think they can do it alone.

The old proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” You can be a flash in the pan. You can make a couple of bucks now, or you can build something real that will sustain you. As you have other things that come up in your life or other opportunities that you want to take on or other responsibilities, you cannot shirk. You can be the person that seems to have it all if you decide to go with a team to do something the market wants and you learn how to do it and follow the formula, you’ll be successful.

Thank you so much for that. Ladies, this is something that we talk about a lot on this show is this whole networking thing. Real estate is a people business. The numbers have to work, but it’s a people business. Life is a people business who you hang out with, who you have the conversations with will expand your mind, your life, your business. It will expand to everything. Aaron is one of those people that came to this show with a lot to share and expanded our mind. These are the sorts of people that you want to have in your life when you’re out there spending time with people, spend time with people that expand you that have a conversation with you, that your eyes are wide open.

You’re like, “I didn’t know that.” It’s such a big piece of success is who are we hanging out with? Who are we having conversations with? Who are we inspiring to work for us, with us as partners, employees, vendors in our business, our tenants? My tenants are my biggest source of income. They’re my biggest business partners or my biggest clients are the most important people in my life. Not my contractors, not my vendors, my tenants. It’s because of that, that my relationships with them are a big deal. I network around that. Who are you spending time with? This has been amazing, Aaron, getting to spend some time with you.

It’s been my pleasure and thanks for letting me talk to your people. The goal is to help more people stay in business for more years, making more money. If this helped one little person in one little way, then was time well spent.

Thank you so much. Aaron and I are going to do an Extra, Ladies. We’re going to be talking about, when you’re shooting for those goals, why? I want a lot of money so that I can make a big impact on the world. Does that pull your heart forward? There has to be a why. You have to be able to tell when you reach that goal that you’ve been shooting for, for so long. There’s gratification in that. It’s also someplace to go to. It pulls us forward. Aaron and I are going to be talking about that in Extra. If you are not subscribed to Extra, but would like to be, go to You get seven days for free. You can download a ton of stuff, get some great content and then you get to stay subscribed. If you’re already subscribed, stay tuned, we’ve got some amazing stuff coming for you. If you’re leaving us now, thank you so much for joining Aaron and I for this portion of the show. I appreciate you. I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon.


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About Aaron Scott Young

REW 39 | The Unshackled OwnerAaron Scott Young is a renowned entrepreneur with more than 30 years experience and several multi-million dollar companies under his belt.

Aaron has made it his life’s work to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection.

Fully embodying the concept of the unshackled business owner, he inspires others to do the same by empowering them to build strong companies while proactively protecting their dreams.




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Discovering Your Why with Aaron Scott Young – Real Estate for Women

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Today I’d like to welcome to the show our guest Aaron Young

About Aaron Scott Young

Aaron Scott Young is a renowned entrepreneur with more than 30 years experience and several multi-million dollar companies under his belt.  Aaron has made it his life’s work to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection.  Fully embodying the concept of the unshackled business owner, he inspires others to do the same by empowering them to build strong companies while proactively protecting their dreams.

This is what Aaron knows.  When you have the right systems and culture in place, you can build a business that works for you.  One that is optimized for cash flow, growth and progress.

A lifelong entrepreneur,  trusted advisor to CEOs, Outsourced Chief Strategy Officer and creator of The Unshackled Owner (a program for entrepreneurs looking to build a business … not just a glorified job),  Aaron is armed with the expertise needed to quickly get to the heart of complex issues, identify solutions and illuminate the path to forward progress.  His unique vantage point sets him apart from the crowd as a voice of real-world knowledge and authority.  Connect with Aaron at

In this episode of EXTRA we talk about:

  • What is the biggest factor to success?
  • What do we need to know?
  • How do we get it?


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Stay in Your Own Lane to Reach Success with Dr. Sheri Prentiss – Real Estate Women

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Today I’d like to welcome to the show our guest  Shuri Prentiss

About Dr. Shuri Prentiss

Dr. Shuri is a proven visionary, best-selling author and highly sought after physician leader. She is a board certified occupational & environmental medicine physician, public health expert, and a breast cancer survivor. 

After breast cancer treatment left her disabled from lymphedema in her right upper extremity, stripping her of her life-long dream of being a practicing physician, she re-invented herself and went on to become a national public figure, professional speaker, and entrepreneur/owner of her own healthcare consulting business. She has been the catalyst for transformation in the space of cultural and workplace diversity for a myriad of organizations for more than two decades. As the former national spokesperson (six years) and the former national African American Health Equity Ambassador (two years) of the world’s largest breast cancer organization, Susan G Komen, she is no stranger to media, be it tv, radio, print or internet. She recently launched her new show, The LIVE Today, on CANTV channel 21. The show is designed to increase exposure to her nonprofit organization and provide valuable education and resources to individuals living with lymphedema.

In this episode of EXTRA we talked about:

  • Anyalyse how to stay in your own lane.
  • Find the top 3 things that you can do and excel at them to sustain and grow your business


Learn how to create a consistent income stream by only working 5 hours a month the Blissful Investor Way.

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Getting Past Fears And Limitation With Dr. Sheri Prentiss – Real Estate Women

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation


Piled up obstacles and challenges in our lives hinder us from moving forward. But without embracing our mistakes and gathering up the courage to take the punches, we cannot get past our fears and limitation. Moneeka Sawyer invites everyone to break boundaries that prevent growth with breast cancer survivor, author, and speaker Dr. Sheri Prentiss. Together, they go way back to Dr. Sheri’s life to discuss her takeaways on battling lymphedema that made her sacrifice her lifelong dream, as well as her rebranding journey from being a doctor to becoming an inspirational speaker. Moneeka also emphasizes how the lessons learned from Dr. Sheri’s experiences can help real estate investors level up and chase bigger goals.

Listen to the podcast here


Getting Past Fears And Limitation With Dr. Sheri Prentiss – Real Estate Women

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am excited to introduce you to Dr. Sheri Prentiss. She is a proven visionary, best-selling author and highly sought-after physician leader. She is a board-certified occupational and environmental medicine physician, public health expert and a breast cancer survivor. After breast cancer treatment, left her disabled from lymphedema in her right upper extremity, stripping her of her lifelong dream of being a practicing physician, she reinvented herself. She went on to become a national public figure, professional speaker and entrepreneur/owner of her own health care consulting business.

She has been the catalyst for transformation in the space of cultural and workplace diversity for a myriad of organizations for more than two decades. As a former national spokesperson person for six years and the former national African-American health equity ambassador for two years of the world’s largest breast cancer organization, Susan G. Komen, she is no stranger to the media be it TV, radio, print, or internet. She launched her show, The Live Show where you’re going to get to know about on CAN TV Channel 21. The show is designed to increase exposure to her nonprofit organization and provide valuable education and resources to individuals living with lymphedema. Dr. Sheri, thank you for being on the show, welcome.

Moneeka, I’m excited and I consider it an honor to be on your show. As a subscriber to your show, I kept thinking, “How can I pass that? How can I exceed that?” I took the tips. Hopefully, your guests will find me as exciting as your other previous guests.

Reading your bio brings emotion up in me because I know many people who have suffered through similar things. It’s interesting how we are on the other side of that. This conversation is going to be important to a lot of ladies. Thank you for being willing to be a leader in this space because breast cancer is huge. Many women suffer from it and we don’t talk about it.

I’ve always thought that it was important that I share my story because I could have gone through the diagnosis and kept my whole diagnosis, treatment, journey and path under the radar. Doing that was not going to share my testimony and it wasn’t going to bring strength in anybody else’s life. I would have garnered strength, but what was that doing to my fellow sisters out there that find themselves in the same situation?

What are the numbers?

It's okay to have your weaknesses and express them to everyone. Share on X

It’s huge. You’re looking at 1 out of every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lives. About every 60 seconds, we’re losing a sister to breast cancer. When we look at black women, in particular, we die 40% higher rate than our Caucasian counterparts, even when we control for types of cancer and access to care. When everything is equal, we’re still dying at an alarming rate. I think it’s important as a physician and now as a patient, having been on both sides of that table to be able to share my story so that individuals can journey down a path that is not as hard, as harsh, as painful and as lonely as mine was. Also, to hear my story and to implement changes in their lives, such that hopefully, they won’t even have my testimony. If they were to have it that they will jump on this bandwagon and on this crusade such that our children are not living with the fear of acquiring this disease.

It’s interesting because genetics do play a big part in it. Black women die significantly more. In Indians, I’m Indian and for us, we’re predisposed to heart disease and we tend to die from heart disease significantly more, even if all care is the same. It is interesting also the genetic element that you brought up.

Here’s what’s interesting with black women is that genetics make up less than 10% of the cancers. It is not genetics. With us, that’s why the role that I played with being the national ambassador for the Health Equity Initiative with Susan G. Komen, we were working with researchers and other nonprofit organizations in trying to figure out what are those elements that are causing us to die at an alarming rate. It’s not just genetics. It is a culture. It is a fact that we don’t talk about it. It is a fact that we may have the access. We may have hospitals there. The access is there, but we don’t have the insurance.

We’re finding that it’s more of the social determinants of health that is having the larger implications into why we are dying at a higher rate even though white women are being diagnosed, there isn’t as are higher, but our mortality rates are higher. What may appear on the surface, you got to take a deeper dive. What I’ve been helping other organizations do through my consulting business and through my nonprofit is trying to figure out what can we do? What are the areas that are contributing to these larger numbers and where our carrots, where are the low hanging fruits that we can get in right now, make a difference and see that needle turn just that?

Tell us a little bit about your story. What happened? Where were you when you got the diagnosis? What was going on?

At that time, my mom was in the end stages of her life. She had a condition called Sarcoidosis. It was primarily affecting her lungs. On October 1st, 2008, I had made arrangements for my mom to be transferred to inpatient hospice for what would be the last time to make some adjustments on her medications. I had to step back, be a daughter and no longer try to be a daughter and a doctor to my mom. I told her, “This is too hard for me. I need to take a step back.” I was proud of myself for taking a step back and letting other doctors care for my mom. While I’m on the phone with her, she calls me once she makes it to inpatient hospice, and being women, we multitask. I’m on the phone with her, ambulance dropped her off, but I’m doing myself breast exams at the same time.

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Fears And Limitation: Social determinants of health have larger implications into why black women are dying at a higher rate of breast cancer.


It’s 9:00 PM. She’s asking whether or not I will come and see her because you can go anytime you like. The moment that I did the left and now I’m on the right, I felt a mass. I had my baseline mammogram in February of 2008. It was normal. Six months later, I’m doing my self-breast exam and this is why I tell every woman, “Know your body.” I feel a mass and it wasn’t there. Even though I am not a pessimistic person and I’m one of the most optimistic persons out there, immediately when I felt it, I knew it was cancer. That’s because I know my body. I wasn’t fooling around. I had helped a couple of other individuals two years prior and then one year prior along their cancer journey. As a result, I met some of the best breast cancer surgeons and oncologists in the country.

I had my repertoire and I kept their numbers simply because I was that other person’s confidant, their go-to, the person that helped them keep up with all of their schedules, doctors and numbers. I kept in my phone so that I would be able to talk to the doctor if my friend had an issue, not knowing that it would be me one day. I immediately called a breast surgeon at home and told her, “I found a mass. Are we going for a mammogram? Are we going straight for the diagnostic ultrasound? What are we doing?” I’m blurting out all of this stuff. She’s like, “Sheri, I need you to breathe. You’re going to come in. We need to do a diagnostic ultrasound. We’re going to go do that, but we’ll do a diagnostic mammogram first and we’re going to go through this.”

I found the mass on October 1st. Between October 1st and 13th, I had a biopsy done. I remember I was working from home that day in front of my computer the breast surgeon called me and she was like, “Hi, Sheri.” I’m like, “Bob, how are you doing?” It’s all nice and perky. She goes, “I’ve been better.” The moment she said that even though I knew that it was cancer, it was all these opportunities where you think, “Maybe not.” You would tell other individuals. I go, “It doesn’t have to be that bad.” When she said, “It came back as invasive ductal carcinoma.” Now that was the confirmation.

I immediately like, “What are we going to do? When is going to be the surgery?” When it was all said and done, I ended up with a partial mastectomy. They removed half of my right breast. She removed sixteen lymph nodes, three of which were positive for cancer. That meant chemotherapy. I underwent fifteen rounds of chemotherapy and 33 treatments of radiation all while only missing three days of work and those were the three days that I was in a hospital for surgery. I continue to plow through it. Most people didn’t even know I had been diagnosed because I was wearing wigs even before I was diagnosed, just because I like variety. I wear my hair one day, then I’ll be blonde next redhead two days later. They thought, “Sheri’s in another wig.”

This time, I was wearing shorter wigs because I think in my mind, I was preparing for being bald. I didn’t want to wear the wigs that were either my hair length, which was past my shoulder or longer. They thought I was wearing a cute, short style. It wasn’t until after radiation that when I got tired of wearing the wigs, I took them off. By then, I started having little peach buds, a little wavy, and everybody thought I cut off my hair. People are like, “Sexy haircut. Who did your hair?” I was like, “Chemo.”

Sometimes, that’s how I introduce people to my story. I said, “It wasn’t my choice. I’m having chemo. Chemo made the decision for me.” That’s how I began to share my story with other individuals. It wasn’t that I was initially hiding it. I was plowing through it. My mom died while I was going through chemo. When I got diagnosed, I still was her caregiver along with my dad. I had to deal with her death. I had to deal with being the executor of her state. I had to deal with caring for my dad. I had to deal with raising, co-parenting with my ex-husband two daughters.

Being present is what it means to be truly alive. Share on X

I still had to oversee the 22 facilities that I was responsible for. I had to get on with life. I plow through it, sharing my story on an as-needed basis, but it wasn’t until I took the wig off. When people would complement me on my cute short hairstyle, I thought, “This is my opportunity to share my story.” Instead of saying, “Thank you.” I let them know, “It’s not my choice. Chemo made the choice for me.” I allowed that to be an opportunity for me to let them know what happened.

I’m like you. When I’m in trouble, I work harder. I know that for me, it’s the saving grace. I don’t want to talk about what’s wrong. I don’t want to ever see pity in people’s eyes. I don’t want to answer all the questions. A lot of times my own emotional stuff is enough for me to handle. I don’t want anybody else’s emotional stuff and their questions or the, “I’m sorry,” and the many times of, “How are you?” People are compassionate and kind. I’m not saying that that’s bad, but it pulls me more into it. That sounds a little bit weird. I realize as I say that, but it’s the way that I operate when I’m in trouble. Did you find that that was the thing that helped you go in and helped you get through the whole thing?

For me, yes, it did. Remember I told you I had two friends that I had helped from their journey and I was their voice to send out the update, emails to their family members or to friends or what have you. I chose to be my own voice. Since at that time, I was overseeing 22 different facilities. I had 110 full-time employees that are reporting to me. I became my own voice to those individuals. Now I added in my friends and family. I will send out weekly email updates. My closest circle knew. It wasn’t so much of me hearing on a regular basis that, “I’m sorry.” They knew how I felt because they were anticipating the updates.

Even though I would share and be very real with the pain, the sadness, the sorrow, all of the things that life continued to happen, it wasn’t just breast cancer, but mortgage still needed to be paid. The bad things still happen even in the midst of cancer. I sure would share it, but at the end of that email update, that Facebook post or whatever it was, I always left with an up note not necessarily so much for me, because I had already been through that experience. I had already suffered and went through all of that whole week. Now I’m letting you know what this past week did for me. How bad I felt when I was going through chemo on Monday. Tuesday was bad. On Wednesday, I felt a little better.

What I did was leaving that upbeat message at the end was for those individuals to know that I’m okay, that I’m good. If you find yourself in this situation, you can be good too. I didn’t hold back what I went through, the emotions and the bad stuff, but because by the time we shared it, I was already on the upswing. I left them on the upswing. It was less of them to come back and feel sorry for me or to feel sad. When I felt the, “I’m sorry,” it was when with the new individuals. It’s the person at Walmart that was checking me out and say, “Cute hairstyle.” I said, “Chemo will do it to you.” People are like, “You had chemo?” I’m like, “I’m a breast cancer survivor, but God is good. I’m surviving. I’m here. We going to keep it moving.”

That’s how I would approach it. The few times when I was around a group of individuals where it felt like my story was bringing them down, I would take the lead and say, “I didn’t share this with you to bring you down. I shared this with you so that you can have this in your armamentarium, such that if you’re facing this again, something similar or what you’re going through now feels overwhelming. Imagine you had that and breast cancer.” “I don’t have breast cancer.” Now you can say, “What I’m going through is not so bad.” I said, “No pity for me because I’m getting through it. God has given me the strength to go through it. I’m only sharing with you such that when you see me on the other side strong, you’ll know that there was a whole bunch of weak moments in between.”

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Fears And Limitation: Individuals have varying levels of pain for different reasons.


Know that it’s okay to have your weakness and know that it’s okay to express your weakness. Stop feeling like you got to be strong for everybody because that’s not what God intended and that’s not even realistic. Men and women, have your moments of weakness and be willing to share, “I’m weak right now. I’m feeling bad right now. I don’t tend to stay here, but let me have my moment.” When you come through, you’re stronger and now you can bring somebody else along.

I had this whole experience of four years where I was trying to get pregnant. There were fourteen pregnancies and fourteen miscarriages. People are always looking at me like, “How do you get on the other side of that?” Could you imagine the level of emotion that I was suffering, my poor husband was suffering and to have to explain it over and over again. We all have different strategies on how we deal with the stress of going through this stuff. I wish I had heard when you had said now before that series of events for myself, because there were few up moments. There was the up moment of finding that I was pregnant, which was exciting. I immediately went into fear about losing it because I was under so much treatment.

I did have the highs and when I was excited, I couldn’t tell anybody about it. It was such an interesting thing. I’m glad that you’re talking about the way that you deal with this. I wonder how I could have done differently to have supported myself and the people I loved more. I feel like a lot of people felt shut out. It was protective of them. I didn’t want them going through the rollercoaster, but it was also protective of David and I so we didn’t have to deal with all of the questions.

It’s important because it ties in and it goes to show you that individuals have varying different levels of pain and sometimes, they’re at the same level for different reasons. I’ve never experienced a miscarriage. Two times I got pregnant, I delivered those children. I had complications with the second one. We didn’t think she or I would make it. I had a previous pregnancy that was successful, not that I was thinking of this at the moment, but people could look at it and say, “If that one was, she still had a successful history and so there was a chance.” I can only imagine six times in, “We have a five before, this is sixth times and then there’s the seventh time.” It’s important for individuals to hear the different levels and the different causes of extreme pain, what that means and then to be able to look at us now. It doesn’t mean that we’re still not impacted or affected by our past painful experiences, but look at what we’re doing with it.

Your story is empowering. Thank you for that. Tell us a little bit about how the diagnosis changed your worldview?

One, I’ve wanted to be a doctor ever since I was two years old. I announced to my parents when Marcus Welby on television. I jumped up in bed and said, “I’m going to be a doctor.” They asked me, “Why?” I said, “I want to help people.” Number two, I want to make a lot of money. They thought that was funny. I’m listening to it even I’m 52 and I’m like, “Yes, this is funny because the second part wasn’t as evident. I made enough to do well by my family but didn’t make tons of money, but I did help thousands of people.” Now having rendered the diagnosis and having gone into medicine because I wanted to help people with my hands, with healing and do what I call it to alleviate suffering, I’ve always had what I thought to be a great bedside manner, emotional and cultural intelligence.

Whether you like it or not, people are watching you, and they are impacted by how you live. Share on X

I made the point of understanding and knowing my patients and their families, respecting their wishes, religious beliefs and all of that. I’m lenient. I was one of the doctors that would take diagnoses home with me. We’re taught in medical school, “Get in there, do what you need to do, but you got to learn how to leave work at the job. Don’t bring it home.” I wasn’t one of those individuals. I am too tightly connected in my personal relationship with God for me to make that separation and that cut. I carried individuals with me. When I gave cancer diagnosis, terminal diagnosis, I offered up a prayer to my patients that were willing to pray because I know that this was a familiar diagnosis. It’s happening to that person, but the dominoes that that person is connected with, they’re going to be dominoes that fall and they’re going to be some that will never get back up again.

Now, I’m the patient and it caused me to see things from the insurance perspective. I had issues with insurance. I decided to be a part of a clinical study. My insurance then wouldn’t pay for some of my chemos, although my chemo had nothing to do with the research study. Because I was a physician, I knew how to fight that battle, but now I’m thinking about, “What about the patients who don’t know how work? Now, they’re stuck with these bills and thinking that they have no way out.” I’m now seeing what it’s like to live with the burns from radiation and still having to go to work and smile in the midst of pain and like, “Please don’t touch me. Please don’t hug me.”

Going through that, now living through it, it caused me to take a different approach with my patients, even when they came in for a back injury. If it was a back injury to a truck driver and now he couldn’t drive and it affected his job, I now had a different impact. Even though I worked through chemo, it was difficult. As far as my patients were concerned, my viewpoint changed and my viewpoint for life changed because I realized how your life can change in a split second. Had I not found the mass when I did, I would not have lived to see the summer. I was diagnosed in October. I was also diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening congenital heart defect while I was going through chemo.

It’s another condition that drove me to the hospital. My right coronary artery is being squished by my aorta and my pulmonary artery. The chemotherapy made the constriction even more. My right coronary artery was close to 90% blocked. I’m staring at a heart attack. A cardiologist tried to put in 22 different size stents but none of them work. I could see the tears in his eyes like, “I can’t do anything for you. I’m going to send you home with some lifelong medications. I pray you never get atherosclerosis. God bless you.” Now I’m living with life-threatening breast cancer. I’m dealing with a life-threatening cardiac defect. I realize life is too short for me to continue to exist. I thought that I was living, but in retrospect, I was existing. I would go from one health project to the next.

If this girlfriend needed me on this journey, I was there. This one needed me on that, I was there. My children needed me to do this, I was there. My patient needs me to do this and our families, I was there. My dad needed this, I was there. That’s what I did. I helped people. It brought me joy in helping individuals because that’s my nature, but I wasn’t being present. I could have planned a vacation with my daughters and work. I’m looking forward to the vacation where instead of when I had precious moments at dinner or precious moments watching the movie.

In my mind, I’m like, “I’m going to do this and going to take care of this. We leave in two weeks.” Occasionally watch the movie, then the commercial on my phone, I realized I had made my life very overwhelming. Suddenly I heard a voice that said, “You shall live.” I thought, “I had overcome breast cancer and this whole cardiac heart thing, I am living.” That was when I had the reflection of, “No, I wasn’t. I was existing. I was doing, I was being, but I wasn’t living.”

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Fears And Limitation: Everybody is typically uncomfortable with change, even with good ones.


I want to stop and highlight that because we’re doing, does not mean we’re living. We have exciting vacations, we are taking the kids out, roller skating, dancing or whatever it is we’re doing does not mean we’re living. I want everybody to highlight, we as a world community are going through an experience of re-evaluating everything. As we do that, are we living? Are we hoping for a future so that this ends? Are we hoping that we’ll continue to be able to have what we have right now, or are we fully present and living in this moment for exactly what it is? If we’re living in the future and the hope of a future, if we’re this end crying over a past and things that we can’t have, if we’re in fear, if things are going to stay the way that they are right now, all of those things take us out from being present and being present is what is being alive.

That’s the realization I had to come to. When I accepted that, it stayed with me for a few weeks. I still didn’t understand what living meant, even after the acknowledgment that I had been existing. Now that I’ve realized that I existed and I was doing, “What does it mean to LIVE?” I then heard the voices again of what LIVE means. LIVE for me means, “To love myself and others, to inspire those around me, to voice my dreams and ambitions and finally, to enjoy life. That flipped the script for me.”

Now I’m like, “I get it.” That’s the type of living I’m talking about that I do now and every day. I don’t let anything get in the way of that. When something tries to creep in, a double-check, take a step back, look at my life where I was twelve years ago. When it flipped upside down and my lifelong dream was stripped from me in an instant. I went from being a practicing clinical physician to now being told by my boss at the time who wasn’t a clinical physician, “Sheri, a physician who was not clinically capable because of my lymphedema is of no value.”

That’s what I was told when I’m at the job that I’m overseeing 22 different facilities. It is the largest healthcare system in Illinois. I did my thing while fighting this battle, fighting for my life, losing my mom and all of that. When lymphedema struck, which caused permanent, severe swelling on my right arm, hand and fingers made it impossible for me to do the clinical functions on my job. My fingers don’t move the way they normally do. I had neuropathy from the chemotherapy. Touch is not even the same. Now all of a sudden, “I couldn’t do the clinical part, but overseeing 22 different facilities, I can do the administrative part.” We’ll bring in a resident straight out of residency. They can do my clinical stuff. My clinical staff was filling in for the docs when they were on vacation or out on CME.

Most of my position was administrative but what I didn’t appreciate at that time is that my boss had an ulterior motive. I believe that even if I didn’t have lymphedema, he was going to find a way to cause a severe there. This was his opportunity to bring me to his office in the midst of everything. Keep in mind that I only missed three days of work. I didn’t let any of my facilities suffer. I worked for the organization to be brought in the office, to be told that you had no value, it stripped something in me. That was the period of time when the realization of my existence came to my mind. When I accepted the fact that I had been existing, I still didn’t know what living meant.

Once what live to me meant was realized, my whole world changed. Opportunities changed because I looked for opportunities in areas that I had never looked before. My eyesight was close to it because I was existing. Sometimes you’d find when you were existing, you go along the same path and everybody is typically uncomfortable with change. Even a good change. Change is changing. It shapes your world. We stay in a safety zone when we’re existing because it’s safe, it’s comfortable. We’re existing. We’re staying on the radar, but when things like breast cancer, congenital heart defect, the death of a parent, and a divorce shake your existing world, what will you do with it?

Courage is required to get past your fears. Share on X

What realization will you come to, to get you over that? Mine was to live. It opened my eyes to opportunities that I had been blinded to. It doesn’t mean that I wasn’t scared of stepping out of that safety zone because I was, but I learned by stepping up to the plate, even when I was afraid of striking out. It opens up a world of blessings and opportunities to me that I would never experience had I not been willing to step out, but learning to live is what caused me to gain that strength to step out.

Tell me what you’re doing now. How did that turn around? You went from managing all these hospitals. What did you do?

I realized I was existing in December of 2010 and was told that I had no value. Now, God tells me to live. I know how to live means. In January, Susan G. Komen put out a call looking for a new national spokesperson. Because I had participated in my first three-day event four months prior, I was included in the call. They terminated me from that job that I thought I was going to one day retire and now I’m clinically disabled, I guess I could apply. I had never done media, been on a stage, did the opening and closing ceremony, conducted a camp show and did entertaining, song, dance and all that stuff. Now all of a sudden, they’re looking for one and I’m like, “I’m free. I don’t have a job.”

I applied and after 586 applications, they offered the job to me. I realize, “I can do more than just treat patients clinically. I have an opportunity to heal with my voice. I have an opportunity to share my story on a national and global scale. I have an opportunity to speak and my voice be heard by millions. What can I say that will make a difference that would drop a seed in their life and cause a spark?” Sometimes all you need to leave with a person is a spark. They’ll take that spark and somebody else will help them run with it. Now, this opened doors for me. It allowed me to see that I’ve always had the gifts and talents of being able to speak. Speaking in front of people has never been an issue for me. As a matter of fact, the more the merrier. I got into my element and I learned that people want to hear my story.

Now I realize that even though I’m cultivating the ability to speak and do interviews, there was still certain expertise that I didn’t have so I self-taught myself. I joined the NSA. I went through the appropriate steps to become a certified speaking professional. That is the highest designation awarded by NSA and less than 600 of us in the world hold this designation. I didn’t stop there. I realized, “I still got it from a medical standpoint. The administrative work that I was doing for that healthcare system, I can still do it for other employers, for other healthcare systems if they need me.” I put together my LLC. I made it official. I put myself out there. I learned what it meant for branding. I learned how to brand myself. I worked with different marketing and advertising agencies. I set up the right pathway to brand Dr. Sheri. What does that mean?

Now when people hear it, Google it, they know what to expect. They know that they’re getting somebody top-notch, that’s going to come in, help them organize their organizations such that their employees are in a safe and healthy work environment. They know that Dr. Sheri is coming in and she’s going to serve as an expert witness on the stand for either a work comp case or maybe for a patient who has had some type of environmental insult. They know that Dr. Sheri is going to come to the stage and bring the keynote 110% of herself, emcee a program or moderate a panel. I went through the proper channels to now reinvent myself, doing something that I would have never imagined in 100 years that I would be doing on a consistent basis and I have not looked back.

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Fears And Limitation: You will never be fulfilled if you’re not living out your full potential or unwilling to take the first step.


I thought that when the clinical practice left, that depression and loss was deep and real, I didn’t think that I would be able to feel that void. Once I learned that I would live, I did because again, it changed my mindset, viewpoint. It put me on a whole new path for myself. Now, Dr. Sheri is a keynote speaker, moderator and emcee. She’s also a best-selling author of When Everything Changed: My Journey from Physician to Patient. She’s also the president and CEO of S. Phillips Consulting, a healthcare organization and consulting firm that provides organizations with all of their policies, procedures, updates and guidance to create a safe and healthy work environment.

Ladies, I met Dr. Sheri at the New Media Summit. I was impressed by her personality and vivaciousness. She’s fun because she wears this beautiful black glove. It goes all the way up over her elbow. She looks incredibly elegant. She wears sparkly bracelets around it. She stands out as this amazing woman. When you know her story and you’re like, “That’s interesting.” That’s her signature. You walk into a room and this is part of her branding. It’s incredible. I was thinking like, “What can we talk about on this show as a real estate show that would keep this relevant.” I hope you ladies see why I wanted so much to share her with you because this story, many of us go through our own journey of challenge. The big thing here is to recognize how important mindset is in dealing with change.

We’re dealing with change in the world community now, but even on a micro-level, those of you who are reading may be thinking about investing in real estate. Maybe you have an executive position, a stay-at-home mom or a single mom trying to survive with the kids and to make a change into a new career, a new type of investing or into real estate in any way can feel like such a huge barrier to get past. Whether it’s a big life-changing thing that you can’t be a doctor anymore or it’s, “I want to do something better for me or my family and start investing in real estate,” it’s not less real, not less big, and not less hard. We go through this stuff on so many areas of our life. I hope that Dr. Sheri’s amazing story will encourage and inspire you to take a look at what you can do bigger in your own life for yourself.

I hope it does because there are many individuals out there that need help. Whether we like it or not, people are watching us and they are impacted by how we live. You may think that your role in life is insignificant. You may think that your neighbor doesn’t notice you, you think that, “I’m not noticed in my job. I’m not appreciated in my home,” but you are part of a whole domino series. There are many individuals that are connected to you. You possess an inner strength that if you tap into it, I know that it can be very fearful and scared. When I tell individuals to have courage, I’m not telling them not to fear. I’m telling them to go forward in the midst of that fear. Fear is an emotion that you can’t say, “I’m not afraid,” because fear is going to exist. You can say it all you want but that doesn’t make it so.

Courage is when you can move past it. Courage is when I travel across the world and I’m seeing in women that are affected by lymphedema and they’re not treated. They know the treatment, they know to have compression garments, but they can’t afford it. I hear it over and over again until one time I make up in my mind, “What can I do about it? I’m hearing about it and I’m comforting them. I’m telling women that, ‘You need to get treated.’ I’m informing, I’m making them aware of it, I’m educating, but for the women who can’t afford it, what do I do for them?” I will reach out to them and say, “Send me an email.” I would connect them with the company and tell the company to bill me.

After a while, I realized that, “I can’t do this with everybody that I meet because I meet a lot of people.” I decided to start my own nonprofit organization, the LIVE-Today Foundation. That was a lot stepping out with still having my business and children that you’re raising. I felt that it was necessary because there are underserved, under resourced cancer survivors out there living with lymphedema and they can’t afford compression garments. I wanted to be an avenue for that. There are still physicians out there that don’t know how to properly diagnose lymphedema. They certainly aren’t aware of the psychosocial impact, like losing a career as I did. There are patients that don’t know the importance of treatment. By starting my own nonprofit, I reach out, find partners, found the right sponsors and now we can meet a need.

You fail only when you stop trying. Share on X

Can I meet the global need? Absolutely not, but I’m doing my part. That’s what you and I are sharing with individuals. There is a part that you can do, but you will never know what you are capable of and you will never be fulfilled because you’re not living out your full potential unless you’re willing to take that step. It’s like going up a staircase in the dark. You may not be able to see the full staircase but once you take that first step, even if you can’t fully see that next step, proprioception, your foot can feel that next step and it can help guide you.

Sometimes it may not be a light shining on that next step, but maybe a bump. Maybe a bump from your husband and say, “Get on out there and go take that real estate test,” or a bump from a sister that says, “Can you be my realtor for my home? If anybody’s going to get the commission, I’d rather keep it in the family.” You never know how things are going to come together until you take a step. Nobody’s going to come and knock on your door and say, “I want to buy a house and I want you to be the one to find it for me. Could you go ahead and become a real estate professional?” You got to take a step because God is only going to do what you can’t do, not what you can. Do what you can and allow things to fall in place. If that path doesn’t work, you’re not a failure because you tried something and it doesn’t work out. You fail only when you stop trying.

If that doesn’t work out, it’s okay. You’re not married to it, but you got the experience of stepping through your fear of embracing your own courage and that’s extremely admirable. Few people do it. It’s a thing that makes you feel most alive. Sheri and I are going to do an EXTRA and we’re going to be talking about how to stay in your own lane. What are the top three things you can do in your business that you can excel at so that you can grow and sustain your own business? Dr. Sheri explained it to me this way. There are about ten million things people are telling you you should do for your business. This is true in real estate and any business.

In real estate, it’s how many different strategies are you going to expose on this show? There are many things we could be doing. You need to focus because success does not come until you focus. She’s going to be talking about that in EXTRA and how she’s done it and how you can do it too. Before we move on from here, Dr. Sheri, tell everybody how they can meet you and tell us about your amazing gift that you’re offering my audience.

If you want to find the go up to my website, You can also shoot me an email at [email protected]. There’s a contact form. Reach out to me. I’m here for you. I want to help individuals learn how to truly let go, live today, and every day. My free gift to individuals is the Four Tips On How To L.I.V.E. As I expressed to you, LIVE means, love yourself and others, inspire those around you, voice your dreams and ambitions and to enjoy life. I’ve created an entire blueprint on how to let go and live. What I want to give you, at least as a starter is a teaser. It’s something that can get you started on that journey are the Four Tips On How To L.I.V.E. If you apply those four tips, something’s going to stir down on the inside of you and a light bulb is going to go off. If you never say, “I want the full blueprint.” If you can change your life in jumpstart something of those four tips, then my appearance on this show would have been well worth it.

Dr. Sheri, are you ready for three rapid-fire questions?

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Fears And Limitation: Following your passion will push and carry you through the ups and downs of life.


Yes. I’m ready.

Tell us one super tip on getting started in real estate investing?

One super tip would be to know your passion and follow it. Whatever your passion is, that is what you want to follow because that’s what’s going to push you and carry you through the ups and the downs, through the questioning, “Should I? Would I?” It’s going to be the thing that drives you from day-to-day waking up with joy, pursuing your passion, going to bed at night knowing, “I did a good job.”

Tell us one strategy for being successful in real estate investing?

It’s remaining true to yourself. You’re going to get a lot of advice about what to do, what to say, how to say it and where you should be, but remain true to you. You can follow advice, but if it’s not part of you, the real you, part of your truth, don’t follow it because you won’t be able to live in that truth.

What would you say is one daily practice that you do that contributes to your personal success?

One that I would say is my time for devotion. I say that because people can choose what their devotion is. For me, it is a quiet time to reflect on what I’ve done, what I want to do and how will my life be glorified in someone else’s life? I can’t do that unless I have quiet time to myself to reflect into here where I should go. For me, on a daily basis, I start off my day with a quiet time of devotion listening. I know I have my to-do list, but in my to-do list, what can I do that will also not only be a blessing for my household but a blessing in someone else’s household? Sometimes that takes me different than what I had in black and white to do that day. Sometimes it’s an added phone call, a checkup text or a check-in email, but I find that when I’m willing to give of myself, giving comes back to me.

Thank you for everything you’ve given on this portion of the show. I can’t wait until EXTRA, but this has been amazing.

Thank you, Moneeka for having me. It’s my pleasure.

Ladies, stay tuned for EXTRA. We’ve got more. We’re going to be talking about how to stay in your lane and pick those things that you can excel at so that your business can succeed. If you are subscribed to EXTRA, stay tuned. If you’re not subscribed but would like to be, go to The first seven days are free. You can download as many of these EXTRAs that you like and binge. You can decide if it’s for you or not but get started. There’s lots of good juicy stuff. For those of you that are leaving us, thank you for joining Dr. Sheri and I for this portion of the show. I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, always remember, goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.


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About Sheri Prentiss

REW 38 | Fears And Limitation

Dr. Sheri Y. Prentiss, commonly known as Dr. Sheri, has impacted lives across the globe, promoting the essentials of health and well-being.

Dr. Sheri is an industry leader and subject matter expert in occupational health and wellness, having more than 20 years of experience as a Board-certified occupational medicine physician.

She is also a Certified Physician Executive with a Master’s degree in Public Health and proficiency in healthcare management and organizational administration.


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Upgrading Consciousness And Finding BLISS The Fun Way! With Carl Hunter

REW 37 | Consciousness Upgrade


Our mind is often what holds us back from achieving more success and fulfillment in business and in life. We create our own reality, but too often what we create falls short of what our consciousness is actually capable of. There is a way to upgrade our consciousness and it’s been inside us all the while. Carl Hunter specializes in helping people achieve this upgrade through subconscious mind programming. Carl uses an incredible technology that he invented, called MindFlavors that accelerates this process for his clients. He is, in fact, one of Moneeka Sawyer’s secret weapons in her journey to success! Join in as he humors us with a sneak peek of what this revolutionary technology is truly capable of.

Listen to the podcast here


Upgrading Consciousness And Finding BLISS The Fun Way! With Carl Hunter

Real Estate Investing For Women

I am excited to welcome to the show, Carl Hunter. He is an artist, entrepreneur, transformation coach, and subconscious mind programming expert. He’s also the inventor of the amazing new MindPower Acceleration Technology called MindFlavors. He began his self-development journey as a young child by seeking ways to improve his own behavior in order to get better results in all areas of his life. He started pursuing it seriously in 1987 when he discovered a powerful method to reprogram his subconscious mind.

This led to him achieving his dreams by the age of 31 of traveling around the world, getting into the diamond business, and moving to the Virgin Islands where he spent many years enjoying the tropical island life. In early 2015, while continuing to pursue faster and more powerful methods of transformation, Carl discovered some ancient power secrets. Using these newfound ideas, he invented this revolutionary technology that has trumped all his previous techniques for harnessing the power of our subconscious mind.

Carl is one of my coaches. As we go through this show, so much of the time, I feel like I’m bringing you new ideas by real estate professionals, but I haven’t shared with you yet my secret weapons. The people that make me who I am in my business and my life. They support my bliss and take me to the next level because bliss is a forever evolving thing. I’m going to constantly be getting more blissful and should you too. I asked Carl to be on the show because he’s one of those secret weapons. I wanted to share him with you because he’s amazing. Ladies, lean into this conversation because Carl is a special friend and mentor of mine. Carl, welcome to the show.

Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Moneeka. It’s always great to be with you.

Tell us a little bit about your journey, like the high-level two-minute version of how you got to where you are.

About many years ago, I got into business for myself. I was young and I started a diamond business. In the beginning, it was going well, and then things started falling apart. I didn’t know why. I didn’t have the experience in business to understand a lot of the mechanics that normally people could put into place. I had some good understanding of the business, but what I didn’t understand was, what was affecting the business was my consciousness.

I had to hit rock bottom before I could realize that something had to change in me in order to change the outer world. I started learning about the subconscious mind. I discovered a way to program my subconscious mind in such a simple way where I could see overnight results. Once I started experimenting with that, it completely changed everything because I realized that like in the diamond business, real estate, and any other business where sales are involved, our level of success is in direct correlation with our level of success in our consciousness. If our consciousness expands, we are a larger container to handle more success.

Ladies, feel into that one. Wouldn’t you like to be a larger container to handle more success, more bliss, more joy, more expansion and more money? I love that, Carl.

If our consciousness expands, we become a larger container to handle more success. Share on X

What I learned in this whole process is that everything in life, we’re creating our reality in every way, all the time. Most of how we’re creating our reality is below our level of consciousness. We think that we’re in control of things and we make decisions, then we use our willpower, which is with the conscious mind to make things happen in the physical world. It’s like the tip of the iceberg below the surfaces, 95%, that’s driving the behavior and communications that happen between us. A lot of things that we don’t see there, that’s more of the invisible communication and things that are happening that have a bigger impact and influence on the outcome.

Let’s start talking a little bit about MindFlavors. How you develop that technology and why?

Once I learned how to program my subconscious mind, it’s a writing technique. It’s simple. You do it before you go to sleep in a certain way, and you can see the results the next day. Once I saw the magic in this and the power of it, I decided right away that I was going to master the process. I did everything I could to leverage the tool of the programming with my own mind. I’m tapping into my own genius mind. For years, I live my dream life. I traveled around the world. I lived in the Virgin Islands. I did all the things that I love doing and moved to New York City to expand my art career. I had got to a point where I realized that again, my consciousness had to expand in order for things to go further. At this point, I was ready for a big expansion, big upgrades, big next level and high-level transformation.

I decided to program my subconscious mind to produce that result. I programmed myself to increase my manifestation abilities exponentially. The beautiful thing about the subconscious mind is it doesn’t have limits. Whatever you can describe, you can program and it can happen. The way this works is you program it and then you observe in the outer world things that show up in your experience because you begin to attract new things in alignment with the new requests that you’re putting with your programming. I attracted to me information that opened up new doors to new ways to influence our minds for a manifestation. I came across some ancient wisdom that I’ve now combined with modern technology to create this MindFlavors experience that creates new neural pathways in your brain in 4.5 minutes.

What does MindFlavors help you to do? It makes near more neural pathways and more access to your subconscious mind.

It does a lot of things automatically right off the bat. I’ll give you some ideas about what types of things we hear from people when they first experienced this. One of the first things that we noticed about everyone is that the negative mind chatter that most people are accustomed to hearing all day long suddenly disappears. It’s completely gone. For most people, that’s such clarity they’ve never experienced before. What goes along with that because when we talk about rewriting and rewiring the brain, creating new neural pathways, everything that we experience is based on patterns of beliefs that we’ve developed during our impressionable years when our subconscious mind was being created with that structure. According to that structure, those patterns, that becomes its own frequency that then attracts things that match that frequency.

Our frequency is based on a lot of different patterns that we’ve developed over the years, that we’ve picked up. These patterns for most people are not expansive patterns of unlimited possibilities, success, and all of those things. They’re patterns that were developed in moments of crisis or moments of fear and things that we developed when we didn’t know that we were developing those beliefs. If somebody gave us a dirty look, we might’ve decided that people are mean.

If we decided that in those impressionable years, then that pattern gets developed. It gets ingrained into the subconscious and then the subconscious simply executes the pattern. It carries out the pattern. If it picks up a pattern like that, then it’s going to influence everything else in a person’s experience. It’ll always have to be filtered through that pattern. The MindFlavors technology immediately clears out a whole bunch of that on a broad scale. It’s called MindFlavors because there’s more than one flavor. What you’re focusing on while you’re using the technology is what tends to expand in your experience.

Consciousness Upgrade: Our conscious mind is the driver. The subconscious mind doesn’t know where to go unless you tell it where to go.


People experience new levels of clarity right away. In our program, around day three, people experience and often express getting a complete new download of their business. Maybe things that they’ve been struggling with for years to try to figure out. Sometimes, all of a sudden, they get crystal clarity on how to put it all together. The reason why I believe this is happening at such a rapid pace like this because we’re tapping into the language of the universe, which I’m sure you’ve heard before that the language of the university is Math.

What I’m talking about in particular is Geometry and not just Geometry, but Sacred Geometry. There are all kinds of new patterns of connections that are occurring here and alignments that happen from this advanced technology that wipe out those limiting beliefs and give you the opportunity to immediately create new neural pathways of success, happiness, joy, and all of the things that we like and believe that we can create with our conscious mind.

Our conscious mind is the driver. The subconscious mind doesn’t know where to go unless you tell it where to go. For most people, were they told it to go is not in the places where they’d like it to go. This is a way that you can rewrite that, turn things around, and have things flowing in the direction that you enjoy, and having all of your energy and focus. It’s amazing how easy life can be and how easy we can manifest when we are not working against ourselves. With the old programming, most people are working 95% against themselves without realizing it. They’re working with their conscious mind and willpower, and that’s why it can be challenging. This is a way to completely release all of that stuff and have life flow a lot easier.

I do know that most of us are taught that the way that we succeed is through focus, willpower and discipline. That’s what equals success. What’s been amazing is to discover through my process with you that those words can be changed. I love how you change them around. You call discipline to blisscipline. Tweaking the paradigm a little bit doesn’t take a lot. Tweaking the paradigm in the conscious mind allows us to open to all these new possibilities while you’re working on the subconscious so that they can come together in a much more cohesive form rather than this tug of war that normally happens. You talk a lot about living from the inside out. I know you’ve already touched on this a little bit, but let’s dive a little deeper into that. Can you explain more about what living from the out is like?

It seems like it’s such a simple thing, but it’s a big concept because we’ve all been conditioned to live from the outside in. When I was young, like everyone else, I grew up that way. I got trained to work hard and I was good at it. I was able to have success in those ways. Do you remember my story about the diamond business? I worked hard. I made things happen. When they weren’t staying in place, I didn’t know why that was happening. Why it was happening is because the inside wasn’t already built and in alignment with what I was seeking in the out outer world. I was approaching it by looking at how do I fix it in the outer world?

Living from the inside out is we don’t do that at all. We don’t completely ignore, but we ignore the outer world. We look at the outer world as an indication of what our creation from our past experience or past programming. If you see something show up now, it’s because in the past you were in alignment with that outcome and now, it’s here. That past could have been five minutes ago or could have been a year ago. You may have put out the intention. Living from the inside out is instead of fixing things in the external world, we build it on the inside. When something happens in the outer world, it is like the gas gauge in the car. When you see the gas gauge go down to empty, you don’t get mad at the gas gauge and say, “Why aren’t you went full?” You realize that’s an indicator telling you to fill up the fuel tank.

The same thing is true here. When we’re living from the inside out and we have an interaction with someone in the external world and maybe it’s not one that’s pleasant at the moment, we look at that like, “This is interesting. The programming that’s inside me, that whatever pattern from the past is producing this result. What is happening right now?” We identify what’s happening. We reverse engineer and change with our words. With our program, we change what we see. When I was in the jewelry business, in any sales, it’s the same thing. If we have an interaction with a customer and it didn’t go the way we would have liked it to go, we can say, “What happened there? Maybe the communication wasn’t great.”

We can change and program that our communication is excellent with our prospective clients and they easily turn into happy clients and happy customers. Living from the inside out is a whole new way of looking at your world, knowing that you are the one that’s creating your reality. You’re not looking at the world from, “What’s happening to me?” You’re looking at the world of, “What am I generating and creating in the external experience?” You look at everyone else and every other component in the world as simply actors or props or components of your movie, that you are the writer, director and creator of it all. If we’d like for other people to show up differently in our world as actors in our movie, then we rewrite the script and program ourselves that in our movie and our pattern, we attract people who show up in this way.

It's amazing how easy life can be and how easy we can manifest when we are not working against ourselves. Share on X

That’s important because so much of the time we think we have somebody in our life that we care about and, “They’re not making us happy” and we need to change them. It’s a little bit different to think about, first of all, they can’t make you happy, they can either support it or not. The person that makes you happy is you and your response to that person is what changes that relationship, not changing them. We can’t change other people, nor circumstances. The only thing that we have real access to is ourselves, and this technology gives us more access to take more control, as well as more responsibility for our own lives.

What I love about this whole process is when you get started with it and you start living from the inside out, it’s the most exciting thing in the world. You will realize that there’s nothing out there happening in your world that you aren’t influencing and with the stroke of a pen or other tools and easy things that you can do quickly, you can transform your reality. It can seem magical because most of what is happening, is below our level of consciousness. We’re only 5% and some people say it’s as little as 1% conscious of what’s happening and all the different things that are going on in our experience.

We’re seeing the tip of the iceberg and the surface of that. When we program ourselves to have a different experience and people show up differently, it can seem like magic because our conscious mind of that 1% or 5% is saying, “How did that happen? I worked hard to do this before and nothing showed up. All of a sudden, I’m doing nothing. I’m not doing anything different and there it is.” It seems very magical in that way.

I know it’s technology, but let’s do a little deeper dive into what makes this different than other modalities in personal development that people might have already seen?

What makes it different is that this is an external tool and technology that you can use that changes things internally. It allows you to reset who you are, currently showing up as to who you truly are because we’ve taken on all kinds of patterns and things. What’s different about this is it’s highly accelerated and it’s transforming things on many different levels at the same time. It is a synergistic approach because there are many different things.

I’ve been using the technology to program myself, to make the technology better. It’s been continually improving in that sense. Most approaches that are recommended in this world for change are dealing with the conscious mind. That’s one of the main things that is different here is living from the inside out. We’re working primarily with the subconscious mind. Our program is a lucrative sales success, but we don’t even talk about sales because we’re working with the consciousness that is what affects the outcome.

What’s interesting in my experience in working with you guys, is that I’ve done a lot of work. Bliss is my thing. I’ve done all of those things. I could discover it in life to bring me closer to my own bliss and to clear out all that stuff and all those patterns. We do meditation. I’ve done a lot of brain entrainment. There’s been a lot of different stuff that used even some visual stuff, but nothing pulls it all together in the same way and goes as deep. I feel like I had cleared out so much stuff. I was totally over all that stuff and somehow, we got even deeper. I’m even lighter. I’m even more clear. We got to new levels that didn’t seem accessible with any of the other things that I had tried that’s available, even if it’s dealing with the subconscious mind. Not everything that I’ve tried deals with the conscious mind and willpower. There has been a lot that also deals with the subconscious, but nothing to this level.

That was very well put and especially from someone who’s experienced it. Thank you. That’s nicely put.

REW 37 | Consciousness Upgrade

Consciousness Upgrade: Living from the inside out is a whole new way of looking at your world, knowing that you are the one that’s creating your reality.


Let’s talk a little bit about how you see that MindFlavors might help in the real estate business. There are a couple of things I want to preemptively tell you. There are a lot of people that are reading this show that our agents are in sales, but most of the people are investors. They own their own properties, purchase them and might put renters in there.

Let’s use that same concept of success in sales with investing. It’s the same thing because what we’re talking about is changing our own patterns. It doesn’t matter where we are. Wherever we are, we can always increase and go higher. With regards to investing, the best way to go into an investment is to be in alignment with the successful outcome. The best way to be into that is to tap into things that go beyond what the conscious mind is aware of. The conscious mind is like being tossed about on the top of the ocean in comparison. When we’re working with the subconscious mind, you are more grounded and more in alignment.

It is what motivates you to take the actions that produce that result. Let me back up a little bit. With investing, for example, if you’re starting from scratch on investment, if you can program your mind in advance to produce a successful outcome from that investment. Whenever decisions come up, maybe it’s when to get out of the investment, the whole host of other potential points along the way, but when it comes to decisions, your motivations are going to come from those patterns and programs that are in the subconscious.

If the pattern says, “No matter what I do, I always get less than what I put in.” No matter what a person does, that’s what’s going to be the outcome. If the reverse is true, you can be skipping along happy doing hardly anything at all and have huge success. It’s based on those patterns. The same thing is true in an investment. When you’re going into that investment, you can program yourself to be calm about your investing. You can program yourself to always buy low and sell high. That’s a good way to put it here, to bring it down into more basic terminology here.

Buy low and sell high seems basic and obvious to the conscious mind. When someone is making the decision and there are all kinds of emotions involved and all kinds of other factors, variables, and business effects different things in their lives and their decisions, go right back to that subconscious program. If they believe they deserve to have all of those things working wonderfully, then they will make the choice that will create that outcome.

If the person believes, but they have a fear about something or whatever patterns in there, then they might make a decision that would cause that potentially good investment to not be such a great investment. We are influencing these things on many subtle levels. The best way to get more advancement in any part of your life is to upgrade your consciousness and that happens primarily through the subconscious mind.

I think that through working with this technology, one of the things that have expanded in me is my trust in the universe. I trust that the universe has my back and that things are working out exactly as they should be working out. For instance, I have a construction project that I’ve been sitting on for eight years. We’ve been bleeding money on this. We finally got our permits and we funded on our commercial loan, but it’s been a real process. I know that through the beginning, there was all this angst, upset, anger and frustration. We moved through this. It’s been a long process. I’ve had to let it go. My trust in the process and the trust that everything is going to happen exactly as it should did not happen.

I believe that the universe has always taken care of me. It will always provide success for me. I believe all of those things and my life shows that, but to the level that I’ve experienced it now with this project, didn’t happen until I was working with you guys. I am in absolute awe of when the loan finally closed, we thought we’d be opening champagne and having a big party. What happened inside of me was, “Of course.” There was an expectation, not that we don’t celebrate. Life is a celebration because I know you guys do that more than anybody. There’s the expectation of success. Success is not a surprise. Failure would be a surprise.

Program yourself to be successful right from the start. Share on X

Most of us live in the other way, where success is a surprise. If we can look at that, success is not a surprise, success is expected. When we have things that don’t go exactly right, we might consider failures, they’re just a signal to tweak. It’s not a failure. It’s a completely different way of looking at things and so much more relaxing, especially in a situation like mine where, “This is a $5 million project. We’ve got a lot going on and a lot riding on this.” There’s lots of opportunity for stress, for being afraid of what will go wrong and for those things, but they’re not happening. None of that is happening inside of me and because of the way that I’m leading, it’s not happening to my business partner either. It’s been such an interesting shift in me, in my life and my business.

That is one of the things that we notice right away are doubt, worry and fear disappear. Those are the things that usually affect people in making decisions that they don’t want to make. When doubt, worry, and fear are gone and you’re in flow and confident naturally without even an effort, you’re using all of your energy in a positive creative way. I like to use certain expressions and cliches in reverse. When those things happen, I like to say, “That’s life.” When the good things like that happen, when you got your financing, “That’s life.”

Since I’ve been working with you, I do that too, “C’est la vie.” It’s all about like, “I got a Tesla.” It’s such a sweeter way of looking at life. I’m good at this bliss thing. When you met me, you knew that immediately. I believe that we are constantly evolving and I will always get more blissful. I’m not as blissful today as I will be tomorrow. I do believe all of those things. I did not think anybody could take me to such a higher level. I’m grateful that we joined forces and that’s been happening in my life. I want to say thank you to you for that.

You’re welcome and thank you for sharing that. I appreciate that on many levels. It’s true. It is an entirely new level of experience. Sometimes it’s not the easiest thing to explain to someone until they’ve experienced it themselves. That’s why we do like to let people have that opportunity to experience it themselves and see what all the excitement’s about.

In EXTRA, he’s going to be talking about this programming, the writing exercise that he does for his programming in exactly how he does it. You’ve probably heard things similar. In my many years of personal development, I have never seen anything like this or have an impact on me that it had. It’s surprisingly simple, but because it’s simple does not make it impactful. As a matter of fact, because it’s simple, it makes it more impactful. He’s going to be sharing that with us in EXTRA. Before we move on to any of that stuff, Carl, could you tell us a little bit about what you are offering my ladies so that they can experience the technology?

We like people to have the experience of what this is like and see for themselves. What we can offer for your readers is, we meet on Zoom and we give you the opportunity to experience this 4.5-minute video. We stay right there with you while you’re experiencing it and then we talk about it afterwards. The way to do this, what we do ask that you do beforehand is to take a look at some of the before and after videos of other people who have gone through this experience so you have an idea of what to expect. It’ll be things like you’ve never experienced before, but this will give you some idea of what to expect from the experience.

If you go to, you can look at the before and after videos. Also, you can see some of the testimonials of what other people have been experiencing, and you can also get more information if you’d like there. Once you’ve done those things and looked through that information, you can sign up to meet with us. We will meet with you on Zoom and have you experienced the technology yourself.

It’s such an amazing experience the first time you go through MindFlavors. Ladies, go forward, go check it out. You’ll be grateful. You never pursue the program or anything like that. Having that experience, knowing that there’s this whole new world of opportunities opens you up to new ways of thinking and being. It’s an amazing experience, even doing that initial consultation. Carl, are you ready for our three rapid-fire questions?

REW 37 | Consciousness Upgrade

Consciousness Upgrade: When we’re working with the subconscious mind, you are more grounded and more in alignment.

I’ll do my best.

Tell us one super tip by getting started investing in real estate.

One super tip would be to program yourself to be successful right from the start. That what I would say is you can do it right off the bat. Program yourself to be successful with all of your deals right from the beginning.

Tell us one strategy for being successful in real estate investing.

To get into the mechanics of your deals, have clarity on what are the pieces to your deals that require being in place and then programming that on the inside so that you are completely aligning yourself with all aspects of success in all aspects of your deals.

What would you say Carl is one daily practice that you do that contributes to your personal success?

I do my programming every night. It’s the power of the pen here. The thing that I do is I live from the inside. I focus on the outcomes that I’d like to create and I create it on the inside. I then just live life, be happy and let the flow happen.

You’re consistent. I mean, “I program.” “You should program.” You should live from me and say that. There is a thing about people that are consistent and successful is they know what they’re doing. Someone successful can give you advice about what they’re doing to create success. It might be repetitive, but it’s because it’s real and it’s what they do. Thank you for that. I’m excited about moving into EXTRA. If you are already subscribed to EXTRA, stay tuned, we are going to be talking about his secret weapon, the thing that he does to program his mind and he’s taught me how to do that too. It’s a special thing that he does.

We’re going to be talking about that in EXTRA. If you’re not subscribed to Extra, but would like to be. Go to You get the first seven days for free. I would recommend this is the time that you go and check it out. What Carl’s going to share with us could change everything, not just in real estate, but in your life and your relationships with your health. We’ve got another year. 2021 is right around the corner. This might be the thing that you take into the new year that could change everything.

In the meantime, if you do get Carl’s episode and you can get a bunch of other ones downloaded too. However, if you are leaving me now, thank you for joining Carl and me for this portion of the show. I appreciate you. I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, remember, goals without action are dreams. Get out there, take action and create the life your heart deeply desires. I’ll see you soon. Bye.


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About Carl Hunter

REW 37 | Consciousness UpgradeThe creator of MindFlavors® is Carl Hunter, an artist and entrepreneur from New York City.  He began the self-development journey as a young child by seeking ways to improve his own behavior in order to get better results in all areas of his life.

He started pursuing it seriously in 1987 when he discovered a powerful method to reprogram his own subconscious mind.

This led to him achieving his dreams by the age of 31, of traveling around the world, getting into the diamond business, and moving to the Virgin Islands, where he spent almost 10 years enjoying the tropical island life before moving to New York City to pursue his art career.


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